WhatsApp Questions and Answers thread

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As I suspected, Whatsapp are broke for everyone, not only for WP8 or WP8.1. My girlfriend have a Iphone 5s and reporting the same problem that I have. Start last week and no fix until now. Hope they fix it soon.

Sorry but there is nothing wrong with WhatsApp on the other platforms. Working absolutely perfect on Android and iPhone for my family.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
I can't wait for the day when our WA is equal to the other versions.

Besides the obvious bugs, one thing I'd like to see changed is the size of the text boxes, on android and ios the boxes are a lot thinner which allows more text to be shown on one screen, on wp I feel like they are wasting a lot of space because the text boxes are unnecessarily big.

I've never heard anyone else say this, am I alone on this?
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Sorry but there is nothing wrong with WhatsApp on the other platforms. Working absolutely perfect on Android and iPhone for my family.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

My girlfriend show me yesterday how many of her friends had the same notification bug. She send a message and take minutes to have two checked verifications (these two vv), but certainly their smarts was connected on 3G or WiFi.
now i rarely use whatsapp to chat.. mainly use HIKE which is faaaar better than WhatsAPP.. better themes, chat notification and SUPPORT team
Just wondering, is there really a reason as of why WA doesn't allow developers to use their API for development? Maybe I'm just ignorant, but Telegram allows it as well. And if you have to make a payment, make a link to your website so you can use your PayPal or whatever to make a payment, no harm done. Or am I missing something here?
I got frustrated and contacted support!

Hello Sir/Mam,

Over the past 4 days, all the WP users are facing lag in receiving notifications. Some times notifications don't even show up until you turn on the app. There is a 30mins to 1 hr delay in notifications.
There is no way only I can have this problem because every other app is working perfectly. You may want to refer to http://forums.windowscentral.com/windows-phone-8-1-preview-developers/279383-4.htm to see others having the same problem.

Also may I request features which are still not added to WP version of whats app? Its been more than 5 months that whats app hasn't been updated. It needs new interface as well as features. With the onset of WP8.1 there is a lot to discover. I believe WP users also make a big amount of Whats App users so updating it would be the correct thing to do.

Sukhjit Singh

And there reply was!

Thanks for contacting WhatsApp. Our support team has received your request (# 12198779). Please check the following before proceeding:
1. First and foremost, please make sure that you are using the latest version of WhatsApp (Version 2.11.356) from Marketplace: WhatsApp | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)
2. Have you read our FAQ? Please visit:
WhatsApp :: Faq
3. If you are having problems connecting to WhatsApp, please be sure to read this article:
WhatsApp FAQ - I cannot connect to WhatsApp!
If you still have problems or questions after these steps, please respond to this email and we will do our best to help you.
WhatsApp Support Team
Interested in translating for us? Please visit WhatsApp Translation
Take a look at our FAQ: WhatsApp :: Faq

Just wondering, is there really a reason as of why WA doesn't allow developers to use their API for development? Maybe I'm just ignorant, but Telegram allows it as well. And if you have to make a payment, make a link to your website so you can use your PayPal or whatever to make a payment, no harm done. Or am I missing something here?

I think it has something to do with user privacy and ****. Now under facebook I don't think they would even think about it.
What the heck is going on Whatsapp's client service?? Here's my short conversation with them... start reading from the bottom.

Excuse me? Your answer didn't answer at all to my questions about Windowsphone 8 Whatsapp application. I didn't ask anything concerning group chats?

Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 15:34:35 +0000
From: support@whatsapp.com
To: kimi.alin@windowslive.com
Subject: [WhatsApp Support] Your request regarding Group Chat: 12182252

##- Please type your reply above this line -##
You can learn everything you need to know about group chats in this FAQ article: WhatsApp FAQ - How do I use group chat?
At this time, you may create a maximum of 50 group chats, and each chat may have up to 50 participants. These limits cannot be increased.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. We would be happy to help!
WhatsApp Support Team
Interested in translating for us? Please visit WhatsApp Translation
Take a look at our FAQ: WhatsApp :: Faq

Kimi Alin

Apr 29 08:34

Hello there. I know that there is a big update coming to Windows Phone 8 Whatsapp application but when is it actually coming? Last update was on the second of Janurary and your clients are getting nervous about it as you can see on this massive thread on WP Central http://forums.windowscentral.com/windows-phone-apps/220172-99.htm
"Coming soon" isn't clear enough and we would like to see some concrete information about the next update? Is it coming in week or two? During May or something? There are many problems with Whatsapp at the moment when it comes f.e. reliability of notifications. (They often aren't coming immediately and reinstalling app/hard resetting phone doesn't fix the issue) This big update is critical considering that Whatsapp for WP is way behind IOS and Android counterparts. We want smoother and more reliable messaging app with the same features as on competing platforms (Backgrounds for contacts, custom notifications for both individual chats and group chats)
Thank you beforehand for your coming anwer and I hope it contains concrete information concerning my issue.
Sincerely, Kimi

This email is a service from WhatsApp Support.
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