Why did you switch from iPhone to Lumia?

iPhone 3 GS > iPhone 5 > iPhone 5S > iPhone 6 > iPhone 6+ >>> still waiting for years for a WP flagship. with Windows 10, a change will be possible.

hope the lumia 940 coming soon. I WANT TO SWITCH
I actually switched from iPhone to Windows phone a while back, but the main reasons I did so was:
1) better battery life - my Lumia 928 (now have Lumia Icon) has a much longer battery life than my iPhone did.
2) live tiles are so much better than plain icons. When I receive a text message or email, I can actually see who it's from on the live tile instead of actually having to pull down the notification screen or entering the app itself.
3) The Camera - best pictures I've ever taken with a smart phone. It even takes better pictures than my Cannon SureShot 14 MP.
4) and the MOST IMPORTANT reason - NO ITUNES! I absolutely HATE that in order for me to rearrange my pictures, or add music or videos, to my iPhone, I had to go through iTunes, which is the most cumbersome, painful experience. I can't begin to tell you how many pictures I lost trying to figure that system out. With my Windows Phone, I plug the phone to my computer, open Explorer and navigate to my phone. All of my pictures, videos, music, etc are right there. I can move them around, delete them, add some, sort them, etc., and when I'm done, unplug my phone and complete. BEST experience when it comes to that.
I like the operating system of the windows phone. It is professional and to my preferences. I did have an iPhone before but when I use it it feels like a toy, a shiny object that I began to dislike. Whenever I use a windows phone I am always satisfied with the OP and love simplicity of the phone. Looking forward to windows phone 10.
I did not switched from Iphone but from Android (HTC one M8) to a Nokia Lumia 930 (expensive one) and now I regret doing that and feel angry about it:

1. Starting with no voice navigation in my country(WTH?), a feature I so enjoyed on my former phone.
2. I cannot record voice notes on whatsapp the other person simply dont hear them, call on speaker and the other person cannot hear me.
3. I found that when my lumia's recording video (using Lumia Camera) on landscape orientation, it captures audio but on portrait it does not. Cortana, speech (voice input in messaging) work just fine.
4. Shazam does not recognize the song playing, it keeps saying "didn't catch that" and third party voice recorder app does not capture sound too. OneNote also doesn't capture audio.

these are cleary bugs a flagship as the 930 should not have also because of its price, so disappointed at this OS and at me selling my One M8 for this thing.:eck::cry::unhappy:
I'm sorry, I did not switch from iPhone to Windows phone ... I did the opposite! Why? There's a good question ...
Everyone at home have a Windows Phone, cause of me. So what happen? My son broke his Lumia 920, so I gived my Lumia 830 to him. When I was looking for a new WP, the only one disponible at Rogers (my provider in Canada) is the Lumia 830. I tried to know if they will have the new Lumia 640 XL, without succes. I hate buying the same phone twice. So, I decided to try the iPhone 6 Plus.

I miss my Windows Phone sooooo much! I do like my iPhone, but not has my Lumia 830.

1- The camera software is good, the the hardware quality sucks!
2- I miss the notification center
3- I do have a trillion of billion of apps, much of them are crap. They are free, but too much intrusive. As long as you keep try running free, it pop up messages to try to sell you the Pro version. Even after it pop up something else trying to sell you another app.
4- I miss the micro SD card extension

So, I 'm gonna keep my iPhone until the upcomming high end phones from Microsoft. At least, the iPhone is an easy phone to sell and for a good price.
I'm sorry, I did not switch from iPhone to Windows phone ... I did the opposite! Why? There's a good question ...
Everyone at home have a Windows Phone, cause of me. So what happen? My son broke his Lumia 920, so I gived my Lumia 830 to him. When I was looking for a new WP, the only one disponible at Rogers (my provider in Canada) is the Lumia 830. I tried to know if they will have the new Lumia 640 XL, without succes. I hate buying the same phone twice. So, I decided to try the iPhone 6 Plus.

I miss my Windows Phone sooooo much! I do like my iPhone, but not has my Lumia 830.

1- The camera software is good, the the hardware quality sucks!
2- I miss the notification center
3- I do have a trillion of billion of apps, much of them are crap. They are free, but too much intrusive. As long as you keep try running free, it pop up messages to try to sell you the Pro version. Even after it pop up something else trying to sell you another app.
4- I miss the micro SD card extension

So, I 'm gonna keep my iPhone until the upcomming high end phones from Microsoft. At least, the iPhone is an easy phone to sell and for a good price.

No one ask for that one. Stick with the question
My iPhone got stolen from me while I was at the movies. I had insurance on it and I called my provider, who shall remain nameless (but this was 2011 - you do the math), they told me that it wasn't their problem and I needed to call Apple. So I called Apple and they told me that the provider was a liar and that it was really their problem. Apple also told me that they really hated said provider and wouldn't be helping me out with them. That was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Windows Phone had been out for about 6 months, I already had an Xbox 360 and a PC - so I jumped on the Windows Phone bandwagon as well. Let me tell you, I have not looked back since. I love my Windows Phone. I love the interface, I love the customization, and - despite what the critics say about lack of apps - I have never found myself wanting for anything I needed. If there was not an "official" app, someone from the community would put one out there. I can't wait to see what the Windows 10 update has in store for Windows Phone and I can't wait for some new flagship devices. My Lumia 920 is 2 years old and I'm anxious to get a new high-end Windows Phone...
I actually have done the opposite and switched from Lumia to iPhone.

