What US Carrier are you with or Switching to for Wp8 Launch?

I am staying with AT&T. I know the iPhone folks always complain about dropped calls with AT&T. But I can only think of two instances over the last 5 years I have had dropped calls with AT&T. It must be because I use any phone but an iPhone. And currently my Lumia 900 has been flawless for phone and data on AT&T.
I'm stuck on Verizon for another year after getting my Trophy last September. My wife (eligible for an upgrade from her DInc1) and I are moving to Canada sometime in the next year, so we're debating what kind of phone she should get; her younger sis and bro-in-law just got 4Ses a couple months ago and she became embroiled with iEnvy. WP doesn't quite offer the best methods of cross-platform communication because the 3rd party solutions aren't quite there on any platforms, and her older sis is rolling a BB (she's originally from the Waterloo, ON area). All this is to say that it would be nice to get her on AT&T so we can take our phones with us, or at least get her a VZW world phone, but if I'm going to be successful in converting her to WP, Verizon is going to need to come out with something at launch.
Well i'm switching to Verizon whenever the Apollo phones come out. Been on Att for around 4 years and at least in the South they are not that great. Verizon works a whole lot better and is faster. Att might be better once they get their *real* 4g network out but their lagging right now and Verizon is on the ball with their 4g network. It really just boils down to what works best in your area. And for me it will be Verizon with a superb Nokia phone with pureview :) Wishful thinking..LOL
ATT has been my carrier for a long time and before that Cingular. The coverage is very good here. My plan for 4 phones is very reasonable about 60.00 a month per phone. Sprint in my area has spotty coverage, Tmo I am ambivalent about they only penetrated the market here a couple of years ago and they have no physical presence here locally. Verizon is not an option for personal reasons. I have no compelling reason at this time to change.
AT&T but I'm hoping to switch to T-Mobile sometime in 2013. Hopefully by then the re-farming will be done and there will be unlock codes for the Lumia 900.

Also, does anyone have a chart that lists which areas T-Mobile has re-farmed their towers for AT&T's spectrum?
StraightTalk - this will save me about $1500 over two years and that will pay for me having to purchase my phone outright. Will get an ATT phone as StriaghtTalk uses ATT towers so I'll get the same coverage as ATT users.

Pure win.
That's $62.50 a month in savings. Please explain.

Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express Pro
We have 5 smartphones on AT&T and have been on AT&T for over 8 years. No problems, when my daughter travels around on business and finds a dead spot, she states "It gets fixed within 8 days" At least thats the experience up here in Chicagoland, LTE is very reliable and very fast:P. Love my lumia 900, of course everyone else in the house has a iphone?
T-Mobile, without a doubt. And, since T-Mo is refarming their network to allow AT&T phones to migrate over, I'll have the pick of the best of the WP8 GSM world.
T-mobile for sure. i got charged $60 on AT$T for going over 6 GB (yeah maybe i could have avoided that but i had no internet for 2.5 months) That and im to lazy to download music from 4shared i use youtube for songs i don't have instead...
i don't see myself wasting around $150 for a shared plan of 2 people and having to share data with someone who is just about to get his first smartphone (my dad) T-mobile is WAY more flexible for our budget, and i am not a believer in paying for unlimited gabbing that i will never use to its full benefit. really i am just fine with only paying $15 more a month to get 5gb of data for me compared to 2gb. i will take speed caps any day of the week over being *** r@ped for using more than my data plan has to offer.
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currently with AT&T, but if Verizon gets a decent wp8 device, im jumping ship faster than rats, cuz I have great Verizon 4g coverage but NADA from At&t.
plus verizon's new share plans will save me $20-$30/mo.
I'm on Verizon and will never switch because of a phone. You should always pick the provider that offers the best cell coverage for you. Never pick a provider because they have a particular phone. If that provider has terrible cell coverage where you live/work, it won't matter how nice the phone is if you can't use it because you don't have service.

I disagree with this.

Yes, you need a provider that gives great coverage and is in your price range. But if those factors are marginal where you live you can then base it on phone.

Talking in absolutes like "always" and "never" is dangerous in my opinion.

My point is if a few different carriers can give you coverage where you need it then why not base your decision on the phones they offer? You have to be happy with the whole package and if one carrier has great coverage, is a decent price, but doesn't have any phones you like then why go with them IF there are other options? If there aren't then yeah, it's a no-brainer that you only have one carrier to sell your soul to.
StraightTalk - this will save me aboutits $1500 over two years and that will pay for me having to purchase my phone outright. Will get an ATT phone as StriaghtTalk uses ATT towers so I'll get the same coverage as ATT users.

