Will people say "LOL" at the iPhone 5 and "WHOA" at the Lumia920?

Wireless charging is like a front facing camera for video chat. Its a novelty that people get excited for until they actually use it. I had a Palm Pre with a touchstone and after about two days, it was in the closet.

It may be a novelty for you, but some people actually use it. I have friends and family in other states and overseas, so my FFC does get used.

I disagree with Schiller on both points.

Apple is the so-called mother of "creating need" where no demand exists. Look at the iPad. Nobody was clamoring for tablets until Apple told us how magical and revolutionary they are. Microsoft had tablets on the market for years and OEMs ignored them because consumers ignored them. So for Apple to now say that NFC isn't a real-world need, that's just Apple missing the boat. Besides, it's more than just payments, it's simplifying the whole Bluetooth pairing/sharing experience. And the fact it's "tap and go" should be simplicity right up their alley. "It's revolutionary! You just tap and magically it works!" But I think that's the problem. They can't get away with "inventing" it, so suddenly it's a bad idea. I know people like that at work, and everybody hates them, lol.

Well you know how it is, Apple either is the first to do something (and "invent" it), and if not, they're the last to do something (like add LTE). Usually when they don't do something, it's because they think the technology isn't mature yet, maybe they also want to save it for the next iPhone, or because they want to kill a technology they don't like (Adobe Flash).
I wonder if all those iFans who claimed they didn't want or need a bigger screen, will bother with the iPhone 5?
Didn't say you didn't. But for the masses, it's a novelty. So did you not talk to any of your friend/family out of town or overseas before WP7 added tango.

I mean video calls on a mobile, skype/yahoo is great.
It may be a novelty for you, but some people actually use it. I have friends and family in other states and overseas, so my FFC does get used.

Well you know how it is, Apple either is the first to do something (and "invent" it), and if not, they're the last to do something (like add LTE). Usually when they don't do something, it's because they think the technology isn't mature yet, maybe they also want to save it for the next iPhone, or because they want to kill a technology they don't like (Adobe Flash).
Skype is much better.
Wireless charging is cool and all, but it's not going to take off until you start seeing charging surfaces out in the real world... McDonalds, Taco Bells, bars, coffee shops...

You're not going to see it show up in those places until somebody big starts to push it on their devices.. and I mean it needs to come with the device, not another $50 add on case.

Nokia is a start because they have included a few partnerships, but as much as I hate to say it, it's probably gonna take somebody like Apple building it into their devices and having a partnership like Starbucks or something putting it in their stores.

Until I see it available outside of just my house and my cube, it's not a big deal.
Didn't say you didn't. But for the masses, it's a novelty. So did you not talk to any of your friend/family out of town or overseas before WP7 added tango.

I mean video calls on a mobile, skype/yahoo is great.

Skype is much better.

I had an iPhone 4 before my first WP7 device.

I do use Skype, but not exclusively on my desktop PC.
People who claim inductive charging is a "gimmick" never seriously used it.

When I had a Palm Pre, I had the hockey puck chargers everywhere -- by my bed, at my home office desk, in the kitchen, in my car, in my computer bag, and at my desk at work. Whenever I wasn't using the phone, I popped it on the charger. In a typical day, I ended the day with an almost full battery despite heavy push... but I never had to futz around with cables.

It. Was. Glorious.
People who claim inductive charging is a "gimmick" never seriously used it.

When I had a Palm Pre, I had the hockey puck chargers everywhere -- by my bed, at my home office desk, in the kitchen, in my car, in my computer bag, and at my desk at work. Whenever I wasn't using the phone, I popped it on the charger. In a typical day, I ended the day with an almost full battery despite heavy push... but I never had to futz around with cables.

It. Was. Glorious.

Yeah, I'm really psyched for wireless charging too. Would love to be able to plonk down my WP and watch it charge. I have to buy an add-on shell + the accessory for mine (I'm going 820) but it looks cool as ****. Maybe we could suggest to Nokia to try and get a partnership with Starbucks in the US and UK.
I think NFC could become the real deal. In my country (Switzerland, small country, I admit, but still) the two biggest supermarked chains will switch to NFC payment, so does Zurich public transport. And in kiosks, NFC has been enabled for quite a while already.
I know there are still security issues, but once NFC takes off, iPhone-Users will be left stranded ...
It may be a novelty for you, but some people actually use it. I have friends and family in other states and overseas, so my FFC does get used.

Well you know how it is, Apple either is the first to do something (and "invent" it), and if not, they're the last to do something (like add LTE). Usually when they don't do something, it's because they think the technology isn't mature yet, maybe they also want to save it for the next iPhone, or because they want to kill a technology they don't like (Adobe Flash).

Apple didn't implement flash for the same reasons Microsoft later didn't. Mobile flash is just super bad. I'm not sure why people haven't gotten over that yet. Its also a security concern.

