What the hell is wrong with the world...

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When I left WP and got my HTC M8 Android I was extremely happy to be able to have my phone do what I wanted it to do and have the option to have first choice of apps.

Now that sounds terrible because I loved the 1520 I had but some of the little things that I had to deal with drove me back to Android.

For the longest time I bought into the safe route by believing 3rd party apps were just as good and defended the platform when my Android friends mentioned this to me.

The app gap isn't fiction it is real and matters to millions of people who have their own needs and preferences, so acting like WP is the best os is delusional to those who are honest with themselves. I will say this because this is the truth, if every app was available for WP as they are on the other platforms, WP market share would be larger, but nothing compared to IOS or Android, it just wouldn't be as dismal.

People have to be able to feel that they will be able to look forward to new apps all the time and the ones they like and use will be updated regularly. It matters because of perception of worth. WP doesn't offer this perception to the people who want a smartphone.

The reason that the perception is WP is dead is because Microsoft has allowed it to be this way.

It doesn't matter that there is a app gap when you have a company that goes balls to the wall and promotes the living daylights out of the phone with award winning commercials. When the company does this and commits millions in advertising that is relevant to the public even if it has shortcomings it shows that they are behind the product that they are promoting. If they are perceived by the public as being committed development of apps will be vastly improved. People who are looking for a new device will have their interest up. If the carriers know that a company is committed and throwing millions into advertising they will want to cash in on the advertising to make money.... They will promote the hell out of it and have their sales force promote it in the stores.. They will lead the customers to them because more and more people will come in asking for them...
It all goes back to Microsofts lack of commitment of the platform. They have to put up or get out of the game.

A great series of commercials like those of Apple is what is needed to get people excited about the platform then follow through with the software on time or ahead of schedule and for the love of God have some top end phones to compete with the other platforms. People want the best, they may not have the cash for it but with the programs that are out now even the most expensive one is in reach for many.

Why the hell should companies build apps for a platform when the company that owns it appears to not damn about it?

Perception is the name of the game here. Why does Apple do so well... Perception... People buy because of it and it's not all about apps it's the perception that Apple has created about it.

The iPhone has some serious shortcomings and you pay for the privilege of owning it from the cost of the phone to the cost of the apps. It's perceived to be a better phone and it's not really all that great. Apple has committed millions and millions building this perception and it's time for Microsoft to start doing the same thing.

If Microsoft is one of the best software companies why aren't they spending the resources building the best applications for their own phones?

Why aren't they spending the money on building the best top of the line phone?


I truly want the platform to really stand out and compete... Hell we need more than just Android and IOS... but if Microsoft isn't willing to.... then no one is going to buy their phones.

Cry me a river if you want but then build me bridge to get over it... Posted from my HTC M8
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Windows phone needs better multitasking(Store can download apps in background, but browser can`t), Don`t need All apps, but important apps quality must par with android & IOS. Browser is very bad now(for some websites), hope spartan change that. Yes Performance wise WP is best, But there are certain drawbacks there, We must accept that!
Everything is wrong with this world!

Microsoft used to do the right thing about UI experiences (menu at bottom), but no one accept it.
Now they're doing the wrong thing to being success, everything on screen are out of your finger range now! That's how Android OS succeed to become popular!

Microsoft wanted Nokia become a failure so they can buy the company at low cost! The cost is the failure of Windows Phone 7.

Microsoft never care about the world! They only care about US and it never change, even though most of Lumia phones are not being purchased in US.

Most of Lumia phone are made in Vietnam, and guess what? I never saw any Lumia phone on TV, they're all using iPhone on TV! How the hell this happened?

Oh wait... no, It's Microsoft fault!
Let's not forget that Windows 10 will not only bring even more cross-developed software, but the shared bits will also be a significant factor in driving enterprise sales. I mean enterprise in terms of device menufacturers, as well as companies who need thousands of devices for their business.
Let's not forget that Windows 10 will not only bring even more cross-developed software, but the shared bits will also be a significant factor in driving enterprise sales. I mean enterprise in terms of device menufacturers, as well as companies who need thousands of devices for their business.

That's all well and good, but for every 1 business phone there are 100000 personal phones and that is a conservative number.

This means nothing to the individual wanting a phone from a company that actually cares about their needs.

To convince the masses to buy they are going to have to refocus all their efforts on getting the word out about the phones. They are going to have to spend millions of dollars in advertising the phones not hololens tablets laptops desktops or anything else. Unequivocal commitment to the platform will be the only thing that can change the opinion from the tech sector to the salespeople to the individual buying a new phone.

