I did not switched from Iphone but from Android (HTC one M8) to a Nokia Lumia 930 (expensive one) and now I regret doing that and feel angry about it:
1. Starting with no voice navigation in my country(WTH?), a feature I so enjoyed on my former phone.
2. I cannot record voice notes on whatsapp the other person simply dont hear them, call on speaker and the other person cannot hear me.
3. I found that when my lumia's recording video (using Lumia Camera) on landscape orientation, it captures audio but on portrait it does not. Cortana, speech (voice input in messaging) work just fine.
4. Shazam does not recognize the song playing, it keeps saying "didn't catch that" and third party voice recorder app does not capture sound too. OneNote also doesn't capture audio.
these are cleary bugs a flagship as the 930 should not have also because of its price, so disappointed at this OS and at me selling my One M8 for this thing.:eck:
