What the hell is wrong with the world...

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I don't care for the cudo's ;) but its almost a given fact that most people choose what ever there friends have.
Just ask someone randomly why they have choose the platform they are on.
Most answers you get is that they where advised by others or they have seen others using it.
Not many people are interesting in how it really works as long if it runs the most common apps seen from there friends.

So yea its save to say that most people are followers.

You're making huge assumptions that are without merit. I fully understand that some people buy iPhones because they are popular, or because their friends have them, but you are lumping the entire smartphone buying public in with this group. You are saying that the only people intelligent enough to buy the smartphone that's right for them, or one that really gives them what they need, are WP users. Three cheers and a round of applause to you, you've certainly got this all figured out.
No, completeness and stability, owning three WP and having used the others it is pretty obvious the latter falls short. If someone asked me now where WP is heading I'd have no clue, lots of dreams and hopes but we ain't there yet, not sure we will ever be at this pace.

Comparing my 27 month old WP to my almost 6 month one, similarly spec'd, I see a regression rather than progression, the elder is far superior in everyday use which is contrary to what I thought should have been at least the same, why?

I look at my very old Omnia 7 and I miss a lot of things in my 930 (People Hub, Photo Hub) so I understand you.

I never understand people complaining about flagship phones. Windows last year had the HTC M8, the Lumia 930, Samsung Ativ SE, all high end phones. Iphone releases once in 2 years one model phone!
We have so many phones to choose on Windows platform; high end, midrange, low end, for everybody something.

I think that most people don't see the 930 as a real flag ship because of the lack of glance and sd card through 32g is more than enough for most people and the phone have other features that helps you live without glance (double tap). The M8, I get the feeling that most os WP users are Lumia fans and no real into htc devices.

Please don't put words in my mouth, so to speak. I didn't say that, but while we're on the subject, apps do make a platform/OS/device more desirable. You can have the most beautiful device and a functionally perfect OS, but what good is that if you can't use the apps you want to?
Sorry man...it was more a question than other thing.
You're making huge assumptions that are without merit. I fully understand that some people buy iPhones because they are popular, or because their friends have them, but you are lumping the entire smartphone buying public in with this group. You are saying that the only people intelligent enough to buy the smartphone that's right for them, or one that really gives them what they need, are WP users. Three cheers and a round of applause to you, you've certainly got this all figured out.

Well in fact it is... There has been a research about it.
I believe it was from intomart but i am not sure.
And i am not "lumping" the entire smartphone user groups, i speak of most, you speak about all.
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Quite simply, I use what I choose to use. That's the beauty of being a consumer--I can buy and use what I want. That's also why I own Windows, Android, and iOS products. Once I see a reason not to use a WP as my daily driver, I'll use or buy something else to replace it with. Like I've said before in other posts, I'm just as loyal to a product/service as it is loyal to me. The talk of WP being doomed or will never be relevant doesn't bother me one bit. I have all the apps I need minus Chase and Capital One. So for me, WP suits me just fine. What's good for me isn't good for the next person/consumer, however.

These pocket computers we carry around are like a toolbox, the more tools they have (apps), the better they are. A toolbox that simply looks the best but has the least amount of tools inside is not what most people would want.

One of the best analogies I've heard in a while. Couldn't better explain the app situation and WP better than that. The app situation is a viscous cycle: Not enough market share to gain apps and not enough apps to gain market share. Hopefully this will change soon... I would love to see WP flourish.
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What kind of needs? Apps? so a good OS is judged by the amount of app that you can use?
Duh. Imagine a car that costs $100 and has every safety, performance and luxury feature ever imagined. But it runs on unicorn sweat instead of gasoline. It wouldn't matter if it is the best car ever. Judging and using are two different things. If I don't own a unicorn farm, I can't use it. Same with the Windows Phone OS. If someone needs to accomplish things with a phone that there are no WP apps for, they can't use it even if it is the best OS.
What kind of needs? Apps? so a good OS is judged by the amount of app that you can use?

This is the main reason it's stuck at 3% market, so yes.

Yes, regardless of what many people here say, apps are the most important part of a smartphone to many(if not most) people. What would Windows desktop be if it didn't have all of the programs and PC games? Would people still want to use it? No, they wouldn't. It is the same with phones.

These pocket computers we carry around are like a toolbox, the more tools they have(apps), the better they are. A toolbox that simply looks the best but has the least amount of tools inside is not what most people would want.

Well put. To add on to your reply, it's not about iOS and Android having a huge number of apps, it's the quality and availability of them. The app gap is not defined by Microsoft having their version of the "Top 50" apps, it's those apps that aren't ranked. Banking apps (local, regional and national), drug store apps, grocery and coupon apps, credit card apps, education apps, automobile apps, automation apps --- Windows has next to no support in those key areas, these are tools people use on a day to day basis --- whether its depositing checks, transferring cash, filling a prescription, studying for tests, tracking credit card rewards, starting your vehicle, checking your vehicles health report or linking up to it's built in infotainment system... having a WP will either leave you left out, using a third party option or struggling with a barely supported first party option. Even the "good" apps on WP are rather lackluster when compared to the features available in their iOS and Android counterparts.

