Will Windows Central survive the death of Windows Mobile?

I can say about myself that I started visiting WC only for windows mobile news. I can't blame the website as such for anything. It is like blaming a newspaper for bad news. The writing style of most authors on the site is good. they are all abreast of the latest developments and this site is among the fastest to break news. Some of us may even take credit for it via our 'tips', but overall this site is doing a good job.
My visits to the site have dropped somewhat and will drop drastically once I make the shift from windows to android. Unless I plan on returning to windows mobile (which will depend on 'success' of surface w.r.t. market shares and apps), I don't see myself coming to this site a lot. I am really not interested in what MS is doing on PCs. I still have 8.1 on my laptop as I hardly use it anyway. I had hoped after windows 10 that continuum will remove the need of laptop/desktop completely. Unless MS produces a really amazing device which can perform fully like a laptop and has all the apps required on a mobile phone, I won't be coming to windows mobile, and my visits to this site will be far less than even now.
As Microsoft is moving to the next mobile things, which are not smartphones btw, I'd like to read here on WC more about Microsoft Azure and the myriad of other services offered by Microsoft. There is plenty for everyone, from developers to normal users and even my granny. So, let's accept that the phone is not as important as some would still like it to be, and move on to all the rest. For example, a little more coverage on progresses around HoloLens and VR. Or software solutions that integrate with Microsoft own services, etc.
And please, I'd love to see a some how unified line and direction shared by the editors. It's confusing when someone writes about a new phone project with the maximum enthusiasm, and then the week later the chief editor just write a sort of disclaimer "that was his idea, I don't agree". Users should leave these kind of comments.
Windows Central will survive, but for example I come here mostly for Windows Phone news and once in a while I check your app for general Windows news, so having diversified content actually helps Windows Central

+ even though I consider microsoft to be absolutely pathetic when it comes to Windows Phone decisions, but they should try a reset or something similar to a phone factor, so people will be interested keep an eye on Windows news to read about that

Windows Phone actually meant a lot to me and my family. I became a Windows phone user in around 2012 when I bought a Lumia 620 from my local dealer. I immediately fell in love, subsequently purchasing 3 more windows phones. I signed up for immediate updates and became a developer on the eve of windows 10. That was when I began to experience problems with the system. Not only did the interface get unbelievably buggy (and understandably so because I was running preview versions of windows 10) but I began to lose basic functions of the phone, even beginning to get hardware failures when nothing with the phones had physically changed. The 'app gap' began to get wider and I began to see the many holes in the store. Still loving the operating system, I kept my faith in Microsoft but not seeing them make any new investments or directly conversing with any app developers, I eventually put down my phones and went to the dark side. I do think that the operating system is still promising and viable but I also that think Microsoft will have to make some big investments to regain it prowess. I do think that it is worth it though, as either way the company would have made some form of loss. Pertaining to windows central, it has always been my first source when it come on to anything windows, whether windows phone or otherwise. This website is still very viable and must remain just where it is for the development of the brand. Microsoft, if anyone from your brand reads this message, I think that it is essential that you come up with something truly ground breaking and that you need to invest greatly in advertising campaigns and sponsorships to regain your status.

Just a normal user wishing you all the best,
I'm confident Windows Central will live. Some of the authors and editors are talented, I enjoy the Windows tips articles that are helpful to novices and somewhat experienced users, and they cover quite more than just Windows Mobile: Xbox, Office, Windows, hardware, gaming, Microsoft services and apps (multi-platform), etc.

That said, I think there are a few areas of improvement too. I've noticed a few Microsoft news covered on other sites before WC lately, or not covered at all by WC. That was not very common in the past (unless they were fake news). Also, I noticed several new authors, and while many of them are quite good, it feels like there is not the same level of consistency in the quality and style of the articles as before. And level of details on hardware reviews is a bit lower than it used to be.

So yeah, I believe they will be fine, but there are a few adjustments to make here and there to keep being the go to site for all Microsoft news that I still enjoy.
I just love windows phones and Microsoft ..so I'd love to see you guys keep going (hoping that windows phones survive for some more time n Microsoft does come up strong with their mobile platform)
I had been visiting Windows Central (and couple of other related sites) daily for news and updated about Windows Mobile. I use to visit 2-3 times a day till few weeks back. Now I visit just once, or sometimes I visit these Windows Phone related sites after 2-3 days, as there is no major update or news (or mostly bad news like no Creator update for my Lumia 830).
It was fun reading all those developments, issues and updates related to Windows Phone releases right from WP7.5, WP7.8, WP8, WP8.1 and latest W10M. But sad to say, now there is not much to read, and eventually I may stop visiting these website.
(Irony is I came to this thread through Google News link where I have customised news section for Windows Phone/Mobile).
I came to Windows [Phone] Central, where most of the focus was just phones. Other things have peeked my interest such as the podcast and the Game Libations (free games!).

