Please make this a multi-threaded poll and inquiry. It is understandable that Americans might be more interested in US carriers but on the other hand those from other parts of the world might want to know the pro and cons of their respective carriers. Take me for example - I am over in Sweden and we don't have AT&T, Verizon or Sprint. Our four major carriers are Telia, Tele2, Tre and Telenor. It would be interesting to see if, like me, the majority in Sweden is on a two year contract or if people has bought their phones separately and stick with their subscriptions. My contract last until early November and none of the carriers has revealed if they intend to change their line of subscriptions for the launch of WP8. Neither have they revealed which carrrier(s) will have which phones. My belief is that few will purchase the phones just off the shelf without a favorable contract where the phone is included in the monthly fee. It is also possible that one of the four carriers will be the one carrier to sell one manufacturer's product for a couple of months before the other carriers follow. That was the case when Tre was the premiere carrier when WP 7 was launched. Hopefully this will not be repeated but we don't know about that until the carriers, phone manufacturers and Microsoft lay out their plans. Until that is revealed we will not know if we will be faithful to our carriers or try a new one.