Why I am quitting android and moving to windows after 1 year of use


Apr 10, 2013

I've been using a lot of OSes (Series 40, 60, Windows 5.x, 6.x, Series 90, Treo, Isheep and Android)

Now am switching to a lumia 720 (already ordered and waiting for arrival), currently using Xperia T and here is what I have to say about android after 1 year of usage.

-Android apps intrude your privacy
(Come on, why does a simple game like sudoku or tetris need to access my phonebook or call records or even gps position? and yet it has 1,000,000+ installs. I'm not sure about how windows allows apps to hit the public but Isheep people rigorously check each app before making it public)

-Constant lags even at a decent processor
(Have used androids, various phones and 1 thing I've always noticed is LAG, be it 2.3 or 4.1, there is ALWAYS a lag no matter which phone, what high specs you put on. I don't play any games on the phone, just use day to day apps, that too very few due to privacy concerns and I can see lags in them at times even at OS Version 4.1 which has the so called project peanut butter)

-App crashes and slow startups
(Its common here, zedge app takes atleast 8-10 secs to start up, and there are times when it crashes, i know its the developers fault, but hey isn't android being a watchdog monitoring what sh*t developers are throwing to their users? just because anyone can become an android developer and release a nasty app that can hack a user to death doesn't make it a good platform)

-Battery has loose motions (This one really pisses me off as I always pray before switching on the screen that the battery isn't dead, I loose 1% every 3-4 minutes if I turn on 3G, even tho I don't do anything, yep 1% loss every 3-4 minutes even when the device is on sleep, I've checked different phones with different sims, just so you know I don't have a faulty device. The experience with Blackberry Bold 3 was good)
(Be it a 2$ phone or a 2000$ phone, your android phone's battery WILL suffer from loose motions, unless its Moto Razr lineup and if you turn on 3G, god save you, i literally don't subscribe to 3G because am worried about battery drain, even on a high end phone)

-1 OS, multiple devices = Horrible output
(Over here in Asia, samsung came up with low end android devices like, Duos, Duos Lite, these cost merely 100$, or less. Now you can imagine what specs they pack in and what experience they'll give in, a lot of lags! and stupidish touch screen experience)

Call this a rant, or shout, I stated the facts after 1 year of mess up with android.

I know android has a mega market share today, even more than ibleep, err ikeep umm is it iweep?, ah its isheep, but hey even the top of the line model you offer will suffer lag issues and battery problems!

Just a few hours left before I am back to Nokia, long lost journey, but back home in 1 piece :)
Welcome aboard to the world of Windows phone's. I'm sure you'll like the 720 it sounds like a good phone. Should you need any help just post in the forums.
Good luck and enjoy!
^Yeah I need help, my bank guy called me and said am shot of 1.7 million $, let me know where I can invoice you :p.

As for help, am sure it'll take some time to get used to windows (my main usage is watching videos and listening to music) as for gaming, I believe laptops/pc's are meant for gaming and mobile phones are meant for talking.
Welcome if I give you the money I want to see interest of 10%. :P

You should found a lot of information here. :smile:
Welcome if I give you the money I want to see interest of 10%. :P

You should found a lot of information here. :smile:

I don't know if you are the most craziest member here, but your English surely is :p.

You could keep that money in fixed deposit over here, easily earns 8-11% p.a. in interest.
I don't know if you are the most craziest member here, but your English surely is :p.

You could keep that money in fixed deposit over here, easily earns 8-11% p.a. in interest.

My English is very crazy thanks for noticing it take a lot of hard work and dedication to get to this point. :smile:

That good to know so I will double it to 50% to make it fair.
Android phones STILL have horrible battery problems?? :0

Wow, that was one of the reasons I didn't like my original Motorola Droid...

Anyhow, if you want speed, decent apps, and long battery life, windows phone is going to make you very happy :)
You are absolutely correct, the major problem with Android is lag and i am a lag-hater. Only WP7.5, WP8 and iphone works smooth for me. Yes, WP 7.8 lags and even the high end Quad core Androids lag after few days of usage.
You are absolutely correct, the major problem with Android is lag and i am a lag-hater. Only WP7.5, WP8 and iphone works smooth for me. Yes, WP 7.8 lags and even the high end Quad core Androids lag after few days of usage.
I don't experience lag with WP7.8.
My English is very crazy thanks for noticing it take a lot of hard work and dedication to get to this point. :smile:

That good to know so I will double it to 50% to make it fair.
I really hate your avatar LOL, it makes me laugh actually :p
Where are you from pal?
Android phones STILL have horrible battery problems?? :0

Wow, that was one of the reasons I didn't like my original Motorola Droid...

