Will people say "LOL" at the iPhone 5 and "WHOA" at the Lumia920?

As I look out the window yes the sun is still shining. Sooooo.

At the rate Android releases new phones I dont see how anyone will be able to keep up. Android has something no other OS has, several OEMs putting out "super phones" at different time frames. That's hard to beat. Nokia will have to churn out phones left and right if Samsung and HTC doesn't get with the program.

Apple will continue to sell millions and millions of phones, with one new model a year. And will continue to get high praise for each release until the media falls out of love.
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Nokia should already be working on the next Lumia after the 920. Flood the market. Force people to take notice!
As I look out the window yes the sun is still shining. Sooooo.

At the rate Android releases new phones I dont see how anyone will be able to keep up. Android has something no other OS has, several OEMs putting out "super phones" at different time frames. That's hard to beat. Nokia will have to churn out phones left and right if Samsung and HTC doesn't get with the program.

Apple will continue to sell millions and millions of phones, with one new model a year. And will continue to get high praise for each release until the media falls out of love. Regardless of what bozos who wear tights think.

Classic case of quality vs quantity eh?

Sent from my DROID RaZr.
Indeed. Those who want freebies need to have WP8 freebies as a option. Flood the market was their initial plan, as stated by Elop, you should go Bing it. It has yet to happen.
And by now we all know what is quality and what is quantity too... ;)

Sent from my DROID RaZr.
Of course. I love my lumia 900, but being able to grab a el cheapo secondary device would be nice.
Seems to me that everyone needs to take a step back and chill. We can argue until we?re blue in the face but there is a certain fact that can?t be disputed: Apple is in the business to make money and they make stupid money. They do it by simply selling a product that tons of people want.

When apple first announced they were going to build a smart phone there was an immediate buzz that grew and then the first Iphone hit the market it changed the direction of smart phones. It wasn?t the best, the technology it used wasn?t new and to be honest it wasn?t a very good phone. Apple managed to package a new concept that appealed to the masses, it was the first and only so it became the standard and everyone else played catch-up. From day one the iphone was a success and that success has only grown and it has done so despite the problems they had.

You can argue all you want about now the iphone isn?t innovated. You can argue about how its specs are always behind or how arrogant Apple is with how they keep using propitiatory technology to make money. Apple just gives its customers just enough and it?s always been that way. Look at their two year cycle. While each new generation iphone doesn?t represent major gains every two generations does (plus most contracts are over by then). While I don?t think most 4S owners will flock to the new iphone5 current many iphone4 and must certainly 3GS owners will. Lack of innovation with the iphone5 isn?t anything new, it happens every year but Apple still outsells their previous model.

Now while we?re at it let?s also acknowledged that Apple is a master at getting out their message. Did anyone notice that when they announced the iphone5 improvements that all comparisons were with the 4S and not the competition? Better screen, better camera, larger screen, faster processor; we all know that most of their improvements aren?t the best in class but it doesn?t matter, Apple is talking to their customer base not the rest of us. This morning Apple announced that they sold out of their preorders but they never mentioned how many they set as their limit. It?s marketing pure and simple.

Windows Phone is finally being seen and thanks to Nokia they are on the map with the 920. Improving the product marketing, be it Nokia, Samsung, HTC or any of the other companies that might enter this market (HP or Sony?) is the way to increase market share. Showing people why Windows Phone is a better product for them is the key. Iphone is cool but WP is fun. Everyone has an Iphone but having a WP is being different and individualist. Iphone just works but WP works better. I read earlier that Iphone is a niche product. It?s time for Window Phone to find their niche.
I like being in the minority.

I agree, MS will find their own corner of the market. Why can't WP8 have it's own slice of the pie, without having to worry about how big the next person's slice is.

But I guess it's human nature to want to compare.
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I just went to the Apple website and would have been able to order an iPhone 5 so them saying that they sold out of pre-orders is not true. I figure this is more of people trying to get a boost out of it and push it more.
whats truly sad is the majority of people that want an iphone, want one because everyone thinks it is the best phone. but yet none of those people could tell you why its the best... ulitimately its the brand that apple has created. honestly i would give 2 sh*ts if it didnt mean that the platform i want wasnt going to suffer from it. but they will... the more apple and android grow the harder its going to be for windows to join. and that being said, the less developers will want to develope for it and the less manufactures will want to make accessories for it. thus leaving me without all the beautiful apps and accessories... it kinda sucks... so all we can do is continue to spread the word and try to convince people there are better options, and just because everyone else wants one doesntr mean you should. be a leader not a follower. be a lion, not a sheep ( just not a mountain lion, lol). its going to be very difficult and take many years for MS to do what apple has done. honestly dont think they ever will, nor want to. but to make this phone successful we need support. im seeing trending, but just not fast enough... only time will tell. i by no means think it is dying, in fact it is doing the opposite. but with every new android and the new iphone5, those are heavy blows. everywhere i look i see an iphone, everyhere i listen i hear poeple talking about getting the next iphone... it makes me want to vomit, really. not that its a bad phone, but c'mon people! there are better, or equal options. ignorance is bliss i guess!
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Well, the iPhone 5 will be brought by millions as Nokia doesn't have the phone out yet while Apple does. Still, Nokia's L920 will be front and center. Good times ahead.
I just went to the Apple website and would have been able to order an iPhone 5 so them saying that they sold out of pre-orders is not true. I figure this is more of people trying to get a boost out of it and push it more.

It depends on what their definition of sold out is. For my company, we only use Verizon devices and as of 10AM this morning, the delivery date for the iPhone 5, both on our corporate portal and if you were just a non business users, has already been pushed back to 9/26, so one could say it's sold out for launch day. :)

It would be interesting to know what the break down is of people ordering. The original Verizon iPhone 4 launched Feb. 4th, 2011 so the vast majority of VZW iPhones are still under contract and unable to upgrade until around October 4th? Are these all dumbphone users, Android users, new subscribers? Is Verizon letting people upgrade early, or are there enough iSheep willing to pay extra to upgrade?
Another thing Nokia can do to make consumers say WHOA is work out a deal with AT&T so that people that are currently in the middle of their contract be allowed to upgrade their existing device to a Lumia 920 early. Apple did this with the iPhone 4. I say Nokia should give this a try.

Some rules would apply, but you get the point.
Apple is one device per year, Samsung hits you with many devices. I am inclined to say that Samsung's strategy isn't bad for Nokia to follow since that was what Nokia was doing. The key is, Samsung have a flagship product which has every nice feature Samsung packs in its phone, the difference being that its other more budget phones get a halo effect from the flagship.

Now the L920 is as close as one is going to get with all the Nokia goodies. More iterations should come and fight the dogfight with Samsung on various levels, but the flagship should remain as a flagship till the next flagship hits the market.
How does one "sell out of pre-orders?"

Pre-orders aren't physical inventory, so the supply is theoretically nearly infinite.
I think they have a certain amount in stock for initial sales. Then people have to wait for the next batch to come from the manufacturing plant.
How does one "sell out of pre-orders?"

Pre-orders aren't physical inventory, so the supply is theoretically nearly infinite.
How does one "sell out of pre-orders?"

Pre-orders aren't physical inventory, so the supply is theoretically nearly infinite.

I know what you're saying, but Verizon knows they will have X amount of devices that they can ship so people get them on 9/21. Once they reached that limit, they can no longer ship devices so they have to push dates back at some point for new orders until they get a new batch in, so one could argue they are 'sold out' for launch day. I don't think I'd make that arguement.. but I'm just throwing it out there cause I'm bored off my butt waiting for WP8 news.....

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