Will an "unlocked" 950XL work on Verizon?

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This whole thread explains it perfectly. People blame the wrong party all the time because they don't understand. All a companycan do is try to make it as clear as possible and then sit back and take the misdirected, totally unwarranted hate anyway.

Example: We all know that for years Windows phones can read and answer texts hands free in pretty much ANY car with BlueTooth. iPhones can't or if they can its very recent. So we know the reason iPhone users can't get and answer their texts is the phone and not the car

But the vast majority of iPhone users blame the car and complain bitterly to the car makers for being jerks, incompetent, you name it. The car makers don't even try to fight it. You can't fight stupid. They just suck it up and add some Apple app to their new models.

Microsoft is better off saving the time and effort getting the phones certified and having customers blame a bad experience with Verizon on Microsoft. And there was a damn good chance that is what would have happened. Much better to make it very clear in black and white that these phones (just like a very many other phones) do not work with CDMA. There will still be misguided people (as in this thread) who blame Microsoft but the number will be much smaller this way. Smart move Microsoft to NOT get anyone's hopes up until Verizon demonstrates a desire to have these phones under the terms necessary for a good WM10 experience.

Can we not insult other groups of folks for using other OS, this is about Verizon not IOS, Android and what featurs those phones have. I agree with you Verizon is the blame not Microsoft for the love of mankind why isn't this thread closed its going on and on we all know why this is not on verizon ( CDMA vs GSM voice not just LTE) more money and then verizon screws the manufactures by trying to control everything about the phone just to much to invest how did the 930 or whatever verizon forced them to rename it do? did i bring in huge loads of money and make WM profitable most like not there is your answer no one needs verizon to do good verizon hampers development and causes bad experiences with users not just with WM but the other two as well. most folks are only still there because they are grandfathered and don't want to venture out so stay behind the wall or venture out of verizon walled garden and see what the world of GSM unlocked phones galore is like. I think you will be saying bye bye to big red if you did or unless you live out in the mountains and that is your only option if that is your case I feel for you and will pray for you peace be with you.
Let me help you with that, the world is mainly on GSM here in the states two carriers decided not to go GSM which is the standard worldwide, Verizon and Sprint CDMA old technology. So when building the phone one would say do we want this to operation on 98% of the worlds towers or do we invest more money not knowing what the reception will be and make this compatible with the other carriers running CDMA as voice vs GSM. Well there you have it the majority of the world (BIG PICTURE here) operates on GSM so lets make this phone and release it with these bands and if it sells well we can then pitch to Verizon and or Sprint to see if they want to carry it on their CDMA network. Oh and lets not forget verizon likes to fidget around in the design and molest the phones before they are released and microsoft decided for the moment this is not needed. (BY FELICIA) CAN WE CLOSE THIS THREAD.

Yeah... That is not accurate. GSM is the older technology. CDMA was introduced in the mid-90's because at the time it was faster and had better range, and better call quality than GSM at that time. Also, CDMA is used throughout the world, not just the US. I'm talking CDMA2000, not WCDMA.

CDMA vs. GSM: What's the Difference? | News & Opinion | PCMag.com


That is why we are perplexed as to why Microsoft left out CDMA. There are several carriers worldwide who's users can't use the 950/950XL because of the lack of CDMA. That's millions of potential customers that Microsoft has lost out on.
I know this is a entertaining thread.... It's been confirmed that the 950 and 950XL will NOT work on Verizon... I still wonder why this thread is open....

It seems we are rehashing the same things over and over and over... 95% of the subjects on these last pages were already covered 5-15 pages ago.

Mods, as this is confirmed, should this thread even be open any more ? How about making it a sticky saying "the 950XL WILL NOT WORK ON VERIZON"

I agree it's mildly entertaining...
I know this is a entertaining thread.... It's been confirmed that the 950 and 950XL will NOT work on Verizon... I still wonder why this thread is open....

It seems we are rehashing the same things over and over and over... 95% of the subjects on these last pages were already covered 5-15 pages ago.

Mods, as this is confirmed, should this thread even be open any more ? How about making it a sticky saying "the 950XL WILL NOT WORK ON VERIZON"

I agree it's mildly entertaining...
With that, this thread is closed.
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