Haha yeah what he said.
As a fangirl, I'm kind of a weird one. I can't imagine not owning a single WP/W10M device, but at the same time, I have to have another phone around that has the apps that I'm missing that can be a daily driver for me.
It has my idealistic aesthetic in and out. You can customize it just by changing the theme and/or accent color, without breaking anything. It is really just a few clicks away in the OS. It's also different too, now with the Mozo backs too for the newer Lumias (not the same experience of having the colorful backs but close enough). It's kind of buggy but still simple to a point.
With a lot of Android phones...(Quote)
You're just like me. Just today I was gonna sell my L950 cause id like, "there's no need for me to have two phones." But I couldn't do it. I couldn't be without a WP. Lol
I agree with everything you said about simplicity and customization. I love how easy the phone functions in order to reply to messages, emails, etc. Nothing else like it.
LOVE the rich dark black screen, the camera, Windows Hello, and the ability to respond to a text, save a reminder etc. While I'm working out via Cortana on my headset is priceless. It's like a whole system to me. Its not an OS based on apps. Its a holistic OS experience. I love how they try to bake everything into the OS. you want to see and use regularly.