LTE radios simply were rushed to market before they were ready, cause the carriers wanted to market them. They've gained batteries at high rates.

The iPhone 4S has something like a 1430 mAh battery and gets battery life on par or better than any Windows phone on HSPA+ with a bigger battery. Apple did not want to be forced to shove humongous batteries in their phones, so they waited for more efficient radios.

After release we will see if it was actually a justified decision, when we get to see more comprehensive reviews of the device.

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They drained batteries I meant.

Can't edit posts apparently.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2
^^Hey, it's a given that the iSheep will come flocking in - and doesn't change the fact that the majority of people (in the know) LOL'd at the iPhone 5.

But, carry on. You're clearly hellbent on damage control for this ****.
What's a iSheep is it a putdown like Crapple, M$, Fandroid? I'm just answering the question the OP posted. How about you check your attention span and stay on topic. It's sad that you THINK you're "In the know" haw!
^^Hey, it's a given that the iSheep will come flocking in - and doesn't change the fact that the majority of people (in the know) LOL'd at the iPhone 5.

But, carry on. You're clearly hellbent on damage control for this ****.
PS, if you're superman, you're the one from Quest for Peace. :)
Last edited:
What's a iSheep?

Trick question?

I'm just answering the question the OP posted.

Let's be honest. You weren't. You're attempting to debunk the fact that the tech world laughed at this device, with an article that states the iPhone 5 pre-orders have sold out. We all knew it was going to sell out. It's an Apple product.

Again, this article doesn't detract away from the fact that Apple totally dropped the ball with this device.

How about you check your attention span and stay on topic.

How am I not on topic? How about keeping your suggestions to yourself?

It's sad that you THINK you're "In the know" haw!

Hey, I'm not the one making wild, uneducated guesses regarding technical specifications in order to help Apple and the iPhone 5 come out in a better light; your argument the iPhone 5 couldn't have NFC/Wireless due to it's width.

PS, if you're superman, you're the one from Quest for Peace. :)

A terrible film for a terrible argument. Superman keeps the peace, but he also delivers justice.
Trick answer?

I'm not trying to debunk anything. The tech world, I see both good reports and bad reports. I guess you only see the ones you want to see eh?

You're not discussing the TOPIC, that's how you're off topic. It's simple. I replied to the OP, you replied to me with rabble.

That edit was in before you decided to reply. Reading is fundamental.

All the superman movies suck.
Trick question?

Let's be honest. You weren't. You're attempting to debunk the fact that the tech world laughed at this device, with an article that states the iPhone 5 pre-orders have sold out. We all knew it was going to sell out. It's an Apple product.

Again, this article doesn't detract away from the fact that Apple totally dropped the ball with this device.

How am I not on topic? How about keeping your suggestions to yourself?

Hey, I'm not the one making wild, uneducated guesses regarding technical specifications in order to help Apple and the iPhone 5 come out in a better light; your argument the iPhone 5 couldn't have NFC/Wireless due to it's width.

A terrible film for a terrible argument. Superman keeps the peace, but he also delivers justice.

EDIT EDIT EDIT: This is my last comment to you if we're not talking about the topic! Nip it in the bud I say.
"All the Superman movies suck."

I must say that is just not true. The original was a great movie and is probably one of the reasons movie franchises like the avengers are even on the screen today.

Way off topic.

On topic
Only the internet world knows the iPhone 5 is not all it was hoped to be. The mass population just knows its the newest apple device that their friends will be jealous of, so they need to get it before anyone else can.
Trick answer?

No. Not really. You honestly don't know what iSheep are?

For you:


I'm not trying to debunk anything.

Followed by....

The tech world, I see both good reports and bad reports. I guess you only see the ones you want to see eh?


You're not discussing the TOPIC, that's how you're off topic.

What an enlightening response.

It's simple. I replied to the OP, you replied to me with rabble.

You still haven't explained how I wasn't on topic. I haven't been talking about the iPhone 5 reception, no?

That edit was in before you decided to reply. Reading is fundamental.

How did you determine that?

All the superman movies suck.

Wow, you really do have a mental age of a 5 year old child. It's probably why you feel the need to be Apple's chief apologist. I don't feel so bad for adding you to the ignore list now. :)

EDIT EDIT EDIT: This is my last comment to you if we're not talking about the topic! Nip it in the bud I say.

You've said enough. Have a nice day.
Apple always sells out with pre-orders of every device. I have no doubt this new iPhone 5 will set a new quarterly record, just like the 4S did, in its launch quarter. The real question is the longevity of the device. 4S sales fell off sharply and "too early" in the year-long cycle. The competition has only gotten faster and more agile since then... will 5 be able to deliver more than a quarter or two of growth?

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