Why won't my Lumia 625 install updates?

Jan 16, 2015
I bought a Lumia 625 in Sri Lanka a few months a ago (August 2014 I think) which came with Windows Phone 8. After I moved to the UK I updated it to 8.1 but I haven't been receiving any updates since. the OS version on the phone is 8.10.12393.890 which was released June 2nd 2014. There have been many updates since but none have been installed automatically and when I use the "Check for Updates" feature it keeps saying my phone is up-to-date even though I know it isn't.
According to here - Availability in Asia Pacific - Nokia

You have the latest firmware so your phone is up to date. What updates do you think you're missing?

the updates available in the Preview for Developers program and the updates that simply have NOT been released officially on the 625.
Most you can do is get on the Preview for Developers and sit tight. Denim isn't going to be bringing too much amazingness to your device anyway.

but officially, through official public channels, your phone is up-to-date. there's always a lag time between the wide release of models and the Preview. Even then a rollout can be really wonky like during the public release of 8.1
I might be guessing, but I think you believe that if you're in the UK you'll get the 625 UK update as I know all the carriers (bar O2) have Denim (plus Update 1). As your phone is from Sri Lanka, you're on their schedules as its a Sri Lankan ROM.

If I'm wrong, then please ignore this post ;)


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