WhatsApp Questions and Answers thread

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Only good thing about whatsapp being down is, the considerable increase in battery life.
WHATSAPP is the battery killer. Hope it is fixed in next update, whenever it's coming?
I find very bizarre that your "loved ones" would make fun of you instead of downloading alternative app😒 I would be more worried about my relationship. I'ts just an app, chill out everybody.
Your analogy is flawed. First of all, of course I can't blame the postman for my gf has not writing to me. But if my gf DID write to me (in this case Whatsapp is already been published on the store), and the Postman (MS) did not bother to explain why the letter is not delivered ( app is being taken down), or just because the letter is too big to be inserted into the mailbox ( Whatsapp has troubles with WP8.1, not WP8.0), or when will I be receiving the letter again ( when will Whatsapp be available) but instead he threw it away, then is the post man (MS) fault.

Flappy Bird is removed because the developer NO LONGER want it to be published. I do understand that Whatsapp has the right to do so too. Unless you are trying to hint that Whatsapp will be withdrawn from WP store forever just like Flappy Bird as well? If not, why can't MS keep the current version, while Whatsapp continue to work with the patches instead of giving troubles to the public, especially when the problems are more related to WP 8.1? Like I mentioned before, Whatsapp is not like a game, which can be removed or put it up again as and when they like. Is one of the core apps that keeps existing WP users or even attract new buyers. Whatsapp will not be bothered if WP loses user grounds or not because WP is never their top priority.

Anyways, you have your views about the matter while I have mine. Is no point arguing over spilled milk. But I'm not sure how many more milk will be spilled in the future just like this.... This incident has already put a lot of users to rethink about their purchases of Windows Phones. Good luck to Windows Phone.
Well whatsapp would be bothered if they lose users as they are aiming for every platform. If they didn't care, they would simply not update the app ever again like Kik. Pulling the app indicates that they want to do SOMETHING and they need blackmail to do it. It could be a fix MS have ignored, or deeper access or,something. If they simply didn't give a s**t, they wouldn't update the Beta either
I am a WP user sinds Windows Mobile, but left the ship in July 2013 when there was absolutely no progress shown in OS and apps. My HTC One is for me the perfect Phone and all apps are available. But, I really miss WP 8.1, the OS is so smooth, so beautiful to look at. When I turn on my HTC 8X (as backup phone) it's alway fun to watch the tiles flipping. Android and iOS is so dull.
That's why I was in the race for buying a Nokia Lumia 930 BUT...the situation regarding Whatsapp is for me unacceptable to move back to WP. My girlfriend is just mad at me because I adviced her to buy a Lumia 925 for a nice price last week. All our friends use Whatsapp, texting is very expensive in The Netherlands. Other friends who bought a WP phone are not happy with it and some have sold their phone and bought an Android device.
One app can ruin WP as a platform, it just can. Ok lot's of other apps are not available yet or still in Beta, but Whatsapp is communicating software where people depend on. People are used to it and it's the one and only app that matters for most people.
WP is lossing marketshare, right now. I have no figures, but it's what I see and hear. It's really a shame that Whatsapp and MS ignore all the complaints from the userbase. Maybe it's time for MS to do exactly what they did with Facebook, developing their own Whatsapp compatible client? No idea if that is realistic, but something needs to happen before it's way too late.
How nice the latest phones are, without certain apps they are worthless.
Your real friends would INSTALL the other messenger app(s) to keep in contact with you once you let them know that WhatsApp experiencing bad behavior and developers are working on it,they not SWITCHING with no way of using back WhatsApp on their phone,it's a messenger app just like the many others that existed before it and we can use all with our smartphones

Sigh, are you another American who doesn't understand the importance of WhatsApp in some countries? Just STOP suggesting we could switch to another app. IT IS NO OPTION. Most people do not communicate only with their 2 or 3 best friends. I for one communicate with dozens others who would certainly not install another app just for me. Asking us to do without WhatsApp is probably the same as for you to do without SMS.

