Will Windows Central survive the death of Windows Mobile?

You did an interview to Donna Sarkar, and I think you didn´t give us all the information. Wich things the crew of WCentral knows that we don´t..?
I have never owned a Windows phone. I come here for info on other Microsoft products. I'm very interested in the Surface line. If they come out with a phone of some sorts then that would be a plus.

I don't come here to bash Google and Apple. I also visit Android Central, iMore, and CrackBerry. I keep an open mind when it comes to tech. I am typing this post on a Google Nexus 6 phone with a sideloaded BlackBerry Virtual Keyboard.

The three big players have something to contribute. Plus a quick browsing of the forums seem to show that the majority of discussions are not related to W10m.

This is just my opinion here. I think that Windows 10 mobile will be around in the future. Just not as Windows 10 mobile. Microsoft may also be having trouble integrating CShell and Continuim into Windows 10. Google seems to be having a similar issue trying to merge ChromeOS with Android. In fact on 10-15 years Windows may not look or act like the current Windows. To me these are exciting times and there seems to be major paradigm shifts headed out way. So maybe we shouldn't lament the possible death of W10m and celebrate the future of Windows or Surface mobile.

Windows Central has people that are in tune with the changes coming from Microsoft. I've read several posts from Jason speculating on the future of W10m so, I believe that Windows Central has a long and bright future to look forward to.
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Half the reason I still visit this site is because it was *THE* website for Windows Phone news back in the day. Back when I had my Samsung Focus I'd review this sites news feed probably once a day. Updates were exciting, I kept my eyes glued for the Xbox Live Arcade game of the week (still remember playing that Fable shuffleboard game and being severely let down by Tentacles, which was exclusive at the time). Windows Central still holds some fondness in my heart for those early days and I think it still does for others.

I'm sure they'll survive based on reporting alone. I may not be as active here as I used to be but it's still the best place I've seemed to find for ANY Windows content. Not just the Phone parts. Branching out heavily from Windows Phone was the right step IMO. It certainly brought me back. I lost interest in the site after abandoning the WP platform (though not my interest in it). The expanded focus brought me back. We even bought my wife a Surface Book to replace her Macbook and she loves it. That's not something I'm sure I'd have done without the coverage here.

Windows Phone is a big forum pusher because people love to discuss the nature of the platform and it's seemingly unavoidable obsolescence. Passion ignites many forums and, good or bad, you'll find that the platform still ignites sparks here and there for various reasons. Windows itself simply isn't as exciting as the phone platforms are these days so of course there would be less need for discussion in that area. That doesn't mean Windows Central would die IMO. It just means things here will eventually change... Which they always do in time.
Windows 10 Mobile may die but mobile Windows 10 will exist for a very long time yet. It does not matter if Windows Phone or Windows Mobile become victims of history because Windows 10 in some form will still exist on mobile hardware and no doubt will have a phone app for those that are not on Skype yet. So my vote is to keep this forum open as it has a lot more interesting content than most others. The only real question is whether you limit yourselves to mobile hardware or expand to encompass all Windows 10 devices of interest.
I like this site, the writers are quite good and cover a lot of interesting topics. The weekly podcast is excellent as well.

I think the phone news is the biggest one though, as a lot of the other segments tend to have a lot of 'noise' and aren't as interesting. I certainly do like to keep up with windows on PC news, and updates, new MS hardware.

One thing mobile nations could do is offer a combined website which included articles from all their sites. In general I like to keep up to date with tech, more content isn't a problem to sift through, I don't read every article, but do like to keep informed about android and iphone/apple news as well.
I freely admit, I pretty much only come here for Windows phone content. Sometimes I engage the other MS content, but that's not my primary draw. In fact, there are only five sites I have regularly followed, and I'm about to drop two of them: WindowsCentral, MSPowerUser, NeoWin, Thurrott and OnMSFT. I'm just about done with OnMSFT and Thurrott, sad to say.

