My Microsoft order is canceled. If you are holding on to hope that your will get your device tomorrow you wont. Microsoft Store will ship these devices tomorrow on UPS so you will not get your phone until Monday. You only have till Midnight tonight to cancel your order. This from Microsoft Store help page.
You can pre-order some items that are not yet available for immediate delivery. Pre-Orders can be reviewed, updated, or cancelled at any time before pre-order items are released. Please
Contact Us to review or cancel a pre-order, or to update the following:
- The credit card associated with the pre-order (including changes to the credit card type, credit card number, billing address, and expiration date)
- The item quantities
- The shipping method for physical products
Prices for pre-order items are covered by the
Pre-order Price Guarantee, which describes what happens if prices change after you purchase a pre-order item. We will occasionally make a pre-order option available for a high demand item before the official price is known. We may provide an "estimated price" in this situation, but we do not guarantee that the estimated price will match the official price when announced. In such instances, you will be charged the official price rather than the estimated price for the item.
A credit card is required for pre-order, but your card will not be charged until your order is shipped or the product is made available for download. Note that we can't charge your card and complete your order if your card expires between the date you pre-ordered the item and the date the item becomes available. Please ensure that your billing and contact information is current at all times.
If you wish to return an item that was pre-ordered, the 30-day return period begins:
- When downloadable products are delivered electronically to your account
- When physical products are shipped
As you can see once the device is released you can no longer cancel your order.
I stopped at 2 local AT&T stores to check availability. They both had devices available. Ones store told me that all AT&T stores will have at least a few on hand tomorrow. The other store told me that they would only have Black and Red in stock for the launch. To get a White or Yellow you have to go through order fulfillment. They will have to ship it to you.
The Microsoft Store screwed us this time. It wont happen to me again.
Good luck everybody