Why do people hate Windows 8.?

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Actually 8 was good, 8.1 just made it even better. And actually the majority doesn't hate windows 8. they just have the impression that 8 isn't good because they hear the minority yelling and screaming that 8 isn't good. That's why i'm vocal about it, because it actually is good. I've personally known people who claimed 8 was horrible. When asked why, they have no answers. So I show them how it works, and they like it.

The majorities certainly do not like win 8. It's adoption rate is severely lagging. It has been blamed for tanking new computer sales as people don't want to be stuck with a new computer that they then have to learn a completely new way of using it, breaking core functionality they have grown accustomed to over the past 20 years. If you go online there are many anecdotes of people who buy a new PC that has Win 8, hate it so much they return the PC and have their old one "fixed" so they can at least have Win 7 back for some time. Other anecdotes are people switching to Mac OS. My parents just did this. Been Win users since the 90's, hated Win 8 and got Mac books instead. They are now apple people. Win 8 is nothing short of a disaster.
Sure, once you spend time to make it behave just like Win 7, it is fine. However Microsoft defaults it to all the useless Win 8 functionalities -- Metro, no right-click context menues, useless fullscreen apps, etc... They attempt to use it a way to force to you to setup a Windows account (until you learn the trick to make a local account). It's not laziness. It's offensive that Microsoft would temporarily impair the productivity of businesses to force an OS on them whose sole purpose is to get the users used to operating a Windows phone or Surface tablet. It's a stunt that has people up in arms.

Why on earth would Microsoft encourage two completely different UI experiences? At some point the experience had to merge. Why not now with the boom in mobile computing? I don't see any stunt--I see common sense. It is a given that some people won't like change, but how do you justify a fragmented experience among Windows hardware just to satisfy people who are resistant to change. Windows 8.1 has a transition experience that includes desktop and Metro interfaces. What exactly do you think the solution is? Rolling out 7.1 instead? Changing the Metro UI on tablets and smartphones to a Windows 7-type experience? I understand your criticisms, but solving them by staying with the past leads to no rational solution from a global perspective.
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This Steve Itman guy has 20 posts under his belt, all here on the "Why do people hate Windows 8.?" thread, all bashing on Windows 8. I smell something fishy.
Other anecdotes are people switching to Mac OS. My parents just did this. Been Win users since the 90's, hated Win 8 and got Mac books instead. They are now apple people. Win 8 is nothing short of a disaster.

If it is that much of a disaster and people are switching over to OS X, why does OS X have a smaller market share than Win 8.1 (Even Win 8.0 which was hated more has a higher market share than OS X)
This Steve Itman guy has 20 posts under his belt, all here on the "Why do people hate Windows 8.?" thread, all bashing on Windows 8. I smell something fishy.

I'm not going to comment on what you may or may not smell. But the fact is, windows 8 is awesome. I love it on my Surface Pro 2 and I love it on my PC. Back when I had a Surface RT, I even liked Windows RT. It's actually good. People can't even say what they hate about it. I don't' want to hear that it's different, or made for touch, those are not real reasons. If you can't handle change then maybe you shouldn't be using technology, because technology changes all the time. The change is constant and fast, there isn't a luxury in this world to be stuck in the past. Even Windows 7, as nice as it was, is just too old and limiting. Sure, Windows 8 is fresh and new, but that doesn't mean you have to be afraid of it. The future is here, embrace it.
I'm not going to comment on what you may or may not smell. But the fact is, windows 8 is awesome. I love it on my Surface Pro 2 and I love it on my PC. Back when I had a Surface RT, I even liked Windows RT. It's actually good. People can't even say what they hate about it. I don't' want to hear that it's different, or made for touch, those are not real reasons. If you can't handle change then maybe you shouldn't be using technology, because technology changes all the time. The change is constant and fast, there isn't a luxury in this world to be stuck in the past. Even Windows 7, as nice as it was, is just too old and limiting. Sure, Windows 8 is fresh and new, but that doesn't mean you have to be afraid of it. The future is here, embrace it.

The great thing in life is, that there's not a reason for everything. Why do I like my vegetables while other people hate them? Why do I love running in the rain when other people would not even step outside? Why do I dislike some people while other people have a relationship with them?

Even if I didn't give you all these reasons why I dislike Windows 8.0, I would still have every right to dislike it.

But you showed before that you really have troubles with different opinions and can't accept that somebody likes something else than you do. Your taste is declared standard in your little world, everything else is just bad. I guess it would make me as an ignorant person as you are if I couldn't accept that though.

Regardless, Windows 7 being more limited than Windows RT is one of the greatest jokes I've heard in a long time.
The great thing in life is, that there's not a reason for everything. Why do I like my vegetables while other people hate them? Why do I love running in the rain when other people would not even step outside? Why do I dislike some people while other people have a relationship with them?

Even if I didn't give you all these reasons why I dislike Windows 8.0, I would still have every right to dislike it.

But you showed before that you really have troubles with different opinions and can't really accept that somebody likes something else than you do. Your taste is declared standard in your world, everything else is just bad. I guess it would make me as an ignorant person as you are if I couldn't accept that though.

Nonetheless, Windows 7 being more limited than Windows RT is one of the greatest jokes I've heard in a long time.
Please do not compare technology to vegetables. It's hazardous to your health. And please go back and read my post again. Sure I mentioned windows RT but I was comparing windows 8 to 7, NOT RT. So stop trying to make jokes where there are none. On a side note though, winRT does have thousands of apps that 7 cannot access.
Please do not compare technology to vegetables. It's hazardous to your health. And please go back and read my post again. Sure I mentioned windows RT but I was comparing windows 8 to 7, NOT RT. So stop trying to make jokes where there are none. On a side note though, winRT does have thousands of apps that 7 cannot access.

You said Win 7 is limited and Win RT is good.

I don't even want to try to compare the software Win 7 can run and Win RT can not. Arguing with touch functionality, that's what I had done, but you chose the stupidest argument.
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