Why wont my mkv's play thought the media player


New member
Aug 26, 2014

I have quite a bit of mkv's that I have gotten off a certain bay site.. and they do not work through the meda player.. the folders show up and when I go into the folder through the media player no file shows up.. and when I look at it on my computer.. they are there..

any suggestions??
I can't get any MKV movies to play in the Xbox One media player. TV Show MKV's play fine. I'm not sure what the problem is.
Remember, the MKV format is just a container. Playback on Xbox one depends on the codecs that are installed. You can use 4 different MKV files and all 4 could be using different codecs for video and even some could have AC-3 audio and others have AAC audio.

Xbox one supporting MKV will depend on the codecs that are actually installed for playback.

And yes, I have gotten a few videos off the "bay" and trust me, I have seen this issue, this is why on PCs you install codec packs, so you can play all types of files back but, you cant just install "Shark's codec pack" on the Xbox one, sad to say...

If your having this issue on a PC, your in the wrong area, this is for the Xbox one and you can install a codec pack and that should resolve most issues.
Microsoft media player uses the extension .AVI
where as .MKV file is a blue ray extension ( Sony )
I read that Microsoft is going to add the .MKV codec to the system when I am not sure.
I just convert my MKV file to AVI
Microsoft media player uses the extension .AVI
where as .MKV file is a blue ray extension ( Sony )
I read that Microsoft is going to add the .MKV codec to the system when I am not sure.
I just convert my MKV file to AVI

Nah, A 2 second bing or google search will tell you how to play MKV files in Windows....Download a MKV codec, install it, then double click on a MKV file and say open with Media Player...

I personally love MKV files, when I rip a movie, I normally rip it to MKV over any other format. There are plenty of free tools that are as good as high cost tools to work with MKV files. Want to cut out a audio track ? Or add subtitles that you have in a file ? Very quickly done and easy to use programs.

MKV is NOT a Sony format....Do some reading, you are incorrect on that statement, It's called Matroska (MKV) and it's a open source video format.... Read about it here

This is why you see a lot of people on the "bay" and other of your fellow torrent sites use it, It's easy, free and very compatible with most things.
My recomendation would be to buy a Western Digital HD TV Live box. I use it to play movies off my NAS. It works awesome and doesn't activate Cinavia protection.

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