Win a Lumia 950 XL from Windows Central!

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i have lumia 930 for Year and a half but my screen has lifted from case...:(
time for new flagship and there is only one phone which can replace my old one :) 950 XL
I would like to win this device, in order to present this phone on my Windows 10 presentation at my company to persuade the users to replace the mobile fleet to Windows Phones.
I personally love Windows Phone, because of it's pre-installed office services like word, excel and power-point. more over it's got great camera view, i.e pureview feature..."awesome". with the office package i'm able to work in real time with my excel functions on the phone. windows phone makes me focus more on work than on playing.:amaze::amaze:
I'd like to have it because it's a wonderful device and since I'm in love with Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile on my Lumia 920, I'd love to upgrade to a brand new phone like this. Good luck everyone!
Ps. It's also because I want to prove false all people out there who say it's full of bug: I don't believe them and I think it's an extraordinary device :D
I'd really like to ditch the laptop on short trips and be able to take a small bag with a BT Mouse, Keyboard, and and dock so I didn't have to lug around a corporate laptop all the time. Adding to it the impressive camera to document where I get to go is just an added bonus!
For years I've been using a 920 and a 630 privately, and a 530 from work. I think it's time I get some current hardware! :)
I want that Lumia because my birthday is day 14, i'm brazilian and is not easy to buy one here, if it was I already can't purchase it because my parent's money won't pay for it. Because I'm an insider and because I deserve it by two reasons:
1) I'm 13 years old and february 14 I will be 14 years old and I am having the chance of starting to program for a big brazilian developer
2) My school results are always very good. The grades are 0 to 10 and generally I get up to eight (the average is 6 to pass) and my mom works in a house of a rich family that likes us a lot becuse of our intelligence. I'm studying in the best school of S?o Paulo (just like Brazil's best school) because of that rich family that pay it for me.
I also appreciate the Microsoft's work very much and I think that the best permance smartphones are the Lumias. I have a Lumia 830 that I've bought with the money I earned helping to correct activities of a "school" called kumon. =D I'll win that Lumia
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