Will we be able to upgrade from Windows phone 8.1 to Windows phone 9


New member
Sep 12, 2012
God I hope not. My 520 isn't as fast as it use to since 8.1, WP9 would kill it.

Lmao. C'mon now you can either update or not. Let there be lag for the other devices that's willing to update.. Either way it's just an option.

OT, just wanna share a story:

I remember a friend asking me if she should update her iPhone 4 to iOS 7, I told her no since I heard that it's laggy and she basically dumped my opinion on the water.. Oh the look on her face when she updated. I can still imagine it and it's still funny when I think about it. I wanna say I told you so but let me not put more frustration in her.

Updating old phones to the latest OS is always a risk.. You need to read reviews and let the excited people rant about it on the internet but if the hardware could still manage the latest update I don't see a problem in them getting it.


May 15, 2013
Lmao. C'mon now you can either update or not. Let there be lag for the other devices that's willing to update.. Either way it's just an option.

OT, just wanna share a story:

I remember a friend asking me if she should update her iPhone 4 to iOS 7, I told her no since I heard that it's laggy and she basically dumped my opinion on the water.. Oh the look on her face when she updated. I can still imagine it and it's still funny when I think about it. I wanna say I told you so but let me not put more frustration in her.

Updating old phones to the latest OS is always a risk.. You need to read reviews and let the excited people rant about it on the internet but if the hardware could still manage the latest update I don't see a problem in them getting it.

The update is always optional, I have yet to see a windows phone automatically download and install an update without any user prompt. I agree if you are unsure, wait a few days and if there are problems with the update you will certainly hear about it (or read about it).

Also there are many subtle ways to imply "I told you so", without saying it :winktongue: (one of my sisters friend updated her iphone 4 to ios7 and it was laggy as a duck with one leg despite having advised them both not to update, I got my 920 and said I wanted to compare features, did rapid scrolling...checked the menus and after awhile went:

"Gee your iphone 4 is pretty darn fast now isn't it?
Makes my 920 feel like a snail stuck on a century old tortoise"

The look on both their faces, priceless:p)


New member
Oct 15, 2013
Hmm not too sure, I mean we all know what happened to Windows Phone 7 devices. This was a question that went trough my mind from since the announcement of WP 8.1. It will sure be a mistake if they do that.

This was because of technical reasons. It was impossible to upgrade 7 to 8.

As things look right now, I think we will be able to upgrade to Threshold. It is coming sooner than you might expect, and if Threshold is 9, then we have a pretty good chance. This is of course only an assumption.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Well at least this thread is staying on topic.

To address the issue at hand. As many on here have already pointed out, the kernel change was the main reason for the 7 to 8 debacle.

Will your 8x device be able to upgrade to 9? Sure. Will run all the features, probably not. Will it be smooth running? Maybe. We can't answer any of that.

That's all you really need to know. By the time WP9 is available your older 8x devices you will be ready for replacement anyway. People's expectations need to be checked. A two year old phone isn't going to be high on the priority list of MS on how well it runs. I know people like to milk their technology for as long as possible but smartphones don't work like computers.


New member
Oct 6, 2012
My guess here.. Build 8.15.xxxx will come out as wp8.x version for existing devices and then new 'threshold' build of wp9 for new devices in Feb..just like wp7.8 and wp8.0

Daniel Rubino

Staff member
Jan 19, 2006
Hi ,
Can you upgrade our current windows phone 8.1 phones like 520 , 1020 to Windows phone 9
If Microsoft wont do this I think they will make a huge mistake by leaving the majority phones as old platform.

I don't see why not. Microsoft is running early builds of Threshold on Lumia Phi's right now. (Lumia Phi's are like 920's but for developers).

Chris Senn

New member
Feb 21, 2014
All this talk about WP9 and I just got a WP8 like last week.
And in all the articles never they mention if you can do an upgrade with current phone.

