Win a Lumia 950 XL from Windows Central!

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I'd use the lumia 950 to try out Windows 10 on a phone. I've never really used Windows since Windows mobile back in the day and this would be an awesome way to start.
My Lumia 520 is almost dead and GOD i hate Android world (using a backup phone) . I need to go back to WINDOWS way of doing things. And why not 950XL , a tremendous phone and it has WINDOWS . I can start living once i have it.
I fall in Love with the Microsoft Lumia 950 spec and design, And i want to know how it's feels like to use a phone with Windows 10 OS on it. Compare to Android and Apple product, i still think Lumia has the best design.. The only problem is how limited the apps in the store..I think if the store have more apps, it would be a better phone than apple and android.:orly:
I m a windows phone fan .I want to use continuum feature ,as my CPU is damaged but my monitor is working.I want to utilize my device at its best level. Lumia 950XL is not a phone its a mobility world.People can now their device as PC as well as Phone.I will support windows till its existence ,
started from windows phone 7, then windows phone 8, then windows phone 8.1 and now waiting for windows 10 device.
Lumia 950 XL

Really want the Continuum would help a lot for people like me who travel a lot (will not have to carry a laptop and accessories, just the smartphone is enough).
Good luck to all ^^)/

I would love to have a continuum device of course. Though I'm really interested to see how does the Triple LED Flash works and what the camera will be capable of if the app matures~
A great phone and a great site. My Lumia 920 wants to die, it has a yellow tint all over the screen, so would be nice to get a replacement since I can't afford it *fingers crossed*
I want this phone because i really love it and it just purely awesome and would like to own one as it is the best one yet !!!!
And it will my dream come true !!!!

Just give up y'all i am going to win.
has anyone tried the uuuuuu(dot)transatel-datasim(dot)com/ in the 950 xl dual sim (unlocked)
this said to work and be recognized by the uuuuuu(dot)microsoft(dot)com/en-us/store/apps/cellular-data/9nblgggz5zb2
as for linking to microsoft account option transatel and microsoft had no comment but acording to the legal gobleDguk
as listed in the cellular app(by microsoft) it should
i have ordered one and will try when it arives and update post

M. Nichols

PS just give it to me thanks no one wants this to work more
This would become a business powerhouse for me. I'm constantly going from spot to spot for meeting. Only need to carry a phone would be amazing
Have no doubt with continuum, i can use this phone for my studies. Currently in my final year with a project writing unit, am sure of the wonders this phone can do since i lack a laptop it will fill the gap
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