Win a Lumia 950 XL from Windows Central!

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Hello! I wannt it because my Brother have Lumia 950 and i want better phone than him :D ..and i am on Windows phone since LG Optimus 7 (e900) came out :D
Why I want a 950 xl? Because it have amazing feature like windows hello an amazing camera and an O.S. that could improve so so so much,and i think continuum is a great feature!
I want it, because I'm big fan of Windows Phones and I believe in the future of Windows Phones. :orly:
I want to experience the awesomeness that is Windows and the whole dock thing that changes the phone into a desktop is beyond awesome
My 950 needs a big brother. Seriously I would enjoy pen support. I am in the construction industry and mark up is important to me. I can't afford to spring for this device outright and as I am a Windows user Samsung Note was not on my radar when I got the 950. Windows Phone/ Mobile until it goes dark.
I want to show my friends what they're missing and I mean it's a water cooled phone you don't get more awesome than that
Hi all,

Best wishes to all...and advance congrats to that lone lucky winner...:orly:

I want Lumia 950 XL in order to enjoy the one core thing that Microsoft is advertizing everywhere - Universal App Platform. I do have Windows devices - PC & Laptop; want to buy a Windows Phone (950 XL; my first being Lumia 530) and an XBOX One.

I'm a software tester planning to make a transition into Developer and want to make it big with the MS' new Citizen Developer Program (via PowerApps) and I do believe that having 950XL will help me achieve that aim!

P.S.: This is my first post in Windows Central; Please bear with my English!

Thanks & best regards,

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I want to win a Lumia 950 XL. I am mostly a Windows user and have currently have a Surface. Having the Lumia 950 XL would add convenience when using it with my Surface. I also like the idea of using continuum when I don't use my Surface at work.
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this is the first time I am entering in this kind of competitions I am really in love with this phone and I really want it. love lumia:cool:
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