Who is still using a Windows Phone? Honest Question.

Lumia 950 is my primary phone device. I am not planning to switch to iOS or Android. If Andromeda is available for sale this year, I will switch to that.
We were a family of Lumias - 1 x 950XL, 2 x 930 and 1 x 650.

I was having a lot of trouble with the mail client on the 950XL. The Outlook and Office 365 mail account would get corrupted for no reason, meaning I couldn't change the sync frequency etc. I had to do a hard reset to get it fixed. Very annoying. In the end, I bought a second hand iPhone 6S plus which works perfectly.

We dropped one 930, the other was replaced with an Android phone and the 650 is the only one left.

Due to the issues with the Office 365 mail - I switched to GSuite which pretty much does what I want too.

So all in all - nothing is keeping me on Windows Phone now. RIP
I'm using the 830 as my only phone. I don't see any reason why to swap I yet, and don't understand the "STILL" at all... it's a well made device with a great operating system. I don't use apps much, but I've more than 50 installed, which of 20 are games. It works perfectly and still cannot believe it's an 4 year old phone. On the side, having the pointed edges it's a great beer opener as well.

Nah, tried an Nokia 5 but smashed it within the first 10 days, just out of frustration of that hideous Android OS.

It performs fine and I think it will still do within a year or 2... :love:
I don't replace things unnecessarily. My Lumia 650 is a year old, and works fine, so I'll use it until it breaks or dies, which might be years. Just like I've kept my 1996 Subaru going, though I bought a 2010 Prius a couple years ago, as the Subaru is rusting out.

I only have experience with Windows phones, with my only prior smartphone being the Lumia 630 that I used for two years, but finally replaced it due to a broken screen. Before that, I never even owned a cell phone... just used company issued flip phones because the monthly cost of a smartphone was not reasonable in my eyes until about 2014, when I could get $30-35 plans on Cricket. Before that, $100 per month was a nonstarter, like I wouldn't pay for cable TV when I could get an signal with an antenna (and I watch TV maybe a couple times a year anyway these days, so I never upgraded my 20" tube TV). Getting into smartphones late compared to others was no big deal. Just like never having signed up for facebook, there were a lot of advantages (not being absorbed by the phone), not just in the budget.

I've never owned anything Apple, and probably never will. I'm no nonsense, and don't like Apple as the status symbol company, which I see as making things that snobs own, and I don't like their practices/closed system that I've read about. So I'll eventually get an Android phone. Maybe a Nokia, I'll see what's available when the time comes. I'm not looking forward to learning a new phone OS... not that I can't figure it out, but it will be annoying.

I like how Windows phone works and looks. I don't like how Edge crashes or reloads on my favorite website, but it's fine for the most part. I am disappointed that Wells Fargo stopped supporting the Windows app, because I can no longer deposit checks by taking a photograph. But that's the only app that I've lost, and I only deposited one or two checks that way. I like how my Windows phone connects to my Prius automatically. I've heard that it can actually be more problematic with other phones.
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Windows UI is simple and easy. I don't need specialized Apps. Syncs with home computer easily. I'm sticking with it. Android is stupidly complex sometimes.
I use my 950XL as it's my phone, I have a worked supplied Samsung and hate it.

My wife uses her 950.

We will use them till they become unusable or a suitable replacement becomes available, we hope they will be phone sized devices that run full blown W10 with telephony, my personal favourite will be that we can port our mobile numbers to our Windows accounts so we could then make calls to and from any PC like our Surfaces and Xbox's as well as the smaller devices.

