WhatsApp Questions and Answers thread

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Dumb and shallow? You win.

Went would I want to keep in touch with my son who works in France? Why would I want to chat to relatives in Ireland? Sure that's dumb and shallow.

Posted via Windows Phone Central App
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Interesting idea. But what could they want? Google is said to be trying to hurt WP. Whether or not it's true, I can definitely see why they would. But Whatsapp? What's in it for them? Do they see Skype as competition?

If Whatsapp is trying to get something from Microsoft, my guess is that it has something to do with opening up WP APIs so they can make their app work properly. Why do virtually all messaging apps work better on iOS & Android than on WP? I don't think it's lazy developers. Even Skype is better on the other platforms.

No idea. Something API related sounds plausible to me, but it could be a lot of things... I'd suspect more something business/legal related than technical. It's def not due to 'lazy developers'. Only kids who have never experienced corporate politics or never met an employed developer could come up with such an explanation.

I could be wrong, but If I really wanted something from MS and wasn't getting it, and if I was in WA's shoes, this is what I would do.
That could be it you know. If it only affects Update 3 users, then surely the store can check what version of WP you are using and then restrict access. In fact, it already does. Maybe whatsapp wants Nokia like access to APIs, in which case...give in to them Microsoft!!!
Maybe whatsapp wants Nokia like access to APIs, in which case...give in to them Microsoft!!!

That would be a tragic decision. Nokia like access would mean giving WhatsApp the ability to modify the OS for their own purposes. Beyond dozens of other negative side affects, it would also mean playing favourites. WhatsApp would have such an advantage over all other IM developers, that anyone else besides WhatsApp might as well pull out of the WP market entirely. I don't think that is what we want.
I really don't think WA want to **** MS that way, I think we are not enough users to be worth the trouble and the further cost of loose an ally like MS.
I really don't think WA want to **** MS that way, I think we are not enough users to be worth the trouble and the further cost of loose an ally like MS.

There is little cost to loosing MS as an ally. Furthermore, since WhatsApp is branching out into video calling services, they are actually more competitors than allies, with both sides having much at stake. If WhatsApp wants concessions from MS, this is the perfect time to do it.

You may see it as uncivil, but this would only be the millionth time a company does something like that. I don't see why WhatsApp should be any different from the rest.
Do any one hav any idea when will whatsaap be back in nokia store.....i do not find any other aao as good as it so m planning to change my windows phone....shud i do that or wait for whatsaap to cone back? Plz show me the link if possible to download whatsaap now....thanky
There is little cost to loosing MS as an ally. Furthermore, since WhatsApp is branching out into video calling services, they are actually more competitors than allies, with both sides having much at stake. If WhatsApp wants concessions from MS, this is the perfect time to do it.

You may see it as uncivil, but this would only be the millionth time a company does something like that. I don't see why WhatsApp should be any different from the rest.

That may be true. But with the facebook merger impending, an anti-competitveness suit would be easy to raise
That may be true. But with the facebook merger impending, an anti-competitveness suit would be easy to raise

I don't think so. You can't sue a company over something they don't do. If WhatsApp doesn't want to offer their app on WP, temporarily or indefinitely, for any reason, that is their choice to make.

Anyway, this is just speculation on my behalf, so no point arguing over it. It just seems strange to me, which is why I brought it up.

WhatsApp has always been a flaky app (likely because they are trying to shoehorn an Android app onto WP, instead of developing a WP app the way it should be developed). I can think of a few occasions where WhatsApp had more serious issues than what I'm witnessing now, yet they didn't remove WhatsApp from the store then. My personal experience is that WhatsApp actually works better today than it has in the past. In fact, during the time it's been unavailable in the store, I've been using it every day without issue. Under such circumstances, pulling it from the store seems extreme to me. Considering that the issue is specific to GDR3, which has been out for quite some time, the timing also seems strange. Why now, precisely at the worst possible moment, when the first WP8.1 handsets are being released? Why didn't they pull it from the store months ago when GDR3 was released instead?

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying this is what is actually happening. It just wouldn't surprise me it if was.
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I agree. It's been working flawlessly for a while now. Gdr3 was months ago. Something doesn't add up.
For once I will side with whoever suggested harassing Joe Belfiore on twitter. This is the one app that will make me change OS if it doesn't come back very soon. No point in trying alternatives when none of my contacts use them because WhatsApp works perfectly for them.
I have just bought a 1520 and can't enjoy it properly because I'm missing Whatsapp, this really sucks.
Xpider_XM, without contacts, probably not.

In facto, WA always worked for me, not 100% of the time, but is the same history with fb, weather, and the CELLPHONE itself, in fact lately I was having more problems doing simple calls than text through WA

The question here is, how much are people whiling to wait for an app that might return today or next week, or next month? If WA doesn't care and are not acting fast on purpose.. MS will tell us the truth? or they will continue with the radio silence policy?
I don't think so. You can't sue a company over something they don't do. If WhatsApp doesn't want to offer their app on WP, temporarily or indefinitely, for any reason, that is their choice to make.

Anyway, this is just speculation on my behalf, so no point arguing over it. I just seems strange to me, which is why I brought it up.

WhatsApp has always been a flaky app (likely because they are trying to shoehorn an Android app onto WP, instead of developing a WP app the way it should be developed). I can think of a few occasions where WhatsApp had more serious issues than what I'm witnessing now, yet they didn't remove WhatsApp from the store then. My personal experience is that WhatsApp actually works better today than it has in the past. In fact, during the time it's been unavailable in the store, I've been using it every day without issue. Under such circumstances, pulling it from the store seems extreme to me. Considering that the issue is specific to GDR3, which has been out for quite some time, the timing also seems strange. Why now, precisely at the worst possible moment, when the first WP8.1 handsets are being released? Why didn't they pull it from the store months ago when GDR3 was released instead?

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying this is what is actually happening. It just wouldn't surprise me it if was.

I mean if Whatsapp was found to be abusing their messaging,dominance to gain special privileges from WP. Not if they simply don't offer an app
Joe Belfiore hasn't tweeted for a few days, he's probably inundated with tweets about WhatsApp and gave up... :p
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