Win a Lumia 950 XL from Windows Central!

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I would love a Lumina 950XL, for windows 10, camera and would make work life 1000% easier, the 950xl does so much more than my 1320. I would be happy as a pig in mud if I won this phone...and I cant afford the new surface pro 4, which does not fit in my pocket as neatly as a new 950XL would
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Probably I will not win this contest, but I will try to do my best to explain why I would like to have this device.

All comes to my other half, she really loves taking pictures, and as far as I have seen, this phone is perfect for her, that's why I decided to buy one Lumia 950 XL for her, even though it is my dreamed phone (due the fact I'm C# programmer and I really love to experience with new stuff) this devices has a bunch of COOL stuff on it to program and play with... but most important, my girl and I always try to have something equal for both of us, that's why she is my other half :grin: it would be great I could become the winner of this contest so we can both have our dreamed phones.

PD: This is us:
I need an honest opinion regarding buying Lumia 950 .. Its expensive in India...
I needa know if it is worth buying .. I kno MSFT is polishing Windows 10 mobile .. I'm currently on Insider preview slow...
I want a reasonable upgrade from my Lumia 430, so I can explore more of Windows 10 Mobile awesomeness!!
My old HTC8x is almost dead so new Lumia 950XL would be more then perferct. And what i would do with it? ... everything :D i will live with it/her 3:)
To win a Lumia 950 XL from windows

Hi this is the first time I have ever looked at a windows phone. I was an iPhone lover before but now I'm very interested on windows phone because its amazing. I want the phone because it has amazing camera, has the fastest processor in all the other android phones I have seen. Honestly the phone got me because its fast and the camera. I love to take pictures using the phone while I travel. Now, I have the LG G4 and I am just having troubles with the phone being slow and the battery does not have the capacity to last even a day. Thanks :)
Count me in! :) I could really use the upgrade, im still rocking my 1020.. but it kinda slow these days
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