Shan Ali Khan

New member
Oct 14, 2013
Yes i still thibk its microsoft made a mistake again by not providing support for old phone what will be happen to all us.
If they did i will shift towards iphone even i dnt want to :( rather then buying new phone again of WP

Fadi Dababneh2

New member
Aug 26, 2014
I think that they will support my lumia 630 due to the fact that it was released on 2014 and it has a quad core processor. I think that they will support all lumia phones. What do you guys think?

Mahdi Ghiasi

New member
Jan 20, 2013
I think they must update Lumia 630, because it's a new phone.
Now, if we consider threshold will need Quad code processor, then 920, 1020, 1320 ... will left behind, which is unlikely.
And if we consider that threshold will need 1GB RAM, then 630 will left behind, which is unlikely again. If they wanted to abandon 512MB phones, they would release 630 with 1GB RAM for sure.
So, I think all Lumias will be upgradable to Threshold.


New member
Aug 23, 2014
Getting windows 9 on your phone is a long way! I don't think phones from 520-1520 would get windows 9! 1520 might just make it, because its got some serious hardware! I think the latest phones in X30 series would be getting wp9, not the ones in X20 series! Because the phones like 520, 620, 920 are just too old for that! Just before a year & a half we all knew windows 8.1 was a huge update but many of them who owned 520, 620 thought they might not get the update, unless Microsoft confirmed it! So I don't think they will push out updates for those phones! But surely all the phones would be getting Lumia Debian Red, gdr2 & most probably gdr3!

T Moore

New member
Jan 21, 2013
Hi ,
Can you upgrade our current windows phone 8.1 phones like 520 , 1020 to Windows phone 9
If Microsoft wont do this I think they will make a huge mistake by leaving the majority phones as old platform.

No one knows for sure but you are already ready to pounce. Is the purpose of asking?


New member
Apr 21, 2013
Based on Joe Bilfiore's comments I'm confident my duel core 1520's will get upgraded to WP9. As they should since they were purchased on a 2 yr agreement back at the end of 2013 so by end of 2015 MS device division should have their WP9 phablet available.
you dual core 1520 ? :eck:
your 1520 has a Quad-core 2.2 GHz Krait 400 :amaze:


New member
Oct 29, 2012
At this point its only speculation. But you have to think about the situation before we spout off what is to be believed.

The WP7 to WP8 transition. The big issue was the Kernel change. Every recent windows OS is running off the Windows NT kernel. WP7 ran off the windows CE kernel. As far as I know that one was based way back off of windows 95. It was a 16bit kernel. NT is 32bit/64bit. Look back at the windows situation back then. There were two parallel windows OS way back in the day Win95/98/ME, and Windows NT/2000. These two were NOT compatible, you couldn't upgrade from 95 to NT. You had to do a complete fresh install to get Windows NT, not to mention it had heavier requirements at the time because 95 was the home OS and NT was the business OS. When they dropped the win9x series, it shifted to the NT kernel from Windows XP onwards. So the move was necessary to get on board with recent times and have at least a base (desktop OS) that they can work with to poach features from.
The NT kernel allows much more hardware flexibility also, I read somewhere that it supports up to 96 CPU cores or something.
WP9 shift I think is more for the development timeframe to become synchronized with desktop/RT. WP and RT/desktop has never been on the same development timeframe. Updates to RT/desktop gets updated at roughly the same time, while WP has its own timeframe (accused by many to be slow as all hell).

I'm sure WP8 devices will get WP9. I get why WP7 couldn't get to WP8, but there doesn't appear to be any reason why WP8 cant get WP9. Besides it'll need to run a full gamut of hardware anyways from low end to high end. Older, high end based hardware will not become incapable for several years. Low end hardware still needs some time to reach performance parity with years old high end hardware.


New member
Apr 4, 2012
I found your statement about iOS weird, you said "they decide to go all iOS on us" what problems does iOS have with updates? They update their phones for 3 to 4 years, and that's pretty amazing if you ask me.

iOS updates tend to chug on older phones, so a phone that ran iOS 4 really fast is laggy on iOS 7.

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