I've been done with Thurrott for a while. Constantly negative and may I say overly arrogant. One of my favorite sites was Surface Geeks. But they changed everything up and now I'm not joining them either
I've been a huge fan of Windows right back to W95. All my tech has been Windows. Both my phones have always been Windows.
Now I feel that my needs aren't interesting enough to Windows to command any loyalty from them. A pity.
My partner's phone is still 8.1 because it's familiar.
My laptop is still W10 (those, bloody, bloody updates) although it will be replaced by Android and my PC will be retired.
I question whether Windows will remain competitive outside of the business environment - business users find it very hard and costly to switch. UK Government agencies are still running archaic Windows versions and are getting overcharged for IT support, for example.
I gather W Mobile has been more successful in S America but in Europe it's withering away. The restrictions on apps are hastening its demise. So it's a tearful farewell from me after nearly 30 years.

You're going to find android pretty limiting and boring after awhile, if you are used to windows. There's loads of apps, but they are mostly simple/low quality. Nothing like the depth or power of windows software. I suppose if you just use your devices for email, browsing, films, you might be alright. But even for something like media collection software, or browsing (extensions, html5), you find things running functionally short. Multi-tasking. Lots of every day tasks.
Its strengths really lie in mobile applications focus on GPS, like finding a toilet, or ordering a cab, or messenging. Otherwise ios, android are pretty "lite", suited more for very casual use.
Windows 10 Mobile may die but mobile Windows 10 will exist for a very long time yet. It does not matter if Windows Phone or Windows Mobile become victims of history because Windows 10 in some form will still exist on mobile hardware and no doubt will have a phone app for those that are not on Skype yet. So my vote is to keep this forum open as it has a lot more interesting content than most others. The only real question is whether you limit yourselves to mobile hardware or expand to encompass all Windows 10 devices of interest.

Current creators update has a phone app. So that's true right now, and if anyone had full phone LTE in their windows 10 device, they could probably make a call at this very moment.

Which probably makes someone's tablet a windows phone.
You're going to find android pretty limiting and boring after awhile, if you are used to windows. There's loads of apps, but they are mostly simple/low quality. Nothing like the depth or power of windows software. I suppose if you just use your devices for email, browsing, films, you might be alright. But even for something like media collection software, or browsing (extensions, html5), you find things running functionally short. Multi-tasking. Lots of every day tasks.
Its strengths really lie in mobile applications focus on GPS, like finding a toilet, or ordering a cab, or messenging. Otherwise ios, android are pretty "lite", suited more for very casual use.
Unfortunately I had the opposite experience. I found many of the Windows 10 Mobile apps to be limited and low quality compared to their Android counterparts.
Unfortunately I had the opposite experience. I found many of the Windows 10 Mobile apps to be limited and low quality compared to their Android counterparts.

No no, he said he was ditching his desktop and replacing everything with just an android device.

Once you get to tablet/desktop windows 10, android is pretty limited by comparison outside of mobile focused apps (like say, finding an atm or something).

Everyday stuff too, like lack of multi-taking, lack of real-time processing, the depth of common software, media organisers, lack of html5 and extensions in browsing. Not just power software and games.

I'm sure it might suit some people fine, but some one who has used exclusively windows devices for years will probably find it a fair bit limited after the honeymoon wears off.
Unfortunately I had the opposite experience. I found many of the Windows 10 Mobile apps to be limited and low quality compared to their Android counterparts.

Just switched from my Lumia 950 to a Galaxy S8.........wow what a difference in the apps. Android as an OS, still is pretty boring compared to W10M, and Live Tiles (still way better than IOS, and its $hitstorm of boringness), but Samsung gives you some interesting features that keep it interesting. The edge gesture, and shortcuts are good. Also, multi-tasking on Android is light years ahead of Windows 10 Mobile (i didnt buy the Dex, i dont really need it, since i have a Surface Pro), considering, it actually lets you have.......wait for it......WINDOWS - having a web browser, and my email open on the same screen of my phone, is pretty cool. Certain apps let you grab the corner, and drag it down to resize, and keep it "windowed" on top of your home page. The apps are not only better, but the selection of apps, is not even a contest. If W10 Mobile, was able to run .apk files, i wouldnt have switched, but here we are. I will miss my Lumia, and will keep it updated, and use it every once and a while, but until MS gets its head out of its arse, ill be using Android. It is syncing decently with my Surface - sms relay is almost instantaneous. The outlook app on Android isnt as good as the mail app on W10M, but its sufficient. I use Onedrive for photo backup, and Office apps, and they all play pretty nicely. MS needs to make Edge for Android, and they need to add a To-Do app widget, instead of having to open the app - instead of a separate app, they should just make a Cortana widget, that you can add tasks on. The S8 camera is good, no complaints - its fast, and takes damn good photos. I havent sniffed a single instance of lag, which is refreshing, since my last experience with Android made me switch to WP in the first place.
I come to Windows Central not so much for the Windows Phone news, but for the unbiased view on Microsoft and to get a feeling of where things are going and also importantly, how the fans react to it all.

