Will an "unlocked" 950XL work on Verizon?

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re: Will an "unlocked" 950XL work on Verizon?

well maybe like when WP8 was released Verizon will get a slightly different model in the spring :(
re: Will an "unlocked" 950XL work on Verizon?

well maybe like when WP8 was released Verizon will get a slightly different model in the spring :(

If Verizon does this, I'll pay my ETF and leave, or Get ATT to pay it :)
re: Will an "unlocked" 950XL work on Verizon?

Oh, well, cool looking phone but we don't get to play (as a Verizon user) maybe in spring, Ya, know when the phone is old news....

Finally the perfect WP device (950XL), all the trimmings with 32gb of memory WITH MicroSD, we've only been begging for a high end WP device for ever now... (and the 1520.3 was the ONLY one/AT&T exclusive in the US)

Even if your could get the LTE bands working on it, using a VZW LTE sim, If you could get Verizon to let it work, it would be worse than the WORST T-Mobile area in most towns, due to Verizon falls back to their 3g/CDMA network for calls and data when needed. Even if you drive and you could watch your signal the whole way, you will see a few areas that go back to 3g...

Very common here in CT...
re: Will an "unlocked" 950XL work on Verizon?

CNet is reporting it's an ATT exclusive... **** me.

The revised the report:

Microsoft's new Lumia phones will launch with AT&T in the US

Corrected at 1:54 p.m. PT:The deal between AT&T and Microsoft for the Lumia 950 is not an exclusive one.

AT&T will carry the 950. Both Lumias will work on AT&T. They should also work on T-Mobile. The current band support does not work with Verizon. That surprises me a bit since the rumors were that the radios were universal like the iPhone 6s or the Moto X Pure Edition.

I was told in the past that Verizon expected them to be universal radios and considered selling them to business customers, but things change. I don't know the expense of those radios and the amount of carriers that use CDMA globally is small, so great expense to support few customers doesn't make great business sense.

Windows has seen the best success on AT&T and T-Mobile. Their new devices support both those carriers. The rumors have been that other devices are going to Verizon and I think the prices are there to open the door to other OEMs.

We'll see what happens. I have no problem going to AT&T or T-Mobile if I need to.
re: Will an "unlocked" 950XL work on Verizon?

Tremendously disappointing to me. No ATT coverage for me at home, while I can see the lights of the Verizon tower flashing at night. What to do, what to do... I'm going to try to resist iPhone but its going to be difficult. I guess I'll look in to whether ATT has an available broadband connected network extender. Really disappointing day in the end here.
re: Will an "unlocked" 950XL work on Verizon?

Yeah this is more than disappointing... At the end of the day it has to function well as a phone and ATT is far from acceptable, very far. Terrible strength and reliability. Everyone I know who was suckered over to ATT with their years of exclusivity on ios couldn't even hold a conversation on their phone.
re: Will an "unlocked" 950XL work on Verizon?

If it's a AT&T exclusive then the 950XL is a completely failure before it's even released... And if it's just a global phone, good for every where else besides the US...

Not sure I am going to go down this cat and mouse game with this phone, We did this waiting for Verizon to get the FIRST Windows Phone device (and we got the bottom of the barrel HTC Trophy), we complained when WP 8 came out, again waiting for Verizon to release something, then when we had a ICON, there was something like 200 pages of complaints and rumors about Denim/Cyan...It's not just getting old, IT'S BEYOND OLD....

I guess I am so tired of Verizon as a company, as another cool phone comes out that is really innovative in today's tech (something Apple used to be)...THAT IS NOT A SAMSUNG or APPLE product and of course we will be waiting for ever if it even comes.

Just sick of waiting on Verizon and I already know how this is going to go...and how people are going to get. Verizon, just carry these phones and announce it in the next week, Please ? Let's like our carrier again, not hate or wait for ever...
(bubbles!) Verizon. I couldn't be happier leaving their (potatoes!) behind, even if they do offer better coverage. I'm tired of being prisoner to these meatheads.

And why would MS release the phone if it couldn't work on Verizon? There are only two reasons I can think of:
1) CDMA is a dying technology (maybe?) so why bother adding that radio band
2) Verizon and MS had a talk and Verizon said, "We don't care if the 950 could work on our network, we're not activating it even if a customer buys it unlocked."

