Will Windows Central survive the death of Windows Mobile?

I'll stick with it for windows news in general. There is a boatload to come in the next 5years.
I wouldn't say I associate this site with WP only whatsoever.
Imo smartphones are on their way out very soon. Portable pc's you need never take out of your pocket, with lightweight augmented headsets is where I see it going. At least until chemistry powered devices take off. By then we'll all be taking steps towards cyborg life.

I really wish Microsoft had listened to the public many years ago and made made pocket pc's with SIM support instead of the WP drama. I'm sure they made a nice profit but it was an unnecessary step..or twelve. The ceo's are a joke atm. Not the visionaries they'd like to be perceived as. The only saving grace was the push to supply military and reverse the decision to bring all the cool kids to windows phone.
I was & still is a big supporter of the windows platform. however, I had switch to iPhone when the IPhone 5s came out, and I currently have an iPhone 6s. i still come to Windowscentral.com DAILY for news regarding all things Microsoft and/or Windows. I really wish windows mobile did have more market share than it currently does, because having more than 2 mobile OSs is better for the consumer. unfortunately, that's not the case.
I still plan on buying a Lumia 950XL when i have some extra cash laying around (College student=poor).
to answer your question, i will continue to come to this site even if windows 10 mobile died tomorrow.

P.S. even though I have an IPhone, i still rarely ever visit imore.com
What's the Samsung S7 like? should I get that or wait foe the ridiculously priced S8 before I bury my 950XL and my Wife's 950?
The S7 seems cheap enough on Fleabay. I could get the edge and my Wife the smaller size, that way we can have a mobile with a future and live our working lives knowing we will have security with our tech!
I came across Windows Central originally for Windows mobile / phone. I had been with Windows mobile / phone since WM5, over a decade ago. 2017 is the year I crossed over to Android. GS7Edge, now GS8+. I stuck it out as long as I could, but it's just nice having apps for everything including all Windows apps and IP68. My last WP, at least for now, was a 950XL. Not sure if I could go back at this point. It would take something revolutionary for WP. The rest of my family are iphone fan girls. I'll never do i anything.. I'm in IT, over 60 users, Windows everything, just not phone now.. I keep up with WPC for everything else, except gaming. Of course I'm glued to AC now.
Actually if I stopped browsing Windows Central it's not because of the dying Windows 10 Mobile, but because the site itself has become so sluggish. It's not optimized for fast browsing so I become hesitant to visit it as before, and I use my PC mainly not my Windows Phone..
I came for Windows Phone initially. Since then the broader Microsoft topics have been much appreciated. I.E. Project Scorpio.

Other topics like Best 4K HDR TV were good to see.

Even if this site only covered Windows Mobile apps on other brands, that would be enough to check in once and awhile.
Hindsight is always 20/20. That being said, Sataya Nadella is positioning MS to be a 2nd tier company. Everyone made fun of Ballmer for being late with the phone and prognosticating that no one would buy an iPhone. His developer chant and sweaty shirts to Windows 8 design, were all his fault. But here's the rub, all of it was new - something new. Now we got what we wanted. The same old windows and office in a new package. Ballmer understood the pivot, Nadella is the boards monkey and focuses on the moneymakers. I fear we wont really see anything new out of MS for a long time, if ever. You can check my history on this site, I've been an ardent supporter of all things MS. Not any more. When they cancelled the band 3, I gave up. Shortly thereafter my wifes 950 continued to have problems so we traded it in for an iPhone 7+ (it was a buy one get one free sale, so I got one too). I haven't been to my local MS store in 6 months and I am really thinking about replacing my XBOX One with a Switch. I just am no longer excited by MS anymore - and that's a damn shame.....
I fear we wont really see anything new out of MS for a long time, if ever.

Maybe you're just talking mobile, and I would still disagree, but MS has pushed a lot of new things out lately and will continue to do so in my humble opinion.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
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Windows Central has become the most critical part of my tech read. I only go elsewhere when I have exhausted your articles (sometimes I even read the product ads!) I have your app pinned to my taskbar and launch it daily on my laptop and also on my (Windows Phone 8.1!) mobile.

You guys have introduced me to more about gaming, kept me up with OS (and devices, whenever available) news, taught me great tips (!) to better use the Microsoft products I have, and created a great space for users/fans of at some Microsoft products to vent and share their opinions from time to time (within sane boundaries of course) from across the world. Awesome!

