I use my 950XL as it's my phone, I have a worked supplied Samsung and hate it.
My wife uses her 950.
We will use them till they become unusable or a suitable replacement becomes available, we hope they will be phone sized devices that run full blown W10 with telephony, my personal favourite will be that we can port our mobile numbers to our Windows accounts so we could then make calls to and from any PC like our Surfaces and Xbox's as well as the smaller devices.
I agree that the one of the big reasons for not killing W10M (besides ******* off the thousands of us still using it) is that parts of it will be siphoned off to the Andromeda device for use in the folded position. Hopefully we see this device sometime later this year. Until then I will continue to use my X3 daily, with my 1020 for my travel camera and still have my big yellow 1520.3 just in case.Yep, feedback hub got something from me that could probably qualify as more of an article than a comment. I am sure they cruise and take note of sites like this one too so feel free to post what you want them to know, plus it's nice for others who feel like you do to read your post.
I honestly don't think Microsoft is ditching phones, I think it is more like they are going to be migrating the UWP parts of W10M to their new "Code-Named Andromeda" device, whatever that ends up being. But they seem to be laying the groundwork for something lately. I am looking forward to the unveiling of whatever it is.