Plug your device in and then make sure your email settings are on "As it Arrives" on one of your email accounts. Then turn off cell data and WIFI will stay on.
From what I have researched, WiFi is more of a battery killer than 3g. When 3g makes a request, the radio is only used for those few seconds, whereas WiFi is always on, regardless if you're actually doing anything. That's why it switches to 3g.
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Can anyone tell me if the above statement is true? I need to know before going on vacation, as I won't have 3G, but will have WiFi available.
Yeah, once your phone sleeps, its only a matter of 30 seconds before you have no data connection. Only solution is to keep your phone plugged in, then you'll have a constant data connection.
That is a big miss for WP7. I understand the reasoning, but it should be an option, as the reasoning does not apply to every use case or situation. I'll be switching back to webOS for vacation, I guess.