Why W10M/WP?


New member
Dec 14, 2012
If you're on this site it's because you're a W10M/WP fanbody (or girl). I'm curious...why do you choose it? If you're like me, you've owned several different devices and keep coming back to the OS. I'm curious as to why. Why do you keep coming back to W10M/WP despite all of its issues from time to time?
I think its actually the most stable platform of the three now. Let me explain...

Android, was running 6, was laggy, crashed a lot and the alarm was entirely unpredictable. More so, if apps that were stored on the memory card (expanded internal strorage) updated such as whatsapp, it reset them and then i needed to revertify it (if i noticed or when...). This is not to mention it randomly deleting apps at every restart as well. Some things worked great, having lots of apps was grand but found I tended to use the same ones I did on my wp.

Currently trying my iphone again but keep picking up my windows one. Key reason is wee things like notifications, i go to reply (whatsapp, messenger) etc type my reply, it then asks for my passcode (annoying!!) and unlocks, opens the app and clears all the text I had written. The fact I cant delete an email without putting in passcode from lock screen is also really frustrating, as im used to doing this on my wp.

These are wee things, however when relying on my phone and communicating lots via email (not to mention having good methods to dispatch the numerous spam messages) add up and get a little frustrating pretty quick.
For me its a love/hate thing. I ditched my iPhone for a Lumina 950XL because the Apple OS just looks the same as it did years ago and I wanted something different. Sure its not without its issues but I can live with that. As long as MS continue to support and develop W10 Mobile I will, probably stick with it.
Like Simon said only for me I had ipod touch 2nd all the way to ipod touch 5 then a iPad mini 2. The ios gets boring and like myself I wanted something different. Windows sounded great to go back to. And that why I have windows mobile. In fact I love how I can run most apps on PC then on my phone. I embrace anyone to just try it. There many little things to love about WM granted. There are some things to hate about it. But I stick with it cause I feel at home. So long apple. They should be glad I still use iTunes to buy music.... For now. Lol
Why WM10/WP?

Why not...
If your a junkie who loves to torture ones self by poking around (self included) Windows loaded on a phone is great.

With WM10 I always keep another phone around I can depend on.
Why not...
If your a junkie who loves to torture ones self by poking around (self included) Windows loaded on a phone is great.

With WM10 I always keep another phone around I can depend on.

Haha yeah what he said.

As a fangirl, I'm kind of a weird one. I can't imagine not owning a single WP/W10M device, but at the same time, I have to have another phone around that has the apps that I'm missing that can be a daily driver for me.

It has my idealistic aesthetic in and out. You can customize it just by changing the theme and/or accent color, without breaking anything. It is really just a few clicks away in the OS. It's also different too, now with the Mozo backs too for the newer Lumias (not the same experience of having the colorful backs but close enough). It's kind of buggy but still simple to a point.

With a lot of Android phones, you have to download apps in order to customize. iPhones are basically the same phone in 3 sizes and 5 colors and you can only put icons in a folder and they all have to live in your homescreens. Windows Phone is refreshingly different, no need to download apps to customize (only if you want to), and with the start screen, you only have the apps that you want to see and use regularly.
For me it was Nokia. I have had a Nokia phone for nearly 20 years. I had the N series N70 N95 8GB N97 N8then I moved to the Lumia's 900 1020 950.

I never liked Windows Mobile before it became Windows Phone 7.

I had used it on iPaq's and I did have a Vodafone VPA that I used for a bit but I went back to Symbian before the Lumia 900.
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Like Simon said only for me I had ipod touch 2nd all the way to ipod touch 5 then a iPad mini 2. The ios gets boring and like myself I wanted something different. Windows sounded great to go back to. And that why I have windows mobile. In fact I love how I can run most apps on PC then on my phone. I embrace anyone to just try it. There many little things to love about WM granted. There are some things to hate about it. But I stick with it cause I feel at home. So long apple. They should be glad I still use iTunes to buy music.... For now. Lol

I use Groove... It's pretty great

Sent from mTalk
Was the "mono block" design associated solely with Nokia?

Always did like the word "monoblock" ...
Nokia is what brought me to windows phone. I have been with T-Mobile since 2000 and the first cell phone I ever purchased was a Nokia and have been a fan of Nokia since.

I tried the other two platforms but came back to windows. For my modest needs any of the three OS's would suffice, but windows ..as another poster said is like being home. It just has that something that Android and Apple don't have to me. Using the other two just feels alien somehow. It's not just the live tiles . It's the whole experience of windows.

I will stay with windows. Much better OS than it was this time last year and it will get better. Looking forward to the future with the OS and the new devices that will come our way.
Haha yeah what he said.

As a fangirl, I'm kind of a weird one. I can't imagine not owning a single WP/W10M device, but at the same time, I have to have another phone around that has the apps that I'm missing that can be a daily driver for me.

It has my idealistic aesthetic in and out. You can customize it just by changing the theme and/or accent color, without breaking anything. It is really just a few clicks away in the OS. It's also different too, now with the Mozo backs too for the newer Lumias (not the same experience of having the colorful backs but close enough). It's kind of buggy but still simple to a point.

With a lot of Android phones...(Quote)

You're just like me. Just today I was gonna sell my L950 cause id like, "there's no need for me to have two phones." But I couldn't do it. I couldn't be without a WP. Lol

I agree with everything you said about simplicity and customization. I love how easy the phone functions in order to reply to messages, emails, etc. Nothing else like it.

LOVE the rich dark black screen, the camera, Windows Hello, and the ability to respond to a text, save a reminder etc. While I'm working out via Cortana on my headset is priceless. It's like a whole system to me. Its not an OS based on apps. Its a holistic OS experience. I love how they try to bake everything into the OS. you want to see and use regularly.

Sent from my Lumia 950 on mTalk
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was a nokia fan, and microsoft fan, their 2011 deal was like a dream becoming reality, their lumia 920 was amazing, my 928 even more so, paid through the nose for it, and enjoyed it like nothing else before

now I'm still here, don't really like or can live with either apple or google's way, and I agree with microsoft's current goals, so I'm gonna stick around even though it has now become mostly a nightmare, besides, phones have stagnated just like computers, I don't see much else to "upgrade" to, other than a biometric peripheral I don't see anything "new" that I want on a phone yet
I just choose it because I'm accustomed to it. I have been using Windows since I was little and it just feels comfortable, you know?
Amazing Nokia hardware and user friendly UI. Of course MS threw that all away with W10M but using WP is still a nice experience even if MS left it for dead.
1. I love the UI.
2. because of the app gap and lack of developer support, Microsoft has made the OS much more self sufficient than its competitors.
3. constant innovation with features like Continuum, Cortana, iris scanner, Skype Preview, inclusion of bots.
4. the device enables me to do so much more.
5. OneCore across all devices, PC, Mobile and Xbox.
6. Almost each and every aspect of it is customizable.
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