Hey since ur a beta tester.. Just wanted to know. Hows the battery consumption in the latest beta? Is it high or much better than the current public version? Because the battery consumption in the present version is just too damn high

4 months wasn't that enough? You have beta version with all features, we all have the old scrap version of whatsapp so its easy for you to say to wait for 1-2 months more.Beta is way too buggy for us to hope that there is any update coming soon. We all know that they are having a hard time fixing crash problems, so give it at least 1 or 2 months.
4 months wasn't that enough? You have beta version with all features, we all have the old scrap version of whatsapp so its easy for you to say to wait for 1-2 months more. ��
So WhatsApp team failed to get back lost source, funny dam to ROFL.Lost the source code? Have you lost your mind?
Because the Dev team sucks at WP as simple as that.why there is no update for WP :/
So WhatsApp team failed to get back lost source, funny dam to ROFL.
Lol, lost source is height of assumption!
Well, yesterday whatsapp team replied me by email (a long email - in brazillian portuguese, don't ask me why) and in another words they said that although they're working on a whatsapp update for WP they don't have the slightest idea of a date for this update.
Honestly, I give up! Whatsapp on WP sucks and it wont get any better any time soon. It's a shame, but it's true.
Hike!that's true. if they are making it so much late, what the hell of that update? they must have brought it in smaller packages rather that one big update this late.
i have already started using other apps. and i am sure, many of us also doing the same.