Apple knows this and has been doing this for years with a phone that has been lacking in many regards. Google has taken another route by getting out in front of the competition on advertising by showing they are all together but different... They are highlighting the fragmentation of the platform and are doing extremely well.

Microsoft has to beat them at their own game and they sure as hell can't do this by giving away the store.

I hate to say this but I don't think Microsoft cares about the phone division. They just care about getting people to use their services since they command the desktop and enterprise sectors. There is no other reason to believe otherwise.

Laptops desktops tablets are pretty well established and more and more people are using them but if Microsoft truly wants to have it's phones used in massive numbers then they have to become a leader in providing the incentive to use a WP over a iPhone or Android phone. They have to be out in the public eye on every medium constantly. They are the only ones who can change public opinion and turn it around.

Cry me a river if you want but then build me bridge to get over it... Posted from my HTC M8
"People disagree with me, so I'm going to go make a thread on an Internet forum and ask what's wrong with them because having a different opinion is appalling."

The problem is with Microsoft. You said it yourself--they won't release a flagship, and it's such a sorry state when an OEM (even one whose hardware services switched hands last year) can't release a flagship on AT&T for 2.5 years. It's downright pitiful. as for the app issue, it's subjective. Sometimes, your job or life requires a set of software Windows Phone can't give you.

The real question to ask is why you struggle to understand this.
BlackBerry doesn't have half the market share that WP has, yet they're an enthusiastic bunch. No gloom and doom, no constant whining and no moaning about "BlackBerry doesn't care about us". People, grow up. It's a PHONE!!! Stephen Stills said it best "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with".
Truly, I hope it never is #1. I like being the underdog.

I just don't ever want it to go away. I can't stand Android or iOS, they're both so clunky and cumbersome. Apps just don't matter to me, I care about functionality and the things WP does well.
WP is here to stay for as long as MS thinks it can be profitable, but when the sales and profits can't cover the costs, then we can say buhbye
Let's not forget that Windows 10 will not only bring even more cross-developed software, but the shared bits will also be a significant factor in driving enterprise sales. I mean enterprise in terms of device menufacturers, as well as companies who need thousands of devices for their business.

Not sure what companies you think have thousands of devices....

Also MS is a bit late to the party. They had the opportunity to make W8 the device to replace BB but didn't have the Enterprise solutions people wanted so they lost out. Most companies have already switched to iPhone and Android.
Even when Microsoft does make a flagship, the advertising is terrible or just ends after a month. With the 930 and icon, there ads were terrible.
You haven't been to Crackberry in a while, have you?

Actually, yes. The 10.3 update has quieted most of the whiners. You're always going to have malcontents, that's the nature of today's "I want it all and I want it now" society.
BlackBerry doesn't have half the market share that WP has, yet they're an enthusiastic bunch. No gloom and doom, no constant whining and no moaning about "BlackBerry doesn't care about us". People, grow up. It's a PHONE!!! Stephen Stills said it best "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with".

Well I think the difference right now is that BlackBerry is actually making some progress whereas Microsoft is just kind of throwing a sh!t ton of phones out there and saying "here". I'm not a whiner at all, but since Nadella has taken over, Windows Phone seems like it has been thrown on the back burner in favor of expanding all of Microsoft's services.

I also get that they're working hard at Windows 10, but it's just the place we're at in Microsoft's timeline right now where there isn't anything tangible at all for Windows Phone users to care much about, and there hasn't been in a while
Actually, yes. The 10.3 update has quieted most of the whiners. You're always going to have malcontents, that's the nature of today's "I want it all and I want it now" society.

And also, to be fair, BB10 users up until 10.2.1 had a lot to legitimately complain about too. But at this point for them, they're down to just their hardcore fans who would buy anything with a BlackBerry logo on it. Everyone else left, though the Passport and even the Classic seem to have created a spark for them.
Truth is that Microsoft have no one to blame but themselves fo r their bad reputation. I love MS and the direction they are going in. Recently I have dinner with a good friend and talk turned to tech. We went to Vegas 2 years ago and on my say so he purchased a Surface 2, I told him to get the SP2 and he opted for S2. I explained what Hololens is and its potential, and the other exiting things coming in Windows 10, he just shook his head and said, 'but its Microsoft' I wont ever buy anything from MS as it just doesn't work and I cant really argue with him as looking back through short history reveals catastrophic blunder after blunder. Yes I believe MS has turned a corner and they need to deliver outstanding tech (without stupid hardware and software bugs ) to win the hearts and minds of those who have been bitten. One bitten twice shy as they say.
though the Passport and even the Classic seem to have created a spark for them

That's what I was referring to. The Classic is arguably a mid-range phone at best and the Passport is clearly not for everybody. Yet there is a certain buzz as you stated.
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