What's your streaming plan now?

Jacob Estep

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Aug 7, 2016
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I'm on a galaxy s8 plus and I've been split between Google and Microsoft for a while. I've been using Google play music for over a year now (it has all my podcasts and YouTube red). Since there's no official GPM app for windows, I got 4 free months of groove ending later this month. I love groove's design and layout on Windows, but found music pass packed a few artists I listen to. I'm sad to see it go, though I was going to cancely free trial anyway


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Oct 11, 2017
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I'm with Qobuz now as this is where I by my hires albums. They have a streaming service too, so made perfect sense. Beautiful app as well for my Moto Z. Spotify is not an option. Too mainstream for my taste.


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Oct 11, 2017
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I've been with Groove since before it was called that when I had my Zune HD. I added Apple Music in addition to Groove almost a year ago when I switched from my Lumia 950 to an iPhone (ugh!). I miss my Windows Phone and the truly optimal UI for a mobile device. The family sharing was the big reason I chose Apple Music. Family Sharing is still something Microsoft has not addressed at all across their ecosystem. Overall I'm happy with Apple Music and its integration with Sonos. I am going to miss having Groove available on my Xbox consoles.

I'm also heavily vested in Microsoft Movies with a collection of 227 movies and I'm really worried that they will eventually drop support for it too! Their lack of 4k support and upgrades is a joke, especially with the 4k Xbox One X, the 4k capable Xbox One S, and the PC graphics cards that will be needed for Mixed Reality. I also really liked the Disney Movies Anywhere service and actually started buying DVD's again to take advantage of the service and now Disney is dropping support for it and doesn't currently have a Windows Application.

With Mixed Reality and VR soon to go mainstream, MS could have opted to innovate Groove by providing an experience like no other currently does today.


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Jan 21, 2012
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Same here, Switched to Deezer just yesterday and I'm very pleased so far. I'm on android though so I'm not sure how the experience is on windows mobile.


Apr 6, 2015
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Went with Spotify. Regretting it almost daily. The mobile app is buggy at best. Whenever it fails me while driving (which is so far at least once daily), I use Groove and stream my OneDrive collection.


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Oct 11, 2010
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I switched to a OnePlus 5 a couple of months ago from my L950 XL. I've used WP since inception and feel it's probably the only Android phone that comes close to the consistent performance of WP and has extra tidbits that make Android better, and the settings menu has a dark mode :love:.

As someone that's used MS music services since URGE in Windows Media Player, this news really disappoints me and I'm finding there is simply no direct alternative. Groove is no Zune, but it organizes and presents music the same, it's (mostly) consistent across devices, and the OneDrive streaming (which is remaining BTW) makes it so easy to get your personal music into your collection.

Anyway, I'm trying out Google Play Music with a 3-mo YouTube Red trial. It's not bad and it does work. However, the app is designed like the Google Play Store and doesn't really put "my music" front and center. The artist list in your library is ugly and when you click an artist it shows you tops songs (not your top, but the service), the artists albums in the store, and then what's in your library, even though you are browsing your library to begin with. Albums list is fine. Now playing cuts off the album art and some of it's not even high quality. I have to edit album genres, but there appears to be no way to do this or any metadata updates in bulk so that can get annoying. The major thing is that it has the music locker so I can upload and have my personal music so I'll see how it goes. Also, YouTube Red is a standout addition as well.

I already know I don't like Spotify for my needs, however it is a great service. I'll update how I feel about it.


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Oct 24, 2014
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Sticking to Groove and my OneDrive collection. The convenience of integrating with music I own was the only reason I subscribed to a streaming service in the first place. I'll just be buying more CD's going forward, backing them up to OneDrive and my server (in case OneDrive ends up on the chopping block at some point.


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Jul 24, 2014
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Always Spotify! The problem with Groove is that it wasn't aviable full in all countries (Microsoft's neverending mistake)


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Feb 9, 2011
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Groove is not dead. Just the streaming part. I will keep using Groove because I never used the streaming part anyway. I even have a Spotify account that I never use (got it for free in my Internet service plan)
Simply from my phone or from OneDrive. Yes, I don't use a streaming service even when I got it for free.

When I tried the streaming services, I liked Deezer best. Spotify is dominating over here.
Anyway, non streaming Groove it is for me.


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Jun 16, 2013
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I'm not much of a streamer. I like to actually own my music. However, on the rare occasion that I need to do some streaming, I just use an app provided by my carrier. I have it for free on my contract, but even if it wasn't, it's cheaper than most alternatives.


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Nov 7, 2014
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Amazon music. Been a prime member for many years now. Started using their music a few months ago and now just switched to their cloud storage since free for prime members.


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Dec 26, 2013
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I'll continue streaming personal music I upload to OneDrive ... I also use Mixcloud for Windows 10 and Slacker Radio.

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