Win a Lumia 950 XL from Windows Central!

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It would be awesome because I have never had a windows phone. cool to see how it will connect with my other windows devices.
Hello there!! I really wish to win this phone, I've been using Windows Phone for about 3 years now and I really love it, I always check Windows Central before sleeping, and today I finally decided to register, to join this big and awesome community! I wish I could have an Lumia 950, I'm actually using 535 and it really annoys me sometimes, it's touch is really buggy. Good luck to everyone!!!
I want to ask my girlfriend to merry me and if I give her the phone instead of the ring, the chances that she will agree are 100%.
Good luck to everyone.
get me the hell off of Verizon already! Gotta be on a network that supports W10M, and the 950 XL would definitely get me to cancel my contract in an instant.
I was forced to switch from an HTC W7 to and Android M7 because of the lack of app support and at the time it was the only well built non-Apple phone I could find.

SInce the inception of Windows 10 I am excited to see the new apps and begin creating some content. The Lumia phones look far and away better than any android.
A windows phone with great specs and design with continuum! PC features in the form of a phone that takes the burden of carrying my laptop around for doing MS office editing work that can be done with continuum.
I have never had a Windows phone before and I am looking for something to move to after Blackberry as I really don't think I want to move to Android, so I would love the chance to play with one of these phones. Thanks Windows Central
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