WhatsApp Questions and Answers thread

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I can't get used to the fact that there is no audio API stream when I am pressing the volume buttons lol. This is so weird.
After installing the update, I noticed that when I go to my phone settings -> applications -> background tasks, WhatsApp was enabled to run in the background. I blocked it. Not sure what it was for. Even when it is blocked, I am (as expected) able to receive notifications when I receive a message. Wonder what additional capability allowing it to run in the background adds.
Don't forget to rate it higher indeed! WhatsApp was my favorite app on Android and I really hope it improves on WP. If they do something good, rating higher is nice, that's a way of letting them know they are doing it right and there's room to improve AND when someone interested on WP goes to the store... Is better good reviews instead of crappy ones, that only drives people away of the platform.
Without the audio api, will my battery drain less?

I don't know. It depends on if you don't leave WiFi on after screen time-out (the streaming API left WiFi on after you close your phone, but after portico I set WiFi on always on my self). But the background loaders and push 'something something ' has been rewritten and improved.
Just downloaded im not getting that stupid streaming icon anymore. Yay! Will update back on batt consumption later, thx!
The Audio Stream API is still present on WP 7.x.

WTF Whatsapp people??!?!?

You should take it up with Microsoft, because WhatsApp is not to blame for WP7's poor support for push notifications, running in the background, and various features required for a proper WhatsApp. That's an OS limitation, not a WhatsApp thing.
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