Pure win.

Its easy to think it works that way but it doesn't.
I used to do this and have tons of friends who do it. I HATED my experience with Straight Talk and will never recommend it to anyone. Also, good luck running that LTE At&T WP with Straight Talk's SIM card. ST will never get LTE.
Its easy to think it works that way but it doesn't.
I used to do this and have tons of friends who do it. I HATED my experience with Straight Talk and will never recommend it to anyone. Also, good luck running that LTE At&T WP with Straight Talk's SIM card. ST will never get LTE.

Can you elaborate a little on the problems you had with Straight Talk?
I'm on Net10 right now. Been two months and its been working great.

They cap their download to 3Mbps and it's plenty fast for me.

Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express
Please make this a multi-threaded poll and inquiry. It is understandable that Americans might be more interested in US carriers but on the other hand those from other parts of the world might want to know the pro and cons of their respective carriers. Take me for example - I am over in Sweden and we don't have AT&T, Verizon or Sprint. Our four major carriers are Telia, Tele2, Tre and Telenor. It would be interesting to see if, like me, the majority in Sweden is on a two year contract or if people has bought their phones separately and stick with their subscriptions. My contract last until early November and none of the carriers has revealed if they intend to change their line of subscriptions for the launch of WP8. Neither have they revealed which carrrier(s) will have which phones. My belief is that few will purchase the phones just off the shelf without a favorable contract where the phone is included in the monthly fee. It is also possible that one of the four carriers will be the one carrier to sell one manufacturer's product for a couple of months before the other carriers follow. That was the case when Tre was the premiere carrier when WP 7 was launched. Hopefully this will not be repeated but we don't know about that until the carriers, phone manufacturers and Microsoft lay out their plans. Until that is revealed we will not know if we will be faithful to our carriers or try a new one.
I disagree with this.

Yes, you need a provider that gives great coverage and is in your price range. But if those factors are marginal where you live you can then base it on phone.

Talking in absolutes like "always" and "never" is dangerous in my opinion.

My point is if a few different carriers can give you coverage where you need it then why not base your decision on the phones they offer? You have to be happy with the whole package and if one carrier has great coverage, is a decent price, but doesn't have any phones you like then why go with them IF there are other options? If there aren't then yeah, it's a no-brainer that you only have one carrier to sell your soul to.

If you are in an area where multiple carriers provide similar coverage by all means use pricing and phone selection to make your choice. If I lived a couple of miles in a different direction I could use AT&T as well as Verizon. I'm hoping AT&T and T-Mobile get better coverage where I live so I can have a few choices.
Please make this a multi-threaded poll and inquiry. It is understandable that Americans might be more interested in US carriers but on the other hand those from other parts of the world might want to know the pro and cons of their respective carriers. Take me for example - I am over in Sweden and we don't have AT&T, Verizon or Sprint. Our four major carriers are Telia, Tele2, Tre and Telenor. It would be interesting to see if, like me, the majority in Sweden is on a two year contract or if people has bought their phones separately and stick with their subscriptions. My contract last until early November and none of the carriers has revealed if they intend to change their line of subscriptions for the launch of WP8. Neither have they revealed which carrrier(s) will have which phones. My belief is that few will purchase the phones just off the shelf without a favorable contract where the phone is included in the monthly fee. It is also possible that one of the four carriers will be the one carrier to sell one manufacturer's product for a couple of months before the other carriers follow. That was the case when Tre was the premiere carrier when WP 7 was launched. Hopefully this will not be repeated but we don't know about that until the carriers, phone manufacturers and Microsoft lay out their plans. Until that is revealed we will not know if we will be faithful to our carriers or try a new one.

I understand that. The poll only allows up to 10 options tho and there are an infinite amount of international carriers.
I'm on TMO and will stay due to family plan. Plus they're starting unlimited 4g data on Sep 5th, hopefully to coincide with a big Nokia announcement. I really need TMO to get a flagship Lumia though.
I have been on many carriers. I switched to AT&T for the Lumia 900 from Verizon.

Verizon's lack of Windows Phone support, plus slow data where I live forced the change. Verizon's 3G here was terrible. So bad I couldn't stream music so why was I paying so much for a data plan? They finally got LTE here last month but the Trophy doesn't have LTE and they don't be supporting Windows Phone strongly.

AT&T has HSPA+ here. No idea when LTE is coming but this 4G is fast enough for what I need most of the time. And the Lumia's antenna gives me better reception than I got on Verizon most of the time.

So switching had been pretty good. The biggest con is my bill but I also have unlimited texting now and 3GB of data is more than what I use, so it was an ok switch from unlimited slow data.

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