Why I am quitting android and moving to windows after 1 year of use

i dont like using custom roms. they kicks you out of warranty and they contain bugs. and you have to check if there's an update.

Thats why company provides official roms, umm 6+ months after its available on nexus line and when your warranty is about to expire ;).

I've been using a lot of OSes (Series 40, 60, Windows 5.x, 6.x, Series 90, Treo, Isheep and Android)

Now am switching to a lumia 720 (already ordered and waiting for arrival), currently using Xperia T and here is what I have to say about android after 1 year of usage.

-Android apps intrude your privacy
(Come on, why does a simple game like sudoku or tetris need to access my phonebook or call records or even gps position? and yet it has 1,000,000+ installs. I'm not sure about how windows allows apps to hit the public but Isheep people rigorously check each app before making it public)

-Constant lags even at a decent processor
(Have used androids, various phones and 1 thing I've always noticed is LAG, be it 2.3 or 4.1, there is ALWAYS a lag no matter which phone, what high specs you put on. I don't play any games on the phone, just use day to day apps, that too very few due to privacy concerns and I can see lags in them at times even at OS Version 4.1 which has the so called project peanut butter)

-App crashes and slow startups
(Its common here, zedge app takes atleast 8-10 secs to start up, and there are times when it crashes, i know its the developers fault, but hey isn't android being a watchdog monitoring what sh*t developers are throwing to their users? just because anyone can become an android developer and release a nasty app that can hack a user to death doesn't make it a good platform)

-Battery has loose motions (This one really pisses me off as I always pray before switching on the screen that the battery isn't dead, I loose 1% every 3-4 minutes if I turn on 3G, even tho I don't do anything, yep 1% loss every 3-4 minutes even when the device is on sleep, I've checked different phones with different sims, just so you know I don't have a faulty device. The experience with Blackberry Bold 3 was good)
(Be it a 2$ phone or a 2000$ phone, your android phone's battery WILL suffer from loose motions, unless its Moto Razr lineup and if you turn on 3G, god save you, i literally don't subscribe to 3G because am worried about battery drain, even on a high end phone)

-1 OS, multiple devices = Horrible output
(Over here in Asia, samsung came up with low end android devices like, Duos, Duos Lite, these cost merely 100$, or less. Now you can imagine what specs they pack in and what experience they'll give in, a lot of lags! and stupidish touch screen experience)

Call this a rant, or shout, I stated the facts after 1 year of mess up with android.

I know android has a mega market share today, even more than ibleep, err ikeep umm is it iweep?, ah its isheep, but hey even the top of the line model you offer will suffer lag issues and battery problems!

Just a few hours left before I am back to Nokia, long lost journey, but back home in 1 piece :)

Basically what I'm experiencing, though it took me at least 18 months to experience this. Have you ever noticed, brand new...Android is spectacular...wait a few months...problems...I still have a long way to go (1 month) with my Android contract before I upgrade to lumia 520 (its been a long wait)

The extremes I have to go to just keeping my Droid in a good functional state, de-fragmentors and memory cleaners. Android is only for those who constantly tweak and fix their phone-performance geeks.

However there are a few droids which are exempt from this fate but not many. (people who get these phones are called lucky users) though as far as lag and poor hardware goes the HTC sensation XL is very impressive. Almost as responsive as an iPhone but with a 1.4 GHz single core.

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