Whats the best way to listen to Music on WP7?


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Aug 17, 2011
I might be getting a WP7 and I am a long time user of iTunes. I do have an xbox so i have seen zune, just never used it. What is everyones favorite way and how easy is it too use, download, etc? Zune, SkyDrive, or other ways?? Do most of you download your music on your phone from zune? I am looking to just use 1 device for everything instead of carrying a phone and a ipod.
I have the Zune pass, so I download to my computer and synch the ones I feel like listening too over to my phone with drag and drop. I have about 1.5 gb of songs downloaded right now and if I delete the music off of my phone and add what I want back it's like a minute or two. =)
All music is transferred using the Zune software and songs are played using the Zune software on the phone. Zune is hands down one of the best music programs on the market. You can use it for free if you already have your own music or pay the $15 a month for a subscription. I've been using the subscription for a while now and I couldn't see myself giving it up.
I tried Last.fm for a little while and it's not that great on WP7. It crashed a bunch of times for me and you're not able to listen in the background. Every time I'd get a text message I'd have to leave the app and stop playing music to read the text.

Zune and Zune Pass is the best experience for WP7. You get pictures of the artists, you can see other albums the artist played and you can stream music over 3G. Plus you can keep a local collection. Oh yea and music plays in the background. :]
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^ yeah, pretty easily also.

I used the Zunepass play most of my music, it was fun while the demo lasted but I end up not using it again because my phone internet speed is not up to the task.
Can u transfer songs from itunes to wp7

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If I remember correctly once you install zune software on your computer, it will add the music from your library to your zune collection. From there you can hook your phone to the computer and sync it with zune and drag and drop the music you want on your phone.
Yep, just tell the Zune PC software what folders you store your music in, and it will all get synced. PLUS, WP7 and Zune support wireless syncing, so when you plug your phone in to charge at night, Zune will sync over your wireless network. It's quite cool.
I download my songs, and create playlists in the Zune software, which I then sync.

RDIO is pretty neat too. I hear they are going to have a freemium service soon.
That is true. Didn't it also take Zune a long time to offer good services in Europe? It seems like the content owners are reluctant to allow international licensing.
That is true. Didn't it also take Zune a long time to offer good services in Europe? It seems like the content owners are reluctant to allow international licensing.
It certainly did jalb, Zune hasn't been avaialble in the UK for that long.
I have a Zune Pass and download everything through the Zune program on my desktop, and occasionally on the laptop or the ZuneHD. I still use a Zune HD as my primary listening device because it has the best battery life and marginally better sound with my earphones. I love the Focus, especially its Super AMOLED screen, and WP7 is mostly great, but I'm not as phone-centric as I used to be, and the Zune HD is still my favorite mobile device. I have a 30GB or so collection that I have also loaded (dragged and dropped) on my Samsung Focus. One advantage of the Focus is that it has a speaker and that is handy sometimes. Note that you can also sync your collection to the WP7 phone wirelessly through wi-fi.

I should note that I used Zune on the desktop since its early releases, and I manage a large collection that includes a lot of ripped CD and mp3 tracks, along with tons of Zune Pass-downloaded albums and tracks. So, I'm especially comfortable with and adept at managing my music and broadly my Zune Pass account through the desktop program.

Go for it: you're going to love it! In any event, good luck with whatever you select.
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I didn't see it in the previous comments anywhere, but maybe I just missed it:
It is worth mentioning that all ZunePass music can also be downloaded via the phone, WiFi or 3G.
Also, the podcast system is phenominal, and works very well with the wireless sync.

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