MS of course wants the phones to be sold in all the carrier stores. But if history tells us anything, Verizon probably wanted to be able to put their bloat-junk on it along with have control to the firmware and updates. MS probably told them to pound sand.
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simple way to know if a phone works on verizon or sprint is this one simple rule. If there is any kind of letter in front of the acronym CDMA like say a W....then it won't work on either verizon or sprint and they won't activate it either. If it doesn't have any letter in front of the acronym CDMA then taaaaadaaaa welcome to verizon or sprint...maybe if they feel like it.
The network bands for the 735 on VZW are identical to the 950 XL. The 950 XL will work on VZW.

735 on VZW

GSM network: 850MHz, 900MHz, 1800MHz, 1900MHz
GSM max data speed DL: EGPRS 296.0kbps
GSM max data speed UL: EGPRS 236.8kbps
WCDMA Band 1 (2100 MHz), Band 5 (850 MHz), Band 8 (900 MHz)
WCDMA max data speed DL: 42.2Mbps (Cat 24)
WCDMA max data speed UL: 5.76Mbps (Cat 6)
LTE FDD network: Band 20 (800MHz), Band 3 (1800 MHz), Band 7 (2600 MHz)
LTE max data speed DL: 150 Mbps (Cat 4)
LTE max data speed UL: 50 Mbps (Cat 4)

950 XL Unlocked
GSM network: 850MHz, 900MHz, 1800MHz, 1900MHz
GSM max data speed DL: EGPRS 296.0kbps
GSM max data speed UL: EGPRS 236.8kbps
WCDMA network: Band 1 (2100MHz), Band 2 (1900MHz), Band 4 (1700/2100 MHz), Band 5 (850MHz), Band 8 (900MHz)
WCDMA max data speed DL: 42.2Mbps (Cat 24)
WCDMA max data speed UL: 5.76Mbps (Cat 6)
LTE FDD network: Band 1 (2100MHz), Band 17 (700MHz), Band 2 (1900MHz), Band 20 (800MHz), Band 3 (1800MHz), Band 4 (1700/2100 MHz), Band 5 (850MHz), Band 7 (2600MHz), Band 8 (900MHz), Band 28 (700MHz), Band 12 (700MHz)
TD-LTE network: Band 38 (2570-2620MHz), Band 40 (2300-2400MHz), Band 41 partially (2555-2575 MHz)
LTE max data speed DL: 300 Mbps (Cat 6)
LTE max data speed UL: 50 Mbps (Cat 6)
Im guessing a verizon exclusive Windows Phone
Or maybe not since they ditched WP8 phones

I thought Verizon is now making their customers buy phones contract free. Figured the 950 would make that list
OK ... I issue a formal geek challenge as I am a "very loyal ICON user" and have far too long suffered through "Big Red's" ANTI-MICROSOFT BS and pure arrogance!

Satya Nadella "I have zero doubt" tried to "buy into the Verizon senior management" and FAILED !!!

Satya FAILED to BUY Salesforce.com and now has "failed" to convince Big Red to "join the Microsoft last ditch Windows Phone party!!!

So ... does anyone here know what MVNO means!


SO ... as I recall, when the PRIME 700 Mhz "spectrum auction occurred several years ago", BIG RED - because of Google - was "BID UP" to a threshold that said that "BIG FXXKING RED" MUST ALLOW ANY suitable device to CONNECT to their "NETWORK" !!!

Don't believe me ... ANY MVNO and Spectrum experts out there ???

What if ... Satya Nadella gets "PO'd enough" - just like "reportedly" Apple and Google are - and says screw the "Big Red" carrier road-blockers and create their "own network" "IN the US"???

How else can Microsoft "survive" playing this "BIG RED" BS ... and anyone else!

So ... Why doesn't the 950XL and 950 "support" band 13 - is it a Qualcomm failure or FIRMWARE not "enabling" band 13?

Let's expose this BS once and for all !!!

Moderator - How about a POLL with two simple questions:

1) How many existing Verizon users will "change to AT&T" over this?

2) How many TOTAL Family members, friends, business BYOD colleagues, etc. would you estimate that you WILL "influence" to switch?

BUSINESS USERS will flock to the 950XL and 950 in "record numbers"!!!
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The network bands for the 735 on VZW are identical to the 950 XL. The 950 XL will work on VZW.

