Whats is missing in widows 10 (personal opinion) Especially for Microsoft W10 engineers!!

Abdullah Sulman

New member
Jul 10, 2014
I have come all the way from windows98 to windows 8.1 .... Recently when windows 10 tp was announced ...i was lured into installing it on my PC... But held back ... Recently i got to see 10 tp running on my friend's laptop.... Straight forward i saw it ... The wow factor was simply missing... The word 'Continuum' should apply throughout the OS and not just while switching... As of now the whole thing seems totally fragmented..as if engineered by people from four different planets... And the animations .. Are just not satisfying.... The one OS that kind of excelled in this case was Windows 7. The whole thing was properly integrated.. And the experience was unified..opening start menu, folders, switching between apps, the aero theme ... Everything was how it should be... Elegant yet intuitive.. That said I do properly like windows 8.1... Thats because it offers many features to me i couldn't find in windows 7...But the 'ONE' thing missing is unified experience.... Start menu takes u to mars from earth ... While switching between apps is like travelling in broken space vehicle from earth to mars..especially if u are using a mouse pad... After using windows 8 for nearly three years ( including consumer Preview) i switched to windows 7. Now i look forward ro using windows 10. But i will wait till the final product ..please don't screw this one up .... Combine the elegant intuitive fearures of W7 and goodies from 8.1 plus spice it up with some new features...like mixview .and there u have it .. A near perfect OS ....
PS : I usually don't make posts... But since i heard Microsoft engineers are on these forums .. I thought they might get to my post and absorb something from it.
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Most people aren't used to seeing software at this early stage of development (it's not anywhere close to Beta), so it can be a tad confusing. Instead of going directly off of the UI that you see, you have to go off of where you see the UI headed. That is difficult, so it's probably not yet worth sweating the details too much!

Your feedback is fine, but it's similar to providing feedback on a statue, which the sculptor hasn't even yet half completed. Also difficult...
Most people aren't used to seeing software at this early stage of development (it's not anywhere close to Beta), so it can be a tad confusing. Instead of going directly off of the UI that you see, you have to go off of where you see the UI headed. That is difficult, so it's probably not yet worth sweating the details too much!

Your feedback is fine, but it's similar to providing feedback on a statue, which the sculptor hasn't even yet half completed. Also difficult...

Yes I understand what you are trying to say ... I was with windows 8 from the very beginning .... Their first release indicated the design language for future development... And thats how the final product ended up looking... I am not judging on the current state of windows 10( as its to early) but the point i am trying to deliver here is that .... Steer away from windows 8 user experience.... Something is just not ok with it ...and the first release of windows 10 is not different enough from windows 8.1 ( first release of windows 8 was miles apart from windows 7). Third party programs can easily bring the features to windows 8.1 currently available on windows 10 !! Steer away fast !
^ At least in recent history, MS has never released an OS for public viewing this early in its development cycle. Compared to the current state of W10 TP, the first publicly available preview of Windows 8 was practically finished software.

Just to be clear, I'm not criticizing your feedback, nor MS for engaging customers early. I think both are great! It's just that too me, it looked like you were focused on how the UI looks and feels now. Nothing wrong with that, but much of it probably won't apply by the time MS gets closer to showing us what they actually intend to release.
I don't think we have seen much of the final W 10 upgrade at all. I think we are seeing many options that MS is looking at and listening to the feedback from the market. This is like buying the first of a new item. Some of the re-engineering and changes are done after product introduction. In this case, MS is trying to do that step before formal introduction.

Will the first version have bugs? Yes, but I believe far fewer than would have been evident if this presoaking hadn't been done early.

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