Why Microsoft doesn't get it..

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After many struggling to gain market share from Android, Microsoft is now changing strategy, going cross platform and targeting enterprise. Basically following the path of blackberry.

Somehow we can see Microsoft has:
+ some nice things in Windows phone like universal apps, good camera, easy to use tiles.
+ good office suite.
+ good ecosystem except for apps.
- pretty much everything else is on par or inferior to blackberry 10.

Blackberry has:
+ great bb10. With best hub, best virtual keyboard, great UI, better OS.
+ good enterprise services
+ great IoT platform.
+ great security.
- no ecosystem
- inferior camera.
- inferior maps.

So rather than relying on Nokia, Microsoft should have bought blackberry. But now it's still a great opportunity to do so. There can combine their strength by:
+ ditch windows OS and adopt bb10 as the new windows phone in their ecosystem.
+ bring in universal apps on bb10
+ bring active tiles
+ bring here maps and good camera.
+ bring native office suite.
+ integrate blackberry enterprise services in MS ecosystem.

=> they will become the leader in enterprise and IoT.
=> they will then have leverage to increase market share in mobile.

It's not too late for Microsoft to be relevant at last.

As soon as there is a BlackBerry 10 dual SIM, I fully quit Android.

im not really sure how any if this is true unless we are talking pre iphone/android years, blackberry was the dominant "smart" platform and they have lost it all, MS never really got the large footprint blackberry did but they have kept chugging along and improving and they seem set for greater adoption thnaks to integration with desktop and soon to be xbox one
After many struggling to gain market share from Android, Microsoft is now changing strategy, going cross platform and targeting enterprise. Basically following the path of blackberry.

Somehow we can see Microsoft has:
+ some nice things in Windows phone like universal apps, good camera, easy to use tiles.
+ good office suite.
+ good ecosystem except for apps.
- pretty much everything else is on par or inferior to blackberry 10.

Blackberry has:
+ great bb10. With best hub, best virtual keyboard, great UI, better OS.
+ good enterprise services
+ great IoT platform.
+ great security.
- no ecosystem
- inferior camera.
- inferior maps.

So rather than relying on Nokia, Microsoft should have bought blackberry. But now it's still a great opportunity to do so. There can combine their strength by:
+ ditch windows OS and adopt bb10 as the new windows phone in their ecosystem.
+ bring in universal apps on bb10
+ bring active tiles
+ bring here maps and good camera.
+ bring native office suite.
+ integrate blackberry enterprise services in MS ecosystem.

=> they will become the leader in enterprise and IoT.
=> they will then have leverage to increase market share in mobile.

It's not too late for Microsoft to be relevant at last.

As soon as there is a BlackBerry 10 dual SIM, I fully quit Android.

BB is a failure already and u want microsoft to acquire the finished company? Next u will say they should dish the OS and use Android, u re entitled to ur opinion man, if u don't like windows as it is pls continue using Android, people still love windows phone despite the low market share that's why its calmed freedom of choice.
People left Blackberry in droves over the years. They actually used to have a substantial share of the market but now Microsoft has them beat. I left Blackberry for a Windows phone and if Windows switched their OS to BB, I would be going to iphone unfortunately. BB would be a good purchase for their patents and some of their Enterprise software that could be integrated with something like EMS from Microsoft, the rest of that company is throwaway
All the countries where Microsoft is supposedly doing well, have been stabilizing or declining in market share this year.

Microsoft have released an high end phone in ages, until the 950 comes for w10. But have released dozens of low end, hence showing how it didn't go after Apple. It would take a number of lumias to make up the same profit as a single iPhone. So much for market share.

gumtree in the UK, or ebay , and equivalent in France are loaded with people reselling their lumia within a year. So much for an iphone or Android competitor.

I did buy a lumia because it was dual SIM. A 640xl released this year. But I had to return it after 2 days. It's spec and performance
is actually comparable to my 2 years old z30.

Just with my z30, email, and communication is a breeze. The UI flows... I did miss the tiles but only because they look nice, not that are more functional.

As soon as there is a BlackBerry 10 dual SIM, I fully quit Android.

Have u even tested windows phone 10, I mean the OS,
Microsoft does not have a clue.... They are known for just for dropping good products or lack of marketing due to poor things done on their side... I wonder what their marketing team does some days...I guess they are all playing Candy Crush soda...

I was watching the Pats game last night, I saw a bunch of iPhone, Samsung ads and even one or 2 Surface ads but, Windows Phone ? Nothing.

We look at the upcoming 950XL and compare features by features THIS WOULD BE A GREAT PLACE TO PROMOTE THIS, Promoting Window Hello, the screen size, a hit on the store and even how it could turn into a full blown PC.... With a phone that is this innovative, I think it deserves a promotion, eary to get some hype up about it.

Everyone on the other side has always said Windows Phone is lacking, Well, showing this phone, promoting features could be the device that brings WP back in the light and maybe bring up the demand for it.

I've already told about 10-15 people about the upcoming 950XL and more than 1/2 of them (mostly iOS users) said they NEED to see this phone....And I think this scale would be higher if it's marketed right.