I think Windows Central will keep being Windows *Central*.

A few thoughts:

Maybe you should consider in-depth and regular articles on top/successful devs (like Rudy) and current and ex-Microsoft staff or personalities, following up on what they are doing), interviews with creators, industry people, and build up more of the social aspects of your platform/app.

Strengthen the "Ask Dan" segments, and do more of similar well-edited videos segments (I liked these more than the podcast). Go out of the studio (outdoors I mean, not just to trade shows) sometimes and do a different kind of shoot (or incorporate). Standardize the editing of your video content for all your output (Props to Jason, but the quality of his video interview with the WhartonBrooks CEO - including the animation, etc. - was not up to standard, sorry to say).

I know these things take resources and time and you probably have much cooler and more thought-out ideas. Anyways I wish you guys continued success and upward evolution!
Windows on phone will survive, never give up hope. It's been a long time since the first Windows Mobile phone and even though they never were top sellers and never very popular they never disappeared... They're not about to disappear.
I have been following Windowscentral for Windows Phone/Mobile news and articls but I like reading about how other windows users share their experiences in comment section on windows platform as a whole. But it's very clear portal looks like empty land without much fanfare, exciting articles about windows mobile OS or any mobile device rumors now a days. I switched to iPhone to fill up app gap especially apps for home security, climate control and some automated IOT stuff.I told my friends my next investment into smart phone is only when there is a revolutionary one but NOT a evolutionary one in any mobile platform. I hope 2018 will be a year of Windows Mobile Reset and success stories start then. I have one question for Dan, do you anyhow know from your sources what the size of current windows Mobile development team size in Microsoft Office, Redmond? I am curious 😜
More importantly, will Microsoft survive the death of Windows Central? dun dun duuuuun!
I come here for WM, but the writing has been a long time on the wall, nearly since the introduction of W10M, and I've been coming here less and less since UWP/UWA never took off, Continuum never took off, and nearly all the apps took themselves off the store, and especially now that I never take my 950XL off the shelf it sits on. There is more I can do with my Chinese TV box running desktop W10 on an ARM chip than I can do with the phone.

I come back hoping to see some articles on how to repurpose W10M phones

Xbox and PC gaming already have long established and loyal sites, same with desktop OS sites, I think that like XDA started as a Windows Mobile 5 and 6 modding forum, this site is about mobile and should refocus on Android
wpcentral is now Windows Central, Winbeta is now OnMSFT. Nobody minds. (Corollary: if readership declines, it's not because of the minute proportion of phone fans).

However, the repeated clickbait 'death of windows mobile' posts are rather annoying. Please post news when it occurs. In the meantime, I retain my Lumias for reasons that remain my own. Be seeing you.
wpcentral is now Windows Central, Winbeta is now OnMSFT. Nobody minds. (Corollary: if readership declines, it's not because of the minute proportion of phone fans).

However, the repeated clickbait 'death of windows mobile' posts are rather annoying. Please post news when it occurs. In the meantime, I retain my Lumias for reasons that remain my own. Be seeing you.

I'd rather see more focus on actually developments. Even if its things like small developer teams - I wanna hear more about people coming to the platform via UWP and UWA or even just plain old win32s than I do speculation about phones or cynical doomsdaying. Actual software inside tips, or just industry insights are valuable.
I like that they have more on VR, AR/VR is definitely part of MS future.
Game reviews and playthroughs too, not just on xbox, also good.

Another area that could use more focus is creativity. MS has quite an edge these days in creativity whether it be music or art. They could have basic music and art tutorials. MS and windows are a broad area, at the consumer level.
I used to visit WC multiple times a day looking for the latest Windows Phone news and info. Since Windows Mobile's death I switched to iOS and rarely, if ever, visit the site anymore. The general Windows-related news is uninteresting to me even as a Windows user and to be honest I'd rather get Windows news from a site like Thurrott.com than read anything from Rubino who commonly makes snarky and condescending remarks in response to commenters. Dan is a d-bag. Sorry, but it's true.
I came here back during the Wp7 days and used to visit alot. With the obvious death of WP the last few years I visited less. Now I barely visit at all but still follow on Twitter.

I made the switch to iPhone back near the end of 2015.

-former WP8 Dev

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