Why does WP central post articles that have nothing to do with WP?

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You guys say that they do it because people are likely to have Microsoft products but based off market share and sales figures, people are more likely to have an Apple, Sony or Android device to go with their WP but you never see any info on that. They only do articles about Microsoft products. I just don't understand the complete lack of WP related stuff in a place that's the central for WP lol.
I dont mind it one bit. I own an Xbox, surface pro 3 and an iphone...
arguing a name change is just semantics because this blog even when it was called windows mobile central covered all MS products.

It is pretty clear this site does a majority of windows phone news, iMore covers all apple products, android central covers everything Google... I wouldn't change a thing, if you don't like the headline then don't click on it... if you still don't like it create your own windows phone only blog

Sent from my Surface Pro 3 using Tapatalk
I dont mind it one bit. I own an Xbox, surface pro 3 and an iphone...
arguing a name change is just semantics because this blog even when it was called windows mobile central covered all MS products.

It is pretty clear this site does a majority of windows phone news, iMore covers all apple products, android central covers everything Google... I wouldn't change a thing, if you don't like the headline then don't click on it... if you still don't like it create your own windows phone only blog

Sent from my Surface Pro 3 using Tapatalk

Thanks for the completely biased subjective response.
Last 10articles
Not including the ice bucket challenge

8 are windows phone news/articles
2 are Microsoft general news

Not sure what the big issue is

Sent from my Surface Pro 3 using Tapatalk
I can agree that, at times, I get annoyed by all the Windows PC news. I'm of the huge majority that absolutely abhors Windows 8, so any news there is a waste of space to me, whether I click on the article or not. Xbox news isn't really needed here either, but is less annoying to me since I still love my 360 (no interest in a One, yet).

But on this site the attitude is - anything MS is considered the best ever and should be included. I think the real problem is, that there just isn't enough news about Windows Phone to keep this site running.
I read the blog to catch up on my windows phone, and Microsoft news. I am not trolling and just put out facts to show your argument is invalid because mostly it covers windows phone. I don't read gaming blogs, I said I own an Xbox doesn't mean anything but I come to this blogs "Mobile Nations" to read about all my devices... Including Xbox, surface, windows phone, iOS and apple products. Mobile Nations pretty much covers all platforms that are used by the majority of most people. I believe that WP central has the most activity and the bloggers do an excellent job reporting on news. Usually when Microsodt announced new items they also announce new changes it applies to both Windows phone and windows (like universal apps) I like I can read it all here on wpcentral and Mobile Nations. You should petition them to change then if you don't like it... To me, it's just a name.
You guys say that they do it because people are likely to have Microsoft products but based off market share and sales figures, people are more likely to have an Apple, Sony or Android device to go with their WP but you never see any info on that. They only do articles about Microsoft products. I just don't understand the complete lack of WP related stuff in a place that's the central for WP lol.
well they kinda do want us to buy Windows, and if in the news they are all like "the iPhone 6 with new glass?" "the Android, one of the best battery life phones out there?" then... I dont know whatever haha.
I read the blog to catch up on my windows phone, and Microsoft news. I am not trolling and just put out facts to show your argument is invalid because mostly it covers windows phone. I don't read gaming blogs, I said I own an Xbox doesn't mean anything but I come to this blogs "Mobile Nations" to read about all my devices... Including Xbox, surface, windows phone, iOS and apple products. Mobile Nations pretty much covers all platforms that are used by the majority of most people. I believe that WP central has the most activity and the bloggers do an excellent job reporting on news. Usually when Microsodt announced new items they also announce new changes it applies to both Windows phone and windows (like universal apps) I like I can read it all here on wpcentral and Mobile Nations. You should petition them to change then if you don't like it... To me, it's just a name.
You are saying the utmost of nothing.
I can agree that, at times, I get annoyed by all the Windows PC news. I'm of the huge majority that absolutely abhors Windows 8, so any news there is a waste of space to me, whether I click on the article or not. Xbox news isn't really needed here either, but is less annoying to me since I still love my 360 (no interest in a One, yet).

But on this site the attitude is - anything MS is considered the best ever and should be included. I think the real problem is, that there just isn't enough news about Windows Phone to keep this site running.

Maybe you're right. Must not be a lot of WP news overall.
well they kinda do want us to buy Windows, and if in the news they are all like "the iPhone 6 with new glass?" "the Android, one of the best battery life phones out there?" then... I dont know whatever haha.

I'm not saying they should talk about other brands in the news. I'm saying the logic behind their argument of people owning other windows products is the reason for the articles is flawed because people own other Android/Sony and Apple products too but stuff like that wouldn't be posted.
And it's not like there's any ecosystem tie in with these products either. A WP does the same thing on an Xbox as an iPhone or Android phone. Windows 8 works the same plugged into a surface as it does plugged into a Toshiba. So why all of these unrelated articles?
Doesn't phase me much but I did wonder why there is so much other MS stuff being pumped. For a site called Windows Phone Central, it's not exactly "Central" :P
Why does WP central post articles about Surface, Xbox and other Microsoft products when the site is clearly labeled WP central and not Microsoft central? It's almost like they're trying to sell me every Microsoft product? Anybody else thinks the amount of non WP articles is ridiculous ?

So....people who are interested in them can read them? Why else would they post them?
Go troll elsewhere. 8 out of the last 10 may be but that's not a statistic for all articles. Lastly I don't care what the others sites do. I'm not using the other sites. I'm just making a point of they're being a lot of articles that have nothing to do with WP at all showing up. Like that madden video etc... This is not a gaming central. It's a WP central. You telling me to go somewhere else cause I don't agree all because you own an Xbox is nonsense. You go somewhere else. They're plenty gaming places for you.

2/10 is a lot of articles? Go back even further and you'll see atleast 90% of articles deal with WP... You're whining over nothing. And like others have said, nobody forces you to read every article posted..

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2/10 is a lot of articles? Go back even further and you'll see atleast 90% of articles deal with WP... You're whining over nothing. And like others have said, nobody forces you to read every article posted..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

2/10 it's not a real statistic as I already stated and no one said I was forced to do anything.
This is equivalent to me going to a tire shop and they're trying to sell me speakers. That's cool that you also make speakers but this is a tire shop specifically.
Seriously, and while we're at it- what's with all the New York Times' articles about China, Russia, India, California, etc? I mean, come on guys it's called the NEW YORK Times.
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