I have a 950 and will keep it until something else comes along. I am hopeful that we'll see those rumored devices running full blown 10 w/ telephony! Don't make me go Droid...Apple is not even an option for me, mostly because it doesn't inspire me in the least and is way over priced. Call me crazy for hanging in there but there is nothing out there that compares to the Windows Mobile UI...I have never bought into the app gap thing as I use my phone to make calls, calendar, txt, and searching the internet. You can keep your apps...don't need them. Social media isn't my thing although I have the obligatory accounts with the major players. I mostly use it to keep in touch with family that is out of state. I consider myself more in the productivity camp and don't use the small screen as often as my laptop which is so much better for streaming movies and the like. I salute those of you out there who have been compelled to stick it out with MS. We are the forgotten few but my guess is that as a collective force we are something to be reckoned with...so let's let our voices be heard and never be ashamed of the choice we have made. I guarantee you that whatever MS has up it's sleeve will not succeed without us! Take that to the bank.
I am still using my Lumia 920 in Malaysia and will keep using it till MS foldable device is launch as I like the live tiles and the OS been able to pin apps to start menu and arrange it to my likely make a whole lot better other OS that I have seen MS should keep us with WM 9or 10 and tell us that they are working on a device with mobile on Windows 10 and provide a upgrade option for us loyal fan
I'm still using my 830 and will continue doing so until it dies. I'm not a kid and don't care about impressing friends because I have the latest and greatest overpriced piece of junk on the market. I'm also 60 yrs old and retired and have little to no need for the immeasurable number of (cr)apps available for Android or iPhone. I don't play games on my phone, sure as hell don't use it to watch movies when I have a 55" TV to watch them on and I don't walk around with earbuds stuck in my ears to cut me off from what is going on in the world around me. If my 830 dies before a decent replacement hits the market, I'll probably pick up whatever Windows phone I can find at a bargain price or even a basic flip phone. I sure as hell won't be spending over $1000 on whatever is 'cool' to have for a few months until the next overpriced device hits the market.
I've converted over 100 persons to use Windows Phones, about 20 persons from workplace, i got my assistant into the Windows Phone ecosystem a while back when they had that BOGO free deal, i got the 950XL, he got his 950, I've been using Windows Phone for quite a while and had Nokia N8 before all of that, had Lumia 625,640,650,1020.

Wife using 950, I purchased the Alcatel Idol 4s Windows 10 phone that's on sale for $99 bucks for my wife, then her 950 i'm gonna give my mom to replace her Lumia 650, her 650 will give sell friend cheap to replace her 640, that friend plans to buy Alcatel Idol Win 10 or 950 and give her brother the 650, one of my co-workers updated his 640 ---> 950, so his son will have 640 as first smart phone ( a kid). I'm from Caribbean, many of us here just love how Windows Phone works, it's simple, intuitive UI and quite different. Despite Nadella not pushing much into mobile effort among other consumer products , I still personally love Windows Phone and that won't ever change, only thing i hope change is Nadella brain, it's still in the clouds!
I'm still using my 830 and will continue doing so until it dies. I'm not a kid and don't care about impressing friends because I have the latest and greatest overpriced piece of junk on the market. I'm also 60 yrs old and retired and have little to no need for the immeasurable number of (cr)apps available for Android or iPhone. I don't play games on my phone, sure as hell don't use it to watch movies when I have a 55" TV to watch them on and I don't walk around with earbuds stuck in my ears to cut me off from what is going on in the world around me. If my 830 dies before a decent replacement hits the market, I'll probably pick up whatever Windows phone I can find at a bargain price or even a basic flip phone. I sure as hell won't be spending over $1000 on whatever is 'cool' to have for a few months until the next overpriced device hits the market.

“and while you’re at it, get off my lawn!”

Sorry, couldn’t resist.
Using my 950 until it dies. I have been watching for deals on 950XL. i am kicking myself now for not buying the XL when they were offering 2 for one deals. (when my 950 was new). i am so disappointed in Microsoft. They have good ideas, put out products i like and use, and then they disappear.
I have never had problems with my surface(s), band 1 & 2, or phones...don't even know which version i started with. I don't get it. Microsoft is losing it's base daily and they don't seem to care.
I thought windows 10 across all devices was brilliant, and still do.
Has any windows lovers ever wrote to Microsoft and told them not to give up on windows mobile . I think if MS is really calling it quits on their phones they should make it possible for users to be able to use a different platform

They already do. They put all their apps on iPhone and Android and even have an awesome Launcher on Android
Still using Lumia 950 with a cracked screen. It works and I have had it since it was released. Before that, the lumia 920 and had that since it was release. Two phones - 5+ years. I have looked at the other phones but just can't pull the trigger on them...too much money for marginal gain. I must say that there are occasions where I can't get apps that would be helpful but it isn't critical and as such, continue to plug along with my current one.
My 950xl is still my daily driver. I bought an LG G6 to try andriod again. Guess what I still hate the andriod OS. Great app support and customization capabilities. But it still suffers from the same issue that attracted me to windows mobile in the first place. The "I can't find my app" or needing to open the app to get a quick update on something.
Has any windows lovers ever wrote to Microsoft and told them not to give up on windows mobile . I think if MS is really calling it quits on their phones they should make it possible for users to be able to use a different platform

Yep, feedback hub got something from me that could probably qualify as more of an article than a comment. I am sure they cruise and take note of sites like this one too so feel free to post what you want them to know, plus it's nice for others who feel like you do to read your post.

I honestly don't think Microsoft is ditching phones, I think it is more like they are going to be migrating the UWP parts of W10M to their new "Code-Named Andromeda" device, whatever that ends up being. But they seem to be laying the groundwork for something lately. I am looking forward to the unveiling of whatever it is.

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