Why isn't my Windows 7 laptop connecting via Chrome or iTunes?

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Windows Central Question

Windows 7 laptop Not connecting via Chrome or Itunes

My Laptop was new but has never ben able to connect properly via some browsers, that is Chrome and Itunes. I can install them ok using IE or Firefox. In Chrome I type a basic URL and it just says page cannot be displayed. In itunes, as soon as I try and connect to the itunes store it says unknown error, unable to connect.

Things I have tried after much googling:
1. Turning off Avast web scanning
2. Disabling Windows firewall
3. Re-installing programs
4. Updating programs, Windows and Avast
5. Flushdns command
6. Running diagnostics in iTunes, it can pickup that there's a connection but won't reach the itunes server
7. Adding the iTunes domains into the list of allowed sites in antivirus
8. Connecting to the internet via itunes and chrome on other laptops- connection is excellent so can't see why it would time out

I wanted to try in safe mode but I cannot find it- f8 does nothing, my startup screen says press f7 for boot options but nothing in there says safe mode.

I am convinced something in the system settings is stopping this, however I am a complete amateur and just can't figure it out, despite looking through all the menu options. This laptop is 2 years old and has never connected properly, however have never been bothered by it too much. It is my daughters laptop, provided via a grant through the Family Fund. She now wants to use it to manage her ipod etc as our other laptop has fallen apart!

Can anyone shed any light? We are running Windows 7 Home Premium with Avast Pro Antivirus.

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