What Windows 10 versions are compatable with Nokia 925?


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Jun 30, 2016
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After getting tired of waiting for Microsoft to release Windows 10 for the Nokia 925 I joined the insider program and installed it manually per the instructions on this forum. This was approximately 2 months ago. I am now running build 10.0.10586.164. I expected to keep receiving periodic notifications of further updates through my phone, but have never received any. When I manually check for updates, the phone says it is up to date. However, I know there have been many more recent updates as they are discussed all over this forum. So I'm wondering why I am not receiving them, is there something else that I need to do? Or is 164 the latest one that is compatible with the 925?


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Jan 27, 2014
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Open windows insider app > get preview builds > select release preview ring > follow prompts > check for updates again.

If this doesn't work, soft reset the phone and try the steps again. If that doesn't work but you really want the other builds (we are at .494 now), do a hard reset and go through the steps again (hard reset will NOT take you back to 8.1)

Edit: My 920 is running 494 so I think your 925 should be able to handle it :)

Soft Reset

The soft reset is the same thing as pulling your battery (on devices where that is possible). This method will not remove anything at all from your phone and is completely safe to attempt in any problem situation.
You perform the soft reset by having your phone turned on. Then press and hold the volume down + power buttons until your phone vibrates and restarts. Note that you should not touch the device screen during the process (not even when the 'slide down to power off' prompt appears).

Hard Reset

The hard reset will bring your phone back to factory settings, the same state as when the device was first turned on. All apps, messages, media, personal settings, etc will be removed from the phone. If backup is turned on under Settings, you can restore your apps and settings after performing a hard reset (as long as you initialize the phone with the same Microsoft Account). Note that resetting your device will not remove any OS or firmware updates. You will remain on the same version of Windows Phone after the reset.
If you can TURN ON your device you can reset your phone under Settings: Settings > about > reset your phone

If you can't open your device because of a forgotten PIN (or similar), you can use the button method: Press and hold the power-, volume-down- and camera buttons until the phone vibrates. Then release the power-button and keep the other two buttons pressed for another five seconds. The phone should reset to factory settings.


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Jun 30, 2016
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Thanks for the fast reply. Your first suggestion is what worked, I had to go into the Insider Program and re-select the "Release Preview Ring" and now I am downloading .494. Thanks!

Marian Paun

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Apr 18, 2014
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From my experience, moving to windows 10 on Nokia Lumia 925 is not worth it. After 1-2 months you will start to experience huge battery drains and no phone reset does clear this condition. Took the route to Windows 10 Insider Release Preview two times, each time returned to 8.1. So, If you value usability and stability, do not bother with W10.


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Jan 30, 2016
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Has anyone gotten TH2 build 545 yet on their 925 (or other unsupported W10 device)? My 950 got it yesterday but 925 keeps saying it's up-to-date. Is there a delay for older devices or will MS now actively block even TH2 updates for unsupported devices?

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