735 on VZW

GSM network: 850MHz, 900MHz, 1800MHz, 1900MHz
GSM max data speed DL: EGPRS 296.0kbps
GSM max data speed UL: EGPRS 236.8kbps
WCDMA Band 1 (2100 MHz), Band 5 (850 MHz), Band 8 (900 MHz)
WCDMA max data speed DL: 42.2Mbps (Cat 24)
WCDMA max data speed UL: 5.76Mbps (Cat 6)
LTE FDD network: Band 20 (800MHz), Band 3 (1800 MHz), Band 7 (2600 MHz)
LTE max data speed DL: 150 Mbps (Cat 4)
LTE max data speed UL: 50 Mbps (Cat 4)

950 XL Unlocked
GSM network: 850MHz, 900MHz, 1800MHz, 1900MHz
GSM max data speed DL: EGPRS 296.0kbps
GSM max data speed UL: EGPRS 236.8kbps
WCDMA network: Band 1 (2100MHz), Band 2 (1900MHz), Band 4 (1700/2100 MHz), Band 5 (850MHz), Band 8 (900MHz)
WCDMA max data speed DL: 42.2Mbps (Cat 24)
WCDMA max data speed UL: 5.76Mbps (Cat 6)
LTE FDD network: Band 1 (2100MHz), Band 17 (700MHz), Band 2 (1900MHz), Band 20 (800MHz), Band 3 (1800MHz), Band 4 (1700/2100 MHz), Band 5 (850MHz), Band 7 (2600MHz), Band 8 (900MHz), Band 28 (700MHz), Band 12 (700MHz)
TD-LTE network: Band 38 (2570-2620MHz), Band 40 (2300-2400MHz), Band 41 partially (2555-2575 MHz)
LTE max data speed DL: 300 Mbps (Cat 6)
LTE max data speed UL: 50 Mbps (Cat 6)

so very wrong, do yourself a favor and learn the difference between WCDMA and CDMA. Then go to the micorosft site and look at the 735 specifications again and you might see the missing bands under CDMA that let phones work on verizon and sprint.
I have maybe an answer for the whole issue of MS dealing with Verizon.

It is really pretty simple, though some would call it the "Nuclear Option".

MS just needs to call Verizon's CEO and basically give him one of two options:

1. Verizon open up it's system to Microsoft's phone the same it does for Apple and Samsung, no more, no less. No special treatment, but also no dogging MS phones in relation to the competition. Let the phones sell themselves or not. No pushing them to the back of the store in a corner. They get the same floor space as the others.

2. If Verizon doesn't like that, OK, fine. ALL and I mean ALL of their computers, across their entire company, just had their Microsoft Windows licenses declared null and void per the EULA. I would be willing to bet MS has plenty of attorney's that could make this stick. Tell Verizon they have 7 days to switch their systems off MS Windows, including their servers, or face multiple lawsuits from all divisions.

Don't know if that is possible, but it is an idea.
How MUCH is frigging Verizon even "worth" in today's market? I read some time ago that they "sold their towers" to raise $$$ and the bought "excuse me" AOL for "how many billion"!

How much is Verizon worth = let's be curious?
So is Verizon out then, as a carrier for the 950/950XL?

According to these specs the new Lumia 950/950XL will work fine on networks like AT&T, but as far as I can tell not at all on networks like Verizon. Am I correct about that?
Band 13 isn't listed anywhere. So i'm assuming the answer is now :[

GSM network: 850MHz, 900MHz, 1800MHz, 1900MHz
GSM max data speed DL: EGPRS 296.0kbps
GSM max data speed UL: EGPRS 236.8kbps
WCDMA network: Band 1 (2100MHz), Band 2 (1900MHz), Band 4 (1700/2100 MHz), Band 5 (850MHz), Band 8 (900MHz)
WCDMA max data speed DL: 42.2Mbps (Cat 24)
WCDMA max data speed UL: 5.76Mbps (Cat 6)
LTE FDD network: Band 1 (2100MHz), Band 17 (700MHz), Band 2 (1900MHz), Band 20 (800MHz), Band 3 (1800MHz), Band 4 (1700/2100 MHz), Band 5 (850MHz), Band 7 (2600MHz), Band 8 (900MHz), Band 28 (700MHz), Band 12 (700MHz)
TD-LTE network: Band 38 (2570-2620MHz), Band 40 (2300-2400MHz), Band 41 partially (2555-2575 MHz)
LTE max data speed DL: 300 Mbps (Cat 6)
LTE max data speed UL: 50 Mbps (Cat 6)

It looks like you'll be able to connect to Verizon's LTE network for data, but you won't be able to make calls or SMS.
WCDMA isn't the Verizon CDMA tech, which is really EV-DO and 1x RTT.

That isn't listed, so you won't get full service on either Verizon or Sprint.

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