WhatsApp Questions and Answers thread

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I am gonna switch to Xiaomi Mi3s when it will be announced. I am really tired of waiting for an update of Whatsapp that is the most popular messaging service used by world.
The main issue i was facing with WhatsApp is that i was not getting push notifications. Had uninstalled this long time back. Reinstalled yesterday, been 2 days, notifications are smooth now. I dont know how it happened but at least notifications are timely from past 2 days.

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 625 using Tapatalk
I was wondering about make a web intervention, maybe trying to make a hashtag on twitter become trending, something like #GoodbyeWhatsapp to make'em pay attention to WP and in the same time everybody will retwitte that thinking that the app is being shut down by FB or something like that... what do you guys think?
I have HTC 8X and dont receive any push notification from whatsapp, and facebook messnger.
I have the windows phone 8.1 version, please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think we need someone that can investigate the push notification problem. Whatsapp says it's a Microsoft problem and Microsoft says it's Whatsapp's fault. But who is right?
I wonder why they removed that 'Connected' or 'Not Connected' from the 'account' section of the settings menu [I'm talking about the Beta]
(please excuse me for my English. After all it's not my first language)
I wonder why they removed that 'Connected' or 'Not Connected' from the 'account' section of the settings menu [I'm talking about the Beta]
(please excuse me for my English. After all it's not my first language)

I think you mean the 'Info' page but yeah I asked this myself too
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