I am slightly hurt to see this more biased view on Windows 10 Mobile as of late, but so far Windows Central is still my favourite source for many reasons. One in particular reason is they do a lot of research to make sure they are able to draw the most accurate picture of a story. Something I rarely see anyone else be bothered with.

So that is my reason for being here :)
I will be clinging to my 950 until they introduce Surface + Cell or stop updating WM10 altogether. That said, I would like to read reviews about Microsoft apps on other platforms. Specifically, synchronization for OneDrive (files and music), OneNote, Outlook, Cortana and Office 365. These are my daily driver apps and they work well on my 950. My phone always has the same information I have on my Surface Pro 4 and I don't even have to think about getting it there.

One thing I know I won't find on other platforms: Edge browser. I love it when I open Edge on the phone and it has my up-to-the-minute favorites, reading list, and history.

If I do have to go to another phone, it will probably be Android. I hate Google with a passion, but I will not do anything to encourage the proprietary interfaces Apple dreams up, then demands users shell out bucks for "accessories."
That's about Microsoft no longer making phones. Which is far from news. They need to hire a new editor that could make sure the titles are right; this article was about Microsoft phones, not Windows phones. Incorrect to put both in the title and Windows as the lead.

And MS needs to better train their execs on dealing with the press.

Mary Jo Foley, said that a senior Microsoft executive had told her there was almost no money left in the phone business.

Pretty funny actually. I guess Apple, Samsung, etc. keep making phones as a hobby. It's true that a bloated incompetent company can't make money selling phones, but MS shouldn't draw attention to that fact with such statements.
That's about Microsoft no longer making phones. Which is far from news. They need to hire a new editor that could make sure the titles are right; this article was about Microsoft phones, not Windows phones. Incorrect to put both in the title and Windows as the lead.

And MS needs to better train their execs on dealing with the press.

Pretty funny actually. I guess Apple, Samsung, etc. keep making phones as a hobby. It's true that a bloated incompetent company can't make money selling phones, but MS shouldn't draw attention to that fact with such statements.
In the case of Apple they make computers as a hobby. Smartphones are their biggest money maker.
In the case of Apple they make computers as a hobby. Smartphones are their biggest money maker.
Not according to that Microsoft Exec ;) (S)he said there was no money in phones. Tip: When you make up an excuse, make up one that isn't beyond obviously false.

Why do I have this image of some senior MS exec telling a subordinate to see if there is any money in phones then a cut to that subordinate smashing phones and not finding any money inside.

Didn't I see something like that in a movie?

Well to answer that question then yes it will. The website might change name to Android Central as many of it's lately articles seems to promote Android now instead of Windows 10 phones. On a personal basic I simply don't care anymore. I utterly love my Lumia 950 XL and all its many apps I use on it. I see no reason to let it go. It does what it is suppose to too damn well to care about a website's mental Android illness.

Windows 10 mobile forever!
Not according to that Microsoft Exec ;) (S)he said there was no money in phones. Tip: When you make up an excuse, make up one that isn't beyond obviously false.

Why do I have this image of some senior MS exec telling a subordinate to see if there is any money in phones then a cut to that subordinate smashing phones and not finding any money inside.

Didn't I see something like that in a movie?


"No money" is relative to their billions per quarter. From the phone hardware alone, MS made 5 million usd last quarter (also the slowest tech quarter). That's not counting service subscriptions. For some businesses that would be a landslide profit, it's just "no money" next to how much MS makes from everything else

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