WPCentral Question
I was using my phone as normal and went to check a email. The email was not loading so I tried to go back to the home screen. The phone lagged and never went to the home screen. So I tried to reset the phone and the phone never came back on. It will vibrate and the white and green HTC screen appears and then goes to a black screen and does nothing. I tried many times and the same thing. I then did a hard reset by doing the power button and both volume buttons which led to the white screen with numbers and three barcodes. I did this type of reset before when my phone didn't want to turn on and went to the black screen, and it worked perfectly. But this time it gave me different results. I brought my phone to some Windows employees at my mall and they said that they have never seen this before and believe its a hardware/device problem and suggested that I bring it to AT&T. I did so and they are just going to give me a new phone because I am within my warranty time frame.
Is there any info on this happening to anyone? If so, please share because I would like to save my phone and all its info before getting a new one.
Is there any info on this happening to anyone? If so, please share because I would like to save my phone and all its info before getting a new one.