WhatsApp Questions and Answers thread

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Hello Everyone. I use Lumia 520
I am facing multiple problems.
a) the audio/video sent to me on whatsapp is not getting stored.
b) Sometimes. when I TRY to resume music, when I click on the paused button, I get directed to whatsapp chat.

someone please help.
I think "A" has to do with wp8 not the app, "B" the current whatsapp's api uses the phones audio to keep itself open all the time which is why when you have a song paused for a bit and try to play it,it opens whatsapp instead! Wreck the head I know but there is a new version coming soon that will fix it, hope this helps!!
Thanks for your reply. I initially thought my phone is a defected piece.
Any idea when to expect the newer version?
Haha that is the million dollar question, there is loads of speculation when it will be out going back a couple of months, just go back through the pages on this thread and you'll see what I mean! The latest rumor is this week but I personally take it with a pinch of salt!! I uninstalled mine as the audio API can make the battery last a little less but most people don't notice that at all.
is anybody else having problems sending messages to iphone user??? i've noticed that my friends on android get my messages fine but others on iphone seem to lag or not send at all...is it just me or are other getting this?

I often have the same problem
I guess after one year when whatsapp will release the update for windows, by then i must have left my lumia 920 and moved on to another smartphone...........
see i installed whatsapp in my system but i didnt open it…but i have my wifi or phone net enabled and browsing some other info…i want to know whether it will update in my whatsapp i mean last seen time…??
I believe it will... It'll be running as background agent( and can't disable the task either )
my whats app is not working, it is saying i have to wait 22hrs how can i get my whats app to work.
WeChat is a chinese company...you think NSA snooping is bad? Probably nothing compared to China.
I love when people say " why don't you use this?" or "why don't you use that ?" because our friends have whatsapp! Should we force each and every one of our friends to switch ? Lets be real people.

Maybe If you're just chatting with one or two people, then fine. But for those of us who are heavy imers, that is not going to work. Q
So there are some b?tatesters here right? Could they comment on how polished the new version looks, and whether or not it becomes more reliable and stops crashing in the latest b?ta versions? We are all getting our hopes up, but do you (b?tatesters) think the new version will be a big improvement that will make us happy? :D I just expect to be able to use it in a more reliable and faster way..
So there are some b?tatesters here right? Could they comment on how polished the new version looks, and whether or not it becomes more reliable and stops crashing in the latest b?ta versions? We are all getting our hopes up, but do you (b?tatesters) think the new version will be a big improvement that will make us happy? :D I just expect to be able to use it in a more reliable and faster way..

From what I've heard from the beta testers it's miles better than the current version. The last couple of beta builds have been very polished with very few bugs or issues.
What annoyed me when I was using Android was WhatsApp, it's like updating all the time, but now for WP8, this never happens.
I suddenly don't receive notification from WhatsApp or very late.,

Anyone with the same problem?
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