Anyhow, if you want speed, decent apps, and long battery life, windows phone is going to make you very happy :)
Well have used these phones and the battery was never a good thing I could appraise.
Motorola Backflip, Galaxy Nexus, Galaxy S, Xperia S, Xperia T (May have used a few more but can't remember) but either ways battery was s-hit.
You are absolutely correct, the major problem with Android is lag and i am a lag-hater. Only WP7.5, WP8 and iphone works smooth for me. Yes, WP 7.8 lags and even the high end Quad core Androids lag after few days of usage.
I don't know about WP 7/7.5/7.8 as I've never used one, but Android phones do lag baby.
Android lags overtime as you keep using it. Amazingly WP and iOS don't have this issue. They run same speed as always. I've had 5 Android phones before moving to iOS and WP. I was fed up with all the bugs and crashes. Custom roms are even worst when it comes to bugs. You'll love the speed and stability of WP8.
It's inconclusive, based upon that thread. Not everyone noticed lag, and some people even mentioned faster responsiveness on 7.8. It probably depends a lot on device and apps.

If you can't feel lag on 7.8 then its good for you but i can definitely feel it and i have tested it on multiple devices.

If you know who Heathcliff74 is in the WP7 development world(Almost all the homebrew development in WP7 world is because of him) then i am sure you will believe him, just checkout his view on this: WP7 Root Tools - Unleash the power of Windows Phone - Update 8862 fixes important live-tile issues
-Android apps intrude your privacy
(Come on, why does a simple game like sudoku or tetris need to access my phonebook or call records or even gps position? and yet it has 1,000,000+ installs. I'm not sure about how windows allows apps to hit the public but Isheep people rigorously check each app before making it public)

Not really that much better on the WP. Tons of apps with requests for things it seemingly may not need, like GPS, access to phone and what have you.
Sure the Android market may have some iffy apps that seemingly could be intrusive. But generally the big name ones will be quite fine. Which is to say; the same apps youll get on your WP or iOS anyways.

Constant lags even at a decent processor
(Have used androids, various phones and 1 thing I've always noticed is LAG, be it 2.3 or 4.1, there is ALWAYS a lag no matter which phone, what high specs you put on. I don't play any games on the phone, just use day to day apps, that too very few due to privacy concerns and I can see lags in them at times even at OS Version 4.1 which has the so called project peanut butter)

Not my experience at all with the S3. WP does disguise it well with the transitions, though.
My S3 was quite snappy and fast even after months and months of use.
I did notice some lag on the S2 though from time to time. But thats no different from the 920 really.

-App crashes and slow startups
(Its common here, zedge app takes atleast 8-10 secs to start up, and there are times when it crashes, i know its the developers fault, but hey isn't android being a watchdog monitoring what sh*t developers are throwing to their users? just because anyone can become an android developer and release a nasty app that can hack a user to death doesn't make it a good platform)

Same thing with WP. Apps crash here and there, some need to restart to work properly (WPCentral app for one, when moving from WiFi to 3G for instance), and so forth. Its really not greener on the other side here. I never had any big problems on either OS with any of the bigger name apps.

-Battery has loose motions (This one really pisses me off as I always pray before switching on the screen that the battery isn't dead, I loose 1% every 3-4 minutes if I turn on 3G, even tho I don't do anything, yep 1% loss every 3-4 minutes even when the device is on sleep, I've checked different phones with different sims, just so you know I don't have a faulty device. The experience with Blackberry Bold 3 was good)
(Be it a 2$ phone or a 2000$ phone, your android phone's battery WILL suffer from loose motions, unless its Moto Razr lineup and if you turn on 3G, god save you, i literally don't subscribe to 3G because am worried about battery drain, even on a high end phone)

Same on my 920. My s3 had a far superior battery life than my 920. I constantly carry a charger just because the 920 can just drop like a ******* when idle, probably due to switching from Edge to 3G at work.

I know android has a mega market share today, even more than ibleep, err ikeep umm is it iweep?, ah its isheep, but hey even the top of the line model you offer will suffer lag issues and battery problems!

Nope, absolutely not true in my case at all. And certainly not something youll be rid of with the 920.

Good luck tho.

edit: and yes, Ive used android phones for a long period of time, not just a day or a week.
This is based on experience with the S2 and the S3.
Of course there were issues, like with any phone (920 included) but the only one that sticks out was the DLink router battery drain thing on the S2, which they eventually fixed (never had a DLink myself so thankfully it wasnt a big problem for me personally, but a problem in general nonetheless).

The way I see it, a device like the S4 has quite a few advantages over the 920. As does the S3. The 920 obviously has advantages of its own. Youre always going to find something in a phone that irks you and rubs you the wrong way, I guess its more about picking your poison.
For instance, the 920 has a really solid feel, great screen, very simple and constricted homescreen system, it has some nice OS integrations, it has OIS, etcetera.
The S4 on the other hand has some nice tricks up its sleeve as well. Like being able to lock the screen while watching video, the freedom of customization, more apps, seemingly better camera (although no OIS for the smooth video the 920 provides), bigger front/screen ratio, and if its like the S3; better battery.
Basically both devices have tons of small things that all add up to weigh the scales one way or the other depending on how you prioritize.
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I like how people use crappy Android phones and complain about the OS. Use a good phone like a Nexus 4. Almost all of your rants for Android apply to Windows Phone too.
Anywho, congrats on your windows phone!

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