Re: Who wants the Round edge tiles?
hmm, Now I knew whats so special about Windows Phone community. They dont want anything borrowed. The WP8 looks super fine and impress all other phone users with fluidic transitions and simplicity. I m really amuzed to see how much the Community cares for the uniqueness the platform has!!
Just forgive me all brothers, I just lost my point here. Thanks for waking me up from the Dream..
You're just miguided is all :winktongue:
The main thing I like about WP is how it's totally divorced from most OSes out there. If you look at
any up and coming mobile OS (Sailfish, Firefox OS), they
ALL borrow from existing designs, without bringing anything new to the table. No matter how "new and refreshing" they claim to be, you're getting the same core experience. Place all the OSes in a line in front of Average Joe and he's going to have a hard time distinguishing them from each other. WP8 on the other hand, very recognisable.
I firmly believe WP has been the only OS to shake conventions since the first iteration of iOS back in '07.