By the way, how do you see how many people you have in your WhatsApp favorites? Did you guys count them by hand lol?
I don't understand what's going on!!! Almost everybody is using WhatsApp and BBM... Now lets say i don't have both... So i decide to use Hike. I asked my family and gf to download it too... That's it... I'm happy and even if i have WhatsApp installed i don't use it... If one buys a phone just for WhatsApp, then why even spend on an iPhone, why not buy Nokia X! Nokia X also has WhatsApp after all... Come on guys, an app can't decide which phone to buy!! If that's the case then tomorrow WhatsApp will enter into contact with Apple and remove support from other platforms... It'll get commission per iphone sold... So what! All will shift to Apple!!!

Further i agree other apps are not that popular, but come on guys SKYPE is popular... One can shift to Skype to chat too... Further Skype connects to your desktops too, unlike WhatsApp...
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 625 using Tapatalk
Your real friends would INSTALL the other messenger app(s) to keep in contact with you once you let them know that WhatsApp experiencing bad behavior and developers are working on it,they not SWITCHING with no way of using back WhatsApp on their phone,it's a messenger app just like the many others that existed before it and we can use all with our smartphones

You don't get it. In Europe WhatsApp is the only messenger service that is widely used, often between countries where SMS charges remove that as an option.
You don't get it. In Europe WhatsApp is the only messenger service that is widely used, often between countries where SMS charges remove that as an option.

Exactly. If I were to ask anyone (except my mom) here in Holland to switch to a different messenger because I don't have WA, they would be like: "F that, I'll just call you or something."
I have 387 contacts on WhatsApp ! I'm really frustrated, if I meet someone from WhatsApp developer team. Honestly, that guy will badly die ! ;) our frustration is getting high now!!
I don't understand what's going on!!! Almost everybody is using WhatsApp and BBM... Now lets say i don't have both... So i decide to use Hike. I asked my family and gf to download it too... That's it... I'm happy and even if i have WhatsApp installed i don't use it... If one buys a phone just for WhatsApp, then why even spend on an iPhone, why not buy Nokia X! Nokia X also has WhatsApp after all... Come on guys, an app can't decide which phone to buy!! If that's the case then tomorrow WhatsApp will enter into contact with Apple and remove support from other platforms... It'll get commission per iphone sold... So what! All will shift to Apple!!!

Further i agree other apps are not that popular, but come on guys SKYPE is popular... One can shift to Skype to chat too... Further Skype connects to your desktops too, unlike WhatsApp...
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 625 using Tapatalk

An average person when looking to buy a new phone would expect to that the phone he is buying has the apps he needs irrespective of the underlying OS. In that list whatsapp tops the list, now also go outside find people who are using whatsapp currently, offer them two phones one 1520 and other say Nokia XL and ask them to select one and they will get it for free, but at the same time tell that 1520 doesn't have whatsapp. You will have your answer.

As for whatsapp going in contract with Apple, they could do it if Apple had as many users as Android. Because going iOS only will significantly bring their number of users down since whatsapp has no other revenue option than buying the app, iOS is popular in US and Whatsapp is least popular there, vice versa in India. But igonring WP won't affect them that much so even if they don't go iOS exclusive, but in turn ignore WP, they are still in good profit
What are the developer fixing...it was already running on all devices...i still wonder if they actually are fixing any thing or it's something else...
I have 387 contacts on WhatsApp ! I'm really frustrated, if I meet someone from WhatsApp developer team. Honestly, that guy will badly die ! ;) our frustration is getting high now!!

Hmmm, you might not want to go threatening people online....
the only? Who say that? You?
C'mmon guys! Open your minds!! There are much (yeah, much) really good apps, just try it, what a fear with the changes! God! Much of your friends and your family want and wish to keep online with you, so if you say them that you don't have WhatsApp temporarily and you have to change TEMPORARILY the app which you use to communicate, They just will move on you, that is!

Nobody can to talk by other people, there is people think different and I know they know that by one app don't change their phones. I said.
People are kidding now, when there was WhatsApp in store that time nobody had problem with windows phone and now when its pulled. People saying wp is bad, don't buy it and all that sh*t! And if WhatsApp gets into stores again tomorrow, people will start saying that yeyyyyy wp is so good ! I love WP! Seriously this is the height, just cuz a app people decide which platform is good and which is not ! And yeah I know that feeling but still they're working ! Its taking time but for good! Instead of using,buggy, battery draining app. Wait for some more time :)
This whole WhatsApp disappearing from the store think looks very fishy. I think something business related went horribly wrong for Microsoft. WhatsApp retaliated by removing the app from the store.
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