Where are files stored for Windows Sound Recorder? [WindowsRT 8.1]


New member
Dec 10, 2008
There doesn't seem to be a "Save As" option. I cant choose where to save the files. Are these files accessible through Windows Explorer at least? I want to transfer them to either Skydrive, OneNote or SD Card.
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Re: Where are files stored for Sound Recorder? [WindowsRT 8.1]

Which app are you using? I do not see anything called "Sound Recorder" in the store.

Re: Where are files stored for Sound Recorder? [WindowsRT 8.1]

Its called Windows Sound Recorder which came with 8.1. Maybe it doesn't show up in the store if you don't have 8.1 preview?
Re: Where are files stored for Sound Recorder? [WindowsRT 8.1]

Excellent!!! Thanks, Laura!!! Now I just have to remember the long path to get there. Sheesh! It's buried pretty deep.

Now I can move recorded lectures to SD card. I was worried I was going to run out of space on my RT.

Thank you again!
Re: Where are files stored for Sound Recorder? [WindowsRT 8.1]

Excellent!!! Thanks, Laura!!! Now I just have to remember the long path to get there. Sheesh! It's buried pretty deep.

Now I can move recorded lectures to SD card. I was worried I was going to run out of space on my RT.

Thank you again!
You're welcome. I'm glad it works.

Hopefully, they'll fix it before official release, since that's really convoluted the way it is currently.
Re: Where are files stored for Sound Recorder? [WindowsRT 8.1]

Gosh I hope so. In the meantime, I suggest to anyone else using this app to just create a shortcut of the folder "recordings" in either desktop or start screen. One thing to note, is once the file has been moved from its original folder Sound Recorder will no longer see it, but the file will open just fine using Xbox Music.
Re: Where are files stored for Sound Recorder? [WindowsRT 8.1]

You can use Long Path Tool as well, it works for such problems I will say.
What is the name of the files in sound recorder? i can't follow the video steps because I don't have my name under Users or any similar folder. thanks
In short: Go To: C:\Users\<your user name>\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\Indexed\Recordings
You can paste this in explorer and it will take you there.

You can paste this in explorer and it will take you there.


Or even shorter: %LocalAppData%\Packages\Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\Indexed\Recordings
Thank you, thank you, thank you!

A month ago, I had recorded a couple of hours of crucial interviews for a story I'm writing and nearly had a panic attack this evening when I couldn't find the Sound Recorder App, let alone my files. But I prayed and persisted and searched a solution online and here it was. I truly appreciate your tip, which worked like a dream!!!

Now I need to back up these files before I lose them again. :)
You have posted a reply o the gentleman but it does not show up on my link. How can I get to the recordings to save them in another place so I can dent them out for others to hear
The Sound Recorder provided with Windows 8.1 is totally primitive and records in one format only and saves files in the absolute most obscure place possible. Ignore it.

Google Audacity and you'll find a hugely capable audio recording application which is FREE and works like a charm. You can export any recording you make in many different formats. Don't forget to download and install the LAME program you'll see as a helper program. You can edit any kind of audio file and change it in many incredible ways. Install it and put a link onto your Start menu. You'll get great use from it.:grin::grin:

Also: my advice is always "Nov shmoz ka pop!"

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