Why I am quitting android and moving to windows after 1 year of use

No experience myself with the Nexus, nor with your other phones. Course, I haven't hear much good about the Xperia phones, but that's neither here nor there.
I can simply comment from my realtively long experience with devices from both OSes.
You're comparing against an... Xperia T? No wonder. I could've eliminated almost your entire list of cons by replacing that fail phone with another android

sent from pure android on tapatalk. carrier controlled updates is the worst smartphone spec of them all.
You're comparing against an... Xperia T? No wonder. I could've eliminated almost your entire list of cons by replacing that fail phone with another android

sent from pure android on tapatalk. carrier controlled updates is the worst smartphone spec of them all.

Fyi, none of my devices run on carrier rom, but generic roms.
My experience is not limited to 1 device, 5-6 devices from different manufacturers.
All running a generic or maybe custom rom, we don't get locked phones over here with crappy bloatware loaded by the carrier so keep your assumptions to yourself ;).

As for apple being a closed garden, the main headache is bluetooth, its literally useless and to upload anything you need to do it via Itunes (which can be pain in the @ss at times).
As for WP8/Android, it isn't that closed compared to Ios which makes it a better choice.
Welcome to WP! It's a great platform. I've never personally used Android, but one of my best friends had one and hated it because it crashed all the time and she had horrible battery life. You'll really enjoy the WP8 experience.
Been in that same boat with you, OP. Welcome to WP. Then again, ditched my Fascinate (as a phone, not as a media player) because of Google: Play app reviews wanted G+. Nothx. iSh!t is hype, so I'm here. Just wish OS and firmware updates didn't have to go through Verizon first, haha.
Fyi, none of my devices run on carrier rom, but generic roms.
My experience is not limited to 1 device, 5-6 devices from different manufacturers.
All running a generic or maybe custom rom, we don't get locked phones over here with crappy bloatware loaded by the carrier so keep your assumptions to yourself ;).

That argument would hold more weight if ROM users were more prolific than 2% of all smartphone users. I used to run ROMS until I realized it's counter productive to be expected to run modifications instead of the device being optimal on its own merits. If a store rep tried to sell me an HDTV by telling me I would have to learn how to and then install custom firmware on it in order to remove unwanted junk ware I'd laugh all the way to the check out counter with a different brand.

Some carriers still haven't upgraded the GS3 even to 4.1.1 let alone 4.2 which has been out for what...6 months now? That flagship was only out last year. By the time it gets 4.2.2 (if ever) Key Lime Pie will already be old news. Unacceptable.

sent from pure android on tapatalk. carrier controlled updates is the worst smartphone spec of them all.
Both android and WP have their strengths, but as far as I'm concerned using lag or the lack of lag to pick one over the other is pointless. My 8X has moments of lag and stuttering even though it's slick as butter most of the time. I have an HTC Rezound that isn't quite as fluid but doesn't hang up or stutter. I feel that the flipping in the transitions on WP makes it feel faster than it is. I had the Motorola Droid and that was a laggy, frustrating experience. New androids don't have near the problems with lag and homescreen redraws like they used to.
Both android and WP have their strengths, but as far as I'm concerned using lag or the lack of lag to pick one over the other is pointless. My 8X has moments of lag and stuttering even though it's slick as butter most of the time.

Your 8x lags? Wow. Mine has never lagged. Ever. Even when I only had like 1.5 GB of space left, it never lags. :O
Your 8x lags? Wow. Mine has never lagged. Ever. Even when I only had like 1.5 GB of space left, it never lags. :O

Primarily since the Portico update. It's not frequent, but it does happen sometimes. The keyboard gets sluggish sometimes too.
Your 8x lags? Wow. Mine has never lagged. Ever. Even when I only had like 1.5 GB of space left, it never lags. :O

Every smartphone will experience lag sooner or later. All it takes is one poorly written app, no matter what os you're using. You'll get hit eventually. No os is 100% immune to instances of lag. Out of all of them I'd rate wp8 the best for speed and fluidity. Hopefully that doesn't change in the future as it incorporates new features

sent from pure android on tapatalk. carrier controlled updates is the worst smartphone spec of them all.
OP says he dislikes Apple because of the walled garden....he's going to be in for a nasty surprise when he finds out that the Windows app store is the same thing, just 80 percent smaller.

Also great work judging Android on the basis of the crappy devices you used it on.

Sent from my IdeaTabA2109A

shall i remind you that nexus 4 is the latest phone from google?
Every smartphone will experience lag sooner or later. All it takes is one poorly written app, no matter what os you're using. You'll get hit eventually. No os is 100% immune to instances of lag.

yes, every os can lag by poorly written apps, but android lags because of poorly written operating system.
yes, every os can lag by poorly written apps, but android lags because of poorly written operating system.

Try running 4.2 stock Android. No more lag on that setup than any other OS. If we're talking phones running Touchwiz, Sense etc then you'd be closer to the truth. Pound for pound Android does require more RAM and a larger CPU to achieve fluidity. But since they do come with those specs anyway it doesn't really matter. Where you're going to run into stuttering is when you get into those cheaper lower end androids with lower specs. Those do definitely lag behind other OS phones at the entry and mid level price points. A Lumia 520 or 620 will run much smoother than any current $250 Android phone. Once you hit the high level phones no.

sent from pure android on tapatalk. carrier controlled updates is the worst smartphone spec of them all.
OP included a nexus in his list.
However I had no more problems with lag on my s3 than on my 920.
OP included a nexus in his list.
However I had no more problems with lag on my s3 than on my 920.

Android is very versatile and loaded with features but that comes with a price tag in that it can be very easy to bog down even on a nexus. If you're not choosy about who your app developers are you can end up with some real performance hog apps running on your phone. If you go bat crazy with widgets. If you install a crappy 3rd party launcher.

On the other end up the spectrum if you're well versed in who develops the higher rated quality apps and have one of the best rated launchers or just stock, then you end up with pretty much a lag less experience. Android gives you a lot of power on a smartphone, but as I said it comes with a price - it also allows you the power to muck it up if you're not running it optimally.

sent from pure android on tapatalk. carrier controlled updates is the worst smartphone spec of them all.
Nexus 4 with 4.2.2 still has scrolling lag and occasional lag. The Android OS just isn't as reliable as WP8 and iOS. I used to be an Android fan since Android 1.5 and have had 5 android phones.

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