Windows Phone is a great OS, but gone are the days of using your phone for mainly calls, texts, pics and internet. So a smartphone is only as smart as the tools available to it. iOS is a pretty boring OS and I've never liked it, but I will be the first to admit that it is the most powerful and feature rich of the 3 because of the apps available to it
This is the main reason it's stuck at 3% market, so yes.

Well put. To add on to your reply, it's not about iOS and Android having a huge number of apps, it's the quality and availability of them. The app gap is not defined by Microsoft having their version of the "Top 50" apps, it's those apps that aren't ranked. Banking apps (local, regional and national), drug store apps, grocery and coupon apps, credit card apps, education apps, automobile apps, automation apps --- Windows has next to no support in those key areas, these are tools people use on a day to day basis --- whether its depositing checks, transferring cash, filling a prescription, studying for tests, tracking credit card rewards, starting your vehicle, checking your vehicles health report or linking up to it's built in infotainment system... having a WP will either leave you left out, using a third party option or struggling with a barely supported first party option. Even the "good" apps on WP are rather lackluster when compared to the features available in their iOS and Android counterparts.

Windows Phone is a great OS, but gone are the days of using your phone for mainly calls, texts, pics and internet. So a smartphone is only as smart as the tools available to it. iOS is a pretty boring OS and I've never liked it, but I will be the first to admit that it is the most powerful and feature rich of the 3 because of the apps available to it

So MS needs desperately to start supporting companies to build apps for their ecosystem? this seems like if I was a land owner and i have to pay someone work there and they keep the goodies.
Its sad to say but its the truth.
Apps are the extension of the o.s. Without them it will die a quick death.
That's the main reason why people don't choose for a different platform.
When i look at some tv shows where you can participate with apps its always android and ios.
A lot of webpages also have issues with the wp webbrowser....that's not the fault of ms but it's the way how WebPages are build. But people don't care for that, they just want it to run everything they want and don't care about the how's and the why's.
Its sad to say but its the truth.
Apps are the extension of the o.s. Without them it will die a quick death.
That's the main reason why people don't choose for a different platform.
When i look at some tv shows where you can participate with apps its always android and ios.
A lot of webpages also have issues with the wp webbrowser....that's not the fault of ms but it's the way how WebPages are build. But people don't care for that, they just want it to run everything they want and don't care about the how's and the why's.

I think that MS keeps falling on show off their stuff. MS Marketing department is a joke, I'm from Portugal and I never Saw an ad on tv about WP. I think , and I hope i'm wrong, that there are a lot of people out there that never heard about WP. There's no doubt that the Os is amazing, super smooth, maybe the most secure of all 3 an with some features that that kills the other two, like People Hub is way ahead of any contact list on Android and Iphone not to mention the integration with the socials networks. Yeah MS really need to change their game because a lot more good publicity bring a lot more user and with that more developers and more 'official apps'.
So MS needs desperately to start supporting companies to build apps for their ecosystem? this seems like if I was a land owner and i have to pay someone work there and they keep the goodies.

Microsoft already tried this approach a couple of years ago. They were offering $100 for any app published, up to $2,000 per developer. And offered up to $100,000 for what I would guess was limited to big player dev's and apps.
More people downgrading the actual problems facing Windows Phone is exactly what we need!
No OS is perfect and I think that MS did a great job with the OS itself..of course that there is room for improvements and that's will be W10 job's...Will succeed or not? well, that will be the app talk all over again.
You know what? I have the Lumia 1520 recently updated to Denim. Not exactly sure what all this brings to my life except for Hey Cortana and a quicker camera launch. I'm sure there is more but I'm not trying to do a Denim review here. On the way to dinner last night I had Waze navigation on when I decided I wanted to send my son a text of where we would be if he wanted to join us. With XM radio on, I said, "Hey Cortana, send a text message". The radio faded and Cortana lit up my 1520. Asked me to whom I was sending the text and then what I wanted to say. After a few minutes, my son text back and Cortana read the message. After that, back to XM radio and Waze.

The word I want to use here with "the world "is illegal for the board but it rhymes with stuck. My experience with Windows Phone is important to me. I've learned that as much as I want for development for SnapChat to supported, for now, I find I can live perfectly fine without it. I trust at some point, SnapChat will hit the platform officially but until it does, I'm good. I mean really good. What I get from my experience with WP can't be beat on any other platform.
This was Lola's Louisiana Kitchen's Bananas Foster Bread Pudding. OMG. Pic taken with my Lumia 1520 / Denim. W/O Flash in low light.
It was good. The bread pudding was hot with that scoop of vanilla bean ice cream on top. Off the chain princeegli.

Thanks Jaz, I'm tying to get under 210 and you pimp-slap me with that bread pudding. Did you wash that down with a good Cognac?
Microsoft isn't exactly a cool company and Windows isn't exactly a cool brand.

Then there's this:
You can buy one phone. You have a choice between two phones that have any app under the sun. You might not know if you want them, but the games and time wasters are there. Then you have a third option. It isn't much cheaper, and it's lacking in the "can do anything through apps" thing. Which do you think people are going to choose?
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