It could be the phone that could save Windows Phone..(we still want it on Verizon)
I appreciate your passion for Blackberry. I get that some people like the Blackberry OS, and it appears that you're one of them. That said, I don't see any reason to believe that BB10 is better than Windows. Microsoft is quite relevant, Windows is used on many devices, and MS is bringing all those different devices closer than they have been in the past. Also, mergers rarely work well, so any possible benefit MS could get from BB would be reduced by the cost of getting all these teams to work together, which is very difficult.
Not often someone discredits themselves right out of the gate with their initial question but I think that you have managed to do this. If you like BlackBerry, then use BlackBerry. No one wants BlackBerry. So you feel as though someone should purchase a failing platform like BB. I could see it under a few unique circumstances. One of them being that the company did not have a platform of their own. Another being that the company honestly felt as though they could make money off of a failing platform.

But don't lump Windows 10 and BB OS together. Do you even understand what Microsoft is doing with Windows 10? Do you realize that Microsoft STILL owns the desktop, after 30 years? Windows 10 is an extension of the desktop onto mobile, not the other way around. Does BB have anything like Continuum, even remotely? Do they even have anything like Cortana?

Purchasing BB would be like purchasing Polaroid or Kodak. This isn't Sears Holding Corporation owning K-Mart and Sears. But I think that you believe that Microsoft purchasing BB could have that type of effect in mobile. BB needs to get their affairs in order. Microsoft purchased Nokia's mobile division because Nokia had great hardware. I would go as far as to say that Nokia's hardware was even better than what BB has. But Nokia was a featurephone company that did not have a viable smartphone OS. Nokia was like Xerox; they had the technology, but they did not know what to do with it. So it made sense for Nokia to run Windows 7/8/8.1.

In a perfect world Nokia could have offered compelling services on their own platform. But the genie is out of the bottle and people want more from their smartphone. So I understand why they did what they did.
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dropping more billions for BB is not a wise choice. Dont think for one second that the suggestions you make are easily implemented - merging Win10 and BB never! So MS should just drop all development of win 10 and forget about the last 5 years for another reboot + forget the goal which is win 10 on all devices? If they do this they may as well save a bullet for themselves because it is a suicide move - sorry I do not agree at all and good thing MS isnt either.
Microsoft does not have a clue.... They are known for just for dropping good products or lack of marketing due to poor things done on their side... I wonder what their marketing team does some days...I guess they are all playing Candy Crush soda...

I was watching the Pats game last night, I saw a bunch of iPhone, Samsung ads and even one or 2 Surface ads but, Windows Phone ? Nothing.

We look at the upcoming 950XL and compare features by features THIS WOULD BE A GREAT PLACE TO PROMOTE THIS, Promoting Window Hello, the screen size, a hit on the store and even how it could turn into a full blown PC.... With a phone that is this innovative, I think it deserves a promotion, eary to get some hype up about it.

Everyone on the other side has always said Windows Phone is lacking, Well, showing this phone, promoting features could be the device that brings WP back in the light and maybe bring up the demand for it.

I've already told about 10-15 people about the upcoming 950XL and more than 1/2 of them (mostly iOS users) said they NEED to see this phone....And I think this scale would be higher if it's marketed right.

It could be the phone that could save Windows Phone..(we still want it on Verizon)

First off I agree - Microsoft marketing is the worst. When they do have ads they seem to completely miss the point. The original WP ads were all about how we wouldn't need to use our smartphones as much if we had WP. Huh, people who have smartphones are usually passionate about them and looking for more ways to use them.

Anyway, having Lumia 950 ads right now doesn't make much sense because the phone isn't even available. I hope there is an ad blitz (and not dumb ads) planned for when they hit the shelves in November.
Why Microsoft Does Get It

  1. Surface Pro 3
  2. Surface Pro 4
  3. Surface Book
  4. Windows 10
  5. Touch Office
  6. and list goes on and on.....
First off I agree - Microsoft marketing is the worst. When they do have ads they seem to completely miss the point. The original WP ads were all about how we wouldn't need to use our smartphones as much if we had WP. Huh, people who have smartphones are usually passionate about them and looking for more ways to use them.

Anyway, having Lumia 950 ads right now doesn't make much sense because the phone isn't even available. I hope there is an ad blitz (and not dumb ads) planned for when they hit the shelves in November.

Seriously? They were promoting their product as allowing you to be much more efficient with your time and get more things done. That is a huge factor for most people, and a very positive thing. I think the ads went completely over your head.

It often feels like everyone thinks they are an expert in advertising. What they usually fail to realize is the monumental element of personal taste. An ad that appeals a lot to me may not appeal at all to you. Certainly some generalizations can be made about whether an ad was "good" or not, especially after the fact, and especially if sales go up and the ad achieves popularity. But it is only one factor of many that can contribute to success. For example, a great ad can get people to be interested in Windows Phone and head into the store. Unfortunately, if the salesperson there is getting a kickback from Apple or Samsung and tells them that nobody uses Windows Phone and whatnot, the ad probably won't make any difference.
It looks like everyone has already said everything that can be mentioned on this topic already, so this thread is now closed. Thanks for your participation.
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