There's a story in this saga that needs to be told - at least exposed - and in better venues than a user forum. Its one thing for the tech press to call it out and shrug it off as "Oh, it's Microsoft/Verizon again..." and move on. There's a legitimate line of inquiry here as to Microsoft's justification for dumping Verizon users that's worthy of burning a few bridges to discover. Otherwise, the likes of Mary Jo Foley, Paul Thurrott, Leo Laporte, and I'll even throw Daniel in there are being complicit in accepting Microsoft's story of the past being justification for the future. Microsoft wants their story to be about the future, but their actions reveal entrenchment to the past. It affects long term perceptions of Microsoft's commitment to Mobile - it certainly does mine, and by extension, that of the place I work and the people I work for and with. It sad, because I have had for the first time ever, these people asking about Windows Mobile - and they leave shaking their heads incredulously.