What will bring me back from iPhone is the fact that the OS is kind of annoying in many places and there are some not so obvious/user friendly things you cant pick up on easily.

The fact you are far too controlled and forced to use iTunes to do something as simple as making ringtones...it's ridiculous.

A good OS handicapped by a strict totalitarian mentality(IOS) vs Less restrictive but still conservative in many ways finding itself OS(Windows phone).
Thought about replacing my Passport with a Windows Phablet, but I probably won't do it. I did have a Lumia 822 at one time and did not like it, BUT I realize Windows has come a long way since that phone. I just got an iPhone 6 Plus on my other line and that I'm not ready to give up any time soon. That being said I DO like to change it up from time to time so you NEVER know.

The main selling feature for me with the Lumia line is of course that camera!
I actually have done the opposite and switched from Lumia to iPhone.

What will bring me back from iPhone is the fact that the OS is kind of annoying in many places and there are some not so obvious/user friendly things you cant pick up on easily.

The fact you are far too controlled and forced to use iTunes to do something as simple as making ringtones...it's ridiculous.

A good OS handicapped by a strict totalitarian mentality(IOS) vs Less restrictive but still conservative in many ways finding itself OS(Windows phone).
Check out the Zedge app. It's available for iOS as well as Windows Phone and Android. It has some great ringtones.

Sent from my rooted Nexus 7 (2013) using Tapatalk
I've never owned an iPhone but I avoid them like the plague. I bought my son an iPad and it needed bank account details to access the store. He couldn't even check out free apps without me logging in. You have to remember to log out when you've finished and watch him while he's using the store. Was so glad when he smashed it.
I did not switched from Iphone but from Android (HTC one M8) to a Nokia Lumia 930 (expensive one) and now I regret doing that and feel angry about it:

1. Starting with no voice navigation in my country(WTH?), a feature I so enjoyed on my former phone.
2. I cannot record voice notes on whatsapp the other person simply dont hear them, call on speaker and the other person cannot hear me.
3. I found that when my lumia's recording video (using Lumia Camera) on landscape orientation, it captures audio but on portrait it does not. Cortana, speech (voice input in messaging) work just fine.
4. Shazam does not recognize the song playing, it keeps saying "didn't catch that" and third party voice recorder app does not capture sound too. OneNote also doesn't capture audio.

these are cleary bugs a flagship as the 930 should not have also because of its price, so disappointed at this OS and at me selling my One M8 for this thing.:eck::cry::unhappy:

Have you tried Windows 10 technical preview for phone? A lot of things have changed. At this point, you should get it a try :)
I have been an Apple user for years but changed 4 months ago. For me it was using a lot of the Microsoft apps on the ipad and seeing how good they were, this challenged my views a bit. I started using them more, and then decided the laptop my work give me (windows 7 but error filled) to see if i could get it running, installed windows 10 and was amazed at its speed and stability (i could use it to do stuff which was a massive improvment of my experince of windows 7!). I then started looking at the phones, desiring to reduce the cost of my contract, i got a lumia 535 (dropped from ?36 PM to ?12.50!) and love that phone. SUre its not got the best specs but it runs great and no real lag on it either.
Check out the Zedge app. It's available for iOS as well as Windows Phone and Android. It has some great ringtones.

Sent from my rooted Nexus 7 (2013) using Tapatalk

While Zedge DOES work on iOS it requires the use of iTunes and you must install an iTunes add on that makes it work. It's not as seamless as it is with other platforms.
Well heres my story. I started from the original iphone and switched to the HTC HD7 when windows phone 7 came out. Than later I switched to a Galaxy S4 (wanted wp8 but tmobile wasn't carrying any good ones). Now that the 640xl is out, I came back to wp and sold the junkdroid galaxy s4. Im loving it so far.
Since windows phone 7 series came out:

2009-2010: iPhone 3GS
2010-2012- HTC HD7
2012- HTC Titan 2
2012-2014- Lumia 920
2014- LG G2
2014-2015- iPhone 5s
2015- iPhone 6 plus

Finally found the platform I like with iOS. I miss windows phonebut they don't stick to a plan. Family room is gone, people hub is gone, when my Titan 2 was 6 months old was promised to get 7.8, still hasn't received it. Windows phone 7 devices do not get Windows phone 8, just like Windows phone/mobile 6.5 didn't get Windows phone 7.

Before Apple music, there was this great service called Zune. It was better than iTunes, they changed the name, the software and turned it into a cluster****, now it is called groove or something.

The new calendar and Mail apps in Windows 10 mobile suck, it isn't the clean interface and doesn't offer anything that iPhone or android offers... Nothing unique. You can't even post to Facebook without the app which is rarely updated on Windows phone anymore. They said that Facebook took access away, yet iOS can still do it. No thanks... This is why I went from a Lumia to an iPhone

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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