I'll still be venturing here to get my Windows or Microsoft fix. I still believe - a very small silver of hope - that Windows [fill-in-mobile-name-here] is something unknown. Maybe they're really keeping hush hush about it, and rather well, so well that we all can only assume mobile death at this point.

Hopefully Build or the device event will tell the tale.
I only ask because a quick look at the comments statistics on articles reveals that they go through the roof on most Windows Mobile subjects but sometimes barely raise an eyebrow on other more general Microsoft matters. It shouldn't be forgotten that up until a couple of years ago this website was essentially devoted to Windows Phone and only started diversifying when they saw the writing on the wall. I suspect that most readers are still only here because they had a Windows Phone/Mobile phone at one time or another.

I visit your site daily to read Microsoft news. Currently I'm a little feed up with all the advices and such on how Microsoft should win the mobil market. I'm pretty sure that Microsoft them self is in the best position to know what is necessary.

Maybe we get som hints on the event next week. Or maybe at \\build. But in the meantime write about other things Microsoft is doing. They are doing so much so there should always be some tema to you can use.
I've never owned a windows 10 mobile in my life, and I'm here for the windows 10 discussion, and microsofts exciting vision of the future.

But I can't really extrapolate the number of people who are here specifically for that reason, versus those who are obvious here for desktop/tablet, other than that their appear to be both. I am not sure anyone can.

BTW Windows on arm, is not initially pitched as a smartphone OS. Its for cellular connected PCs foremost. Ie tablets, hybrids, laptops, desktops and servers with arm chips, LTE, low power consumption, calling, texting and hotspot facility. It will probably make its way to pocket devices at some point, but that's really not what MS is aiming for with the move.

I think some smartphone users get quite confused there. The point of the release is for things like

*capturing the tablet market, by positioning devices in the only two areas of growth a) windows devices b) budget devices. There are real business moats here with things like ink and stylus support, win32 apps

*capturing the cheap laptop market back from chromeOS, and getting windows into education. Likewise real moats- ink and stylus, touch support, upgradeability, win32 apps (and the fact that windows is the workhorse OS of the world)

*cellular connected server platforms, that utilise cellular technology in windows enterprise networks. There are probably a few really interesting applications of this, and I know MS has plans here.

Probably the closest thing anyone will see like a smartphone close to release is an eight inch tablet with a Bluetooth earpiece!

This is why they keep saying things like "mobile devices" "cellular pc" "mobile pc". They have no intention of rushing headlong into the smartphone marker space until they have a competitive business moat.

If smartphone users expect some immediate reboot of the mobile OS this year, I think they are dead wrong. That would be really poor business practice. That sort of move would only follow all the other moves MS has in place, when MS can be certain its phone platform has a truly competitive moat.

Windows 10 on ARM is going to be from 6inch device onwards.
Yes, just focus on the reviews of Windows devices, products, and such. I despise the Winders phone (and don't know too many who do love it), but I really come here for the laptop, software, and game reviews and previews. When I am looking for new laptops, desktops, or hardware, this is the first place I come to, in hopes that there is already a review. The only problem is that I have too little $$$ and there are too many great PCs that I want!
You seem like a pretty upbeat guy. Maybe this whole "WM10 going away" thing will infuse some new, less cynical blood into the community...not a bad thing at all.
Most of us are glad your here. Good to hear that your happy with your surface & 950XL! So am I ;-) I came here for the Nokia/Lumia win-7 phone news and have stayed because of Dan and all the great writing/coverage of windows news by all the staff here. keep up the good work.
I don't have a Windows phone. I've got my Surface 4 Pro and the PC(s) I build myself... I came here for the MicroSoft goodness...and there's been some really good stuff for Windows 10!
I come here for the Windows Phone stuff. I'll still pop in occasionally for the general Windows news. You guys have been doing a good job covering all things Microsoft. I don't play video games, but the Xbox content will appeal to a lot of people as well.
During the switch from wpcentral.com, I mentioned you could repurpose this domain to home improvement with a focus on glass -- that seems to be about as compelling as Windows these days. Don't know if paintdrying.com is taken. If I were employed here, I would be scrambling to get on the android / iOS sites, but even phones are slowing down. Where are our brain implants already?
I've been a huge fan of Windows right back to W95. All my tech has been Windows. Both my phones have always been Windows.
Now I feel that my needs aren't interesting enough to Windows to command any loyalty from them. A pity.
My partner's phone is still 8.1 because it's familiar.
My laptop is still W10 (those, bloody, bloody updates) although it will be replaced by Android and my PC will be retired.
I question whether Windows will remain competitive outside of the business environment - business users find it very hard and costly to switch. UK Government agencies are still running archaic Windows versions and are getting overcharged for IT support, for example.
I gather W Mobile has been more successful in S America but in Europe it's withering away. The restrictions on apps are hastening its demise. So it's a tearful farewell from me after nearly 30 years.
Windows Central =/= windows phone central. Windows is a big bubble containing many form factors. If windows phone dies, we still have windows on every other form factor.

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