WhatsApp Questions and Answers thread

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Actually no they said "focus is not 8.1 right now"

that's so stupid, they've waited for so long adding features to the beta and did not push any of them to the regular users and now 8.1 is out and they aren't focusing on optimizing for it? They got a very good chunk of change from facebook you'd think they could have used some of it on more devs. Here is hoping BBM comes out soon and works well on 8.1, if that's the case i'm switching and not looking back
Anyone experience having a delayed messages after you upgrade to 8.1? You just see your messages only one check with a stable connection and never had this problem when you are in 8 before. That's why the recipient is so late to read my messages.
Hey guys. I have notification problem with whatsapp since last night on L928. I almost never get them, sometimes unless i dont open chat-conversation (not chats' window) i doesnt show new msg.
Last night it would say I have Connection error..restart phone blah-blah.. every time I hit the back button. Few times i did soft reset, turned off-on data connection. and now even connected to WiFi it doesnt work. any idea how to fix it?
im having problems with notifications today too.

Windows Phone 8.1

Im running WP 8.1 since the launch with no problems, but today...
Try disabling data sense! Even i had the same issue and i disabled data sense! Even though notifications are not perfect yet they're much better now! Hope this helps :)
I have never had problems with notifications since December 2012 :)

But anyway. I hope whatsapp takes use of the new APIs and "integrate" whatsapp with the people hub
Please help, I have a 920 on 8.1 and my Whatsapp background notifications have stopped. Should I reinstall it?
Even m experiencing the same problem of delayed notifications since today. They show up after 15-20min or even later sometimes. Disabling data sense is not helping.
Same here, how strange, it is a server issue? Are you going to reinstall?
Reinstalling doesn't help. Tried it. I'm going to hard reset now. Nit,only,because of this, my OneDrive doesn't work since day one I got 8.1 (I got it first day)
WhatsApp.. Such a lazy team of developers.. When will they finally update this garbage and most importantly get notifications to work for ALL people. It's total crap for years now jesus ******* Christ. I never ever had notification issues on Android. Something is really fundamentally wrong with MS's push service. Getting really tired of this.
Glad im not the only one with the notification issue. Anyone with the more up to date beta are you getting this issue?
Like I said I don't have problems with push in beta and public version.. Only got problems when the whatsapp servers have problems themselves but then IOS and android have the same issues..
Does anyone have the problem that WhatsApp voice clips don't care about your volume? They always play really loud. Very annoying.
Can i suggest we all use the contact button with in the app to send a message to the developers and report this. Go to settings > about > contact and write a quick message
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