It was available a few min back..but it's been removed now again ! Looks like WhatsApp is trolling us now :|
Exactly! I thought it only happened to me! I couldn't believe wat happened. And you are from?
Microsoft banned from, the app store for quality reasons. Perfect, that way they will learn.
Microsoft banned from, the app store for quality reasons. Perfect, that way they will learn.
Can you share your location? Will find you and kill you! Trolling everyone in thread and also in the article comments section
Which region in India?
Why you need that? He is from India thats enough. Stop asking stupid questions
Guys chk this out
WhatsApp | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)
That's the link for the beta and not everyone can download through itGuys chk this out
WhatsApp | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)
Andhra pradesh..what abt u?
Omg!! Sagar meant region in wp setting!!!!