Why doesn't someone at MS just refute all the "W10M is Dead" claims?

i know a lot of people working for microsoft and when you bring the w10p, they just roll their eyes, no one other then the higher ups in the hierarchy thinks they can survive the current down trend for windows phone worldwide
wonder the same thing. Even worse now, since the Lumia brand is dying (despite public claims that they would continue to promote Lumia this past summer), how are developers and consumers supposed to feel?
I'm sad to see the lumia name go. Mainly because I think that the surface phone is going to represent a whole new design philosophy which I'm probably not going to like.

The lumia line represents in my mind hardware excellence. They got a lot of things right in a phone, at a time just when the rest of the industry had more or less settled into a churn; releasing phones which addressed a few specification points, and did almost nothing else. Software is a different issue, and that's unfortunately where attention was necessary, yet Nokia were powerless in addressing.

I'm not holding my breath, but I really hope that something changes this year or next year. I really don't want to return to android, but I just get the feeling that there's nothing really left for Windows. It needs some sort of killer app, but you can almost guarantee that it will just be reverse engineered and moved to all the other platforms (like how they made a big deal with google translate doing camera translations, meanwhile bing was doing that a lot earlier). Either that or something to compel developers to support the platform. Everything else, I don't think is going to make or break the platform, specifically newer hardware.

I just hope that MS figures out how to gain some traction.
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windows phone is dead, but not the windows 10 mobile in which will power the new surface phone and partners. this is my opinion. I could be wrong.
And this is why I wont purchase an unlocked 950. At this point it could be free. Just gonna wait (some more) for the next device wave. (If there is one).
Look at the pricing of Surface line vs 3rd party OEMs. Expect Surface Phone to follow this pattern.

If you have an OEM making W10M devices in your Region, you should seriously look at supporting them. They need sales to justify growing model portfolios and developing/maintaining firmware. Elitist hardware and pricing won't grow the platform by significant margins...
Look at the pricing of Surface line vs 3rd party OEMs. Expect Surface Phone to follow this pattern.

If you have an OEM making W10M devices in your Region, you should seriously look at supporting them. They need sales to justify growing model portfolios and developing/maintaining firmware. Elitist hardware and pricing won't grow the platform by significant margins...

I agree. Thing is, the sort of phone I'd really like, hardware wise would be a windows equivalent of the xperia compact; a flagship phone with ~4.5" screen, 720p display, but ideally a really good camera.

It annoys me to no end that modern flagships need to be large phones, with absurdly high resolution screens and as a result, poor battery life. There should be the notion of the 'compact flagship'; generally flagship in specs except for screen size and resolution.
It annoys me to no end that modern flagships need to be large phones, with absurdly high resolution screens and as a result, poor battery life. There should be the notion of the 'compact flagship'; generally flagship in specs except for screen size and resolution.

It is more difficult to get the hardware into a smaller case. The larger the box, the easier the fit.
Yeah, I think some users see too many concept phones which ignore the laws of physics and drive a desire for super slim, bezel-less phones with the power to coordinate a NASA satellite program in a 4" screen.

Or maybe they listen to Apple say that removing a 3.5mm headset jack leaves room for 14% more battery + hardware for a haptic feedback virtual click home button + more camera hardware.
To be honest I hate to see them leave but the situation is starting to remind me of BlackBerry
In a world dominated by iPhone & Android there is no room for anything else. It gets even worse when you realize how AR/VR, Mobile payments, home automation control, etc... will be driven off these same mobile devices that Microsoft has no part in.
I don't know why you are saying Windows Mobile is dead NOW. It has same usage than 2 years ago, so if it is dead now, it was dead in 2014 too.
They said the same thing back when PlayStation and Nintendo owned the console wars. and who is now the top two? Time will only tell.
In a world dominated by iPhone & Android there is no room for anything else.

In the short term, certainly. Personally, I can't reconcile iOS and Android as "all there will ever be" with my world view and what i know about history. It is the dominant trend ATM without a doubt, but the future is always up for grabs and what the mobile tech landscape looks like in 5 or 10 years is unknown at this point. There are indicators that the status quo has reached saturation and the beginnings of stagnation.
I can't agree with this request more! MS needs to get out in front of this mobile debacle and plant their flag. Surface is the best thing they have done in years, this should be the banner for all forward progress in mobile OS.
Look at the pricing of Surface line vs 3rd party OEMs. Expect Surface Phone to follow this pattern.

If you have an OEM making W10M devices in your Region, you should seriously look at supporting them. They need sales to justify growing model portfolios and developing/maintaining firmware. Elitist hardware and pricing won't grow the platform by significant margins...
Guess you were referring to people from Japan because elsewhere there are no OEMs.
But I could not agree with you more about the pricing. I always wondered that rather than writing off over $7 billion, why didn't MS sibsidize the windows phones? Why couldn't they sell their phones at half the price? Had they suffered losses? Yes but only marginal, and insignificant compared to the write-off. Would they have gained market shares? Absolutely. Would that have tempted more OEMs? Most likely.
OEMs are not ditching windows because they are afraid to compete with MS. They ditch it because they just don't see any market for these devices. If MS had shown them the market, allowed them to enter and then raised it prices and then simply exited, no one would have complained.
Purely from a strategic perspective, you enter a fiercely competitive market which already has two formidable incumbents. You believe you have a better product, but customers are not sure. Even in your view, you have only an incrementally better product. So the only way to make a foothold in such a scenario was price. Yet, while Lumia pricing was cheaper than iPhones, yet it was costlier than most Android phones. People on this website have given numerous 'justifications' for the price, but that in my view was major barrier preventing people from trying out windows back then.
Now it is almost too late as differential in market share, and apps, has increased considerably
If it was like that, they wouldn't bother with the four new Lumia's, plus, they wouldn't waste their resources in polishing their Mobile OS.

It's not dead.

Sent from